Friendship is considered one of the central human experiences, and has been sanctified by all major religions. ,
"No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."(John 15:13).
Here are some of my Pals-in-Arms.I dont say they are my best of my chums or mere acquaints. But neverthless made tons of difference in my life.Somewhere down the memory lane our lives converged and left an ever lasting impression on me.We may not be like sholay kinda chums on same bike crooning "yeh doosti hum kabhi etc etc " I admire them .I love them. I respect them.

Always tops in my list .Most decent and geeky guy who is currently sweating in Canadian Nukes Dept.First class gentlemen with a refined taste for all good things in life .Comrade to the heart.With his Birthday round the corner,,,Let this be his greetuing card as well ,.,,?Many happy returns of the day boy ...have fun in candian jungles.
Un sung prodigy.Unpredictable and a big mystery to his gang . For old timers like me he is just a fat n cute adnan sami look alike.Cherubic computer engg with loads of dreams to claim immortality through exarning billions

One-Stop-Perfect-Pal is the best way the world describes him.We hold sweetest memories that range from eating hot hot samosas on rainy day outside our seldom-visiting-junior-college to combined preparation cum writing our exams.Really Incredible friendly guy. and my sweetest chum of bygione era

Perhaps he is some kind of incarnation of some wise chap from bygone era .Or just thats the least rational explanation i can give.He is one of the most respected guys in YMCA hostel and iam really proud that he is recognised by the title i gave him"PROFF"..I really owe some vital chunks of wisdom that i ve grasped from him .
Very Very Very special person.This person is one-in-one billion kinda persona.I ve nothing more to speak