Saturday, December 30, 2006


Few days back I met my old college pals over a marriage reception party on the occasion of friends wedding. My friends seems to have lost no time in reminiscing about good old times . And everyone involved over mudslinging exercise on people who are far off in usa or just laughing over worn out joke pulled during college days." NOSTALGIC, THEY WERE ". It hardly makes me any sense of this. Nostalgia is one of million atavistic emotions ingrained in our mental makeup.

Why should a man become nostalgic?. There is neither use nor purpose by submitting ourselves to these silly emotions, which make us sentimental. Two minutes of sentimentality can blur your judgment. People go nostalgic seeing their old school photos, remembering good old college farewell party, old flame etc and their heart began to melt , in extreme cases moodiness sets in fer days . What's the fun in living in the past . The so-called good days are long gone and deeply buried in pages of ur personal history. No force nor no power can retrieve them back. Life is sweet and is in future, Never and not in the past. Past has served its purpose and its time to forget the past and make in roads into future and again I say life is in future. Old days are good , but new days and great days are stored up in the 'future' vault. Old days appear good just coz we know it ..and we are fearful of future coz we are afraid to meet future with confidence and head on as it's a mystery.

Now, if u ask me would I go nostalgic , I say I always propound the elimination of heart-linked sentiments .human is gifted with hundreds of emotions and its in our command to keep them under check .nor my old school nor college ever evokes in me anything , it was just a non living thing made out of brick and mortar. If people write diary , I write mt dreams , but in my mind , once I achieve them , they get erased and be replaced by something new .i am gone and that's it ..The story ends there .never I kept any old pictures of pals or anything old I just simply dispose old prizes that I won for many competitions so that space is available fer better things. the moment I feel the job of a thing is done , I just dump it . I don't believe in memorable items. I d rather invest in knowledge rather than things.

This reminds me a saying Oscar Wilde

"I don't want to be at mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, enjoy them and to dominate them."

Love n Peace


PS: Still to be more practical, let me give better example how this nostalgia working in our society. India , we say and collectively croon about its lost glory , olden days , huge stacks of ancient wealth(India's share in in world trade was 40% before British dogs came . now its less than 1 %) we go on singing off good old days rather than trying to our bit to make today better and tomorrow- The Best .

Gandhi-Apostle of Peace

I am sure none the readers of this mail are that poor or reeling under the poverty line nor stingy enough to spend 20 rupees to buy biography of Mahatma gandhi .

Bruce lees fastest punch can be between 500th part of second and slowest 800th part of one second . there isn’t any physically thrown punch or a kick he cannot block nor repel with same with million times force….but wonder who has guts and strength enough to give up million dollar law practice in urban London and take up stance against the mightiest empire of that time , The British ….

His mantra “Non violence ”…Britishers rained blows on Indians with their choicest weapons at disposal...breaking skulls with lathis with steel bottoms , yet not a single satyagrahi has ever raised their hands in protest or self defence ….raw and real courage backed up by immense spiritual strength should make Gandhi the most strongest person on this planet who brought down the curtains for British empire in India ...Fabled British empire where the sun never sets ...alas ...Gandhi engineered total eclipse to britishers.

If you guys are thinking that Gandhi is old fashioned , trust me …from comical Charlie chaplin to ultra sexy Jennifer aniston , boxer lennox to terrorist yasin malik …all were and are strong Gandhians . trust me ..And if you think he is just boring , his articles has touced everything ..including on subjects like woman, sex, flirting, to complex monetary and international affairs
Brand Gandhi is not man of past …but Man of Future ….

Leo tolstoy corresponded with him
Albert einstein was astonsihed by him
Martin luther king emulated him
Winston Churchill was profoundly irritated by him
George Orwell tried to analyse him
Charlie chaplin abmitted to being nervous about how to open a conversation with him

Historians to Psychologists still try to anlayse his complex brain and still complicated actions of his .... ...This great man has brought stitched the entire India into one mammoth non violent satyagrahi force...he orchestrated the downfall of world power britain without firing a single shot .....he is

Gandhi- the Apostle of Peace

Rules of Reservation


Seldom I watch movies or listen to music ..though I do HEAR to music, once a while ..player keeps playing though my mind never registers it nor my heart greets music with pleasure , I just "Hear".. "Never Listen" …but off late due to professional compulsions and hazards (as a guy from creative dept , its time fer me to do so ) I am being forced to listen or watch some good movies(I wonder what do people mean by a good movie?.)

i am not ignorant whats happening around me ..But I ve some rough idea where we Indian s stand on global scale when it comes to this entertainment….Name Bollywood is copied version of Hollywood and all regional film industries have just copied blatantly and shamelessly like Tollywood, Kollywood. Mollywood, Lollywood(Lahore film industry) Deepwoods (Phantom comic house).And, India churns out 800 movies per year ,highest in the world ..and comfortably we can predict all the stories just by actor names and their stereotyped roles ,and that too long before movie shooting begans or hits the if Mallika Sherwat is there it has to be a ultra hot movie with enough sex and sleaze to rival Hollywood soft porn (After all Right to Expose..err Expression is HER fundamental right). If Sunny deol is the lead actor , then u can expect one man army taking over entire Pakistani army platoon. if Rajinikant is there ..u can expect all impossible things like flying from one mountain to another or dodging volley of 1000 bullets from 6 chambered revolver (and poor Wright brothers who tried to invent aeroplane fer years not knowing the secrets of Rajini kant). &&& copycats like Anil kapoor lifts films from telugu and venkatesh from tamil..and it continues....copying is our birthright

And audiences are no less..they want that stuff only (do u think people wud accept mallika sherawat in 3 metre saree that covers even her toes???.or she takes up the role of mother Theresa or Bipasa basu as a sati-savitri??.unimaginable ..Bandh will be proclaimed immediately all over India by salivating patriotic Indians ) , &&& Suddenly we feel movie BLACK deserves an Oscar award and we rally fer it ..ohh plzz ..Black if sent to Oscars will be beaten black n blue and will be sent back fer copying the entire story ,frame to frame ,shot to shot from an american movie “the miracle child ”(what if they sue us fer some never heard cool million dollars ?..u still wanna it to go Oscars? )

. Of 800 movies ..i can comfortably say 799 movies are direct lift off from American ,African, Arabian, Ambala, Amazon tribals movies ..yeah ofcourse we don’t copy so shamlessy..we add some scenes like some cry-stuff, few songs, and make hot heroine wear some wet kerchiefs size clothes, dipping neck lines, cleavages,scanty clothes in sex scenes of foreign movies .
(mind u , according to mumbai movie manual and film rules ..that small hanky has to be drenched in rain at prescribed standards so that its wet n titillating at the same not too exposing )

What more , one peculiar stuff I ve observed is that 99.9% of these 800 movies should have 3 letter word fer sure ..guess what it is?????

..”Ssaala.. Kamina.. Kuthe “(err No.!!!!. garam dharam is too busy with dream gal hema mailini(and surprisingly she is still a GIRL)) or

Mera paas maa hai (wrong again ,,it has 4 )….

it is I LOVE YOU..

tell me one movie where these 3 words are not included ..even dumb, illiterate, animal characters use it

laila said to majnu
heer said to ranja or some name
romeo said to Juliet
tarzan said to jane
dharmender said to hema malini
Rekha said it to as many as 4..but
Amitabh bachan said to only one guddi jayabachan
nagarjuna (2nd hand ) said to amala
martina navartilova told it to her lesbian lover
anna karnikova said it to Enrique idli sambar
60-year-old rajini kanth said to 16 year old actress
santa said to banta
gabbar said to samba

&& and &&& and &&&& and &&&&

I SAID IT TO U ..but how come

Little of everything makes a greater whole

Little Attitude Little Ability
Little Brains Little Brawns
Little Commitment Little Concentration
Little Courage Little Cowardice
Little Discipline Little Dedication
Little Dreams Little Destiny
Little Endurance Little Effort
Little Imagination Little Intelligence
Little Vision Little Visualization
Little Inspiration Little Perspiration
Little Perseverance Little Perfection
Little Prayer Little Potential
Little Steely spine Little Steely nerves
Little Will Little Wisdom

Little Zeal and off you reach Zenith

Sound of Silence


There are times when we are timid and shy about expressing the love we feel.For fear of embarrasing the other person or our selves, we hesitate to say the actual words I LOVE YOU .So we try to communicate the idea in other words .We say take care or be good or dont drive too fast ,

But really , these are just other ways of saying I LOVE U .You are important to me .I care what happens to u. I dont want u to get hurt ,We are some times very strange people.The only thing that we should say and the only one thing we dont say ..And yet because the feeling is so real , and the need to say it is so strong , we are driven to use other words and signs to say what we really mean .And many times the meaning never gets communicated at all and the other person is left feeling unloved and unWanted

Therefore we have to listen for love in the words that people are saying to us .,Some times the explict words are necessary ,,but more often the manner of saying things things is even more important .A joyous insult carries more affection and love within the sentiments which are expressedinsincerely .an impulsive hug says i love u even though words might be saying very diffrent
the problem is listening fer love is that we dont always understand the language of love which the other person is using ..A gal may use tears or emotions to say and her boyfriend may not understand her coz he expects her to talk his language

World cannot live without communication and love .we have to listen fer love in those around us .,if we listen intently we will discover that we are a lot more loved that we realise

2006 HAPPY NEW YEAR ... 2007

If you are .....

There ,when the dusk is falling
Silence broods so deep
it seems that every air that breathes
sighs from the fields of sleep

When plesant thoughts that run through me
Heals my heart though drank no wine
let my message be part of this
as my thoughts relapse to fairy land

deep in my dreams ....imagine
imagine ;fill ur mind with this visual;
let ur untied hair sway to he rythm of this cool breeze
let the sweetest smell of all flowers elevate ur soul
In this mystic environment ,let me
make my message part of it

if ur a colorfull beautifullflower
let me be a bee and hum about u

if ur a mighty tree
let me be the creeper around u

if ur a mighty snowmountain
allow me to be stream and move by u

if ur a nectar filled ocean
i can be a fish and live forever within u

in depths of ur purest heart
let me be ur heart beat

iam saying all this to u because
iam the one whos really crazy fer u

HOWZZAT ??first 4 lines belong to walter de la more (1873--1956)and rest is mine

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...