Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Time is 3 am. Blessed with super sharp senses , I sprang up at 1st sign of impending danger. My ears strain for signs of movement in pitch darkness of room…trying to catch some glint of knife …or hear some cocking of pistol…whooshing sound of garrotte……smell body odour..sweat…..anything…but no avail..my opponents have concealed themselves well. Though my body is no longer as active as it was in my prime , my 6th was nevertheless as good as ever. Then suddenly out of dark, there came attack…attackers hit me with full force ….one after another ..every strike of my enemies hit on all vital parts of body thus bleeding me bodily. Who could they be?...CIA or KGB hitsquads?...iam sure they are dispatched by Pakistan to eliminate before I take the hot seat in India policy making. Aahh…this is it its PREMPTIVE STRIKE..no doubt this is handiwork of ISI from Pakistan.

As I was too dazed to react I hear them doing victory dance like tribals after their hunt. Eeeks they are not some elite special forces trained in behind the enemy lines operations. They are just black bold big mosquitoes with sharp steely hypodermic needle that punctured my bruce lee body and sucked half my hyper pure blood. Before I could react I found my cell going crazy due to repeated assault of wifi signals. Hmm,,,,,I just check my orkut..no scrap since independence days….try rediffmail…no mail since Jurassic period….try yahoomail…even spam stopped visiting my inbox….check gmail…twitter…hifi...phew..looks like humanity have forgotten that a man like me exists. Last stop facebook resulted in jackpot..one message .first since man went to moon and planted flag on behalf of humanity. Wow those golden words read “how come no blog since feb2009”..now I guess that feb2009 is from stone age. now I stand on my head (seershasana)which is first part of my ritual that I do before I pen down. It helps my rusted n unused my brains back to its place in my head(left unused it slipped into legs). I put some water in ears which would has same effect on my brain as oil and grease to rusted vehicles.

What should I write?...my bland love life which is has same status of sahara desert with no oasis anywhere or my financial status which has gone down the negative levels without aid of subprime crisis and subsequent financial recession(why cant some govt put me on endangered species list and give me some financial stimulus package) or or what ???...hmmm….whatever ,,,here I go ..this article which iam writing totally extempore is dedicated to some geek in Canada running NOT behind trees in rain with his lady love …but preparing himself physically and mentally for entry into worlds greatest prison. Yeah, he is getting estranged into wedlock soon…my deepest sympathies buddy…

Hmm….all my pre-article ritual s are over yet no idea pushes into my cranium box. So I wtore whatever that comes into my mind. For once I reverse the process of mental activity. I remember reading book Q&A super book which is known to world as slumdog millionaire(stupid movie). Entire book is written in question and answer and story behind answer format. So I try to copy the same with equally awkward questions equally awkward explanations

In corporate world when we attend question firing squad HR interview, we are shot with age old questions for example

Q ) Tell me about yourself?

A) I am sure 9/10 would pose this question. So what do they want to know ?. about our past life (that’s in resume) or to tests our communication skills (that can be concluded with ease by end of interview) But whats the correct answer?. Wise mandarins give hundred answers yet its still has no valid perfect reply. Why?..i believe bcoz it has no answer.. why ?
How can there be any answer to such subjective question? By the way ancient sages of our country has propounded if we know who and what we are , we have reached the end of quest and we attain nirvana the ultimate salvation. Isn’t the toughest question in Vedanta is WHO AM I ?if sages struggled fr centuries cracking their wits and going nuts over such a grand question how can we , ordinary mere mortals can answer it?.

How can we tell aboutself? Whenever second we are dying and being born anew?. Thousands of cells are dying in our body every second and thousands are being generated freshly carrying our life forward(towards graveyard ofcoourse heeee) every moment is dying to make way for new..every second is new . wheneverythng is changing …when everything is so dynamic how can we speak what we are ?....

poeple say to speak what we are over a period of time ..oh my ,,,,now that wonderous…how .,,,buddy we are not animals who have set tendencies. They have same qualities all through their lives. Hence they can be easily predicted, hunted and tamed. But we are humans with brain . we are and can be totally unpredictable we can be anything we want. Every day our mind is getting changed depending upon all the tons of information’s that’s pounding in our heads through media.Every day new feature of life gets exposed depending on circumstances we face in this world then how can we say what excately we are ?...or atleast I don’t
Psychometric tests are for dumb as they can be beaten with ease or atleast I did twice in a row. A person who doest change according to the world is living in fossilized world self created and what more he is insulting the the Gods gift of free will. Yeah if there is anything that’s predicable in human nature is his unpredictability


Ruckus on Rampage

Q 2) what are your positive points and negative points?

A ) welcome to the world of equally stupid question as above. What are strong positive and equally negative points? Who can define what positive is and what negative is ?and what is the purpose of these positive and negative points? One mans terrorist is another mans freedomfighter. So who in this statement is good and who is bad? Whatever am back to point. I don’t belive anything such a positive and negative. I either mould any situation to my convenience or get crushed by it dependning my capability. Stretch any quality beyond a point it changes its characteristic. From positive to negative and negative to positive. Exercise is good and do in excess it hurts. For example iam born with poor concentration now that’s a negative point as per worlds standards and negative point . I belive that every good quality is resultant of something bad and both good and bad sides of same coin. If there is something jut flip it to other side there would be something equally sweet positive point. Lack of concentration would directly lead to good analytical skills. Trust me , your creativity enhances. What is concentration?. Keep your mind at one point ie., single pointedness. Whats lack of concentration? We cannot keep at one point that means it keeps moving int different things wow that means you can many things than other people. Whats analytical skill? Analsyising information from number of sources ..isnt that what poor concentration equipped chap does.?....am I wroing buddy?...all the money I earned on this planet has nothing to do with college education or concentration,,,,trust me,,,,it works

Q 3) why should one marry?

Now iam entering into real contraversial realm…I can give 100 reasons why and why not but I guess I shoudnt dampen spirits of all those commandos of life who are out to make this move ..but I wonder if guy really marries?..its women who marries man and man just gets tied up to a women. I wonder why man takes up suck a big risk . is it not foolishness buying boeing plane just because for free peanuts. Three nights bliss and three hundered years bondage and three lifetimes of regrets. Remember if love is a jungle where manly tiger gets eaten by beautiful female deer then marriage is marriage is an instituation hoplessly biased towards women. Did any man on this planet irrespective of country and colour, region race and religion ever say that he is happily married? Either you are happy or your are married but not both…and what did women do to mankind ? with few drops of tears made living life next to all hell and hades

Love has a chemical quality to transform people energies. It makes you want to create something for beloved –music , poetry, garden. All the energies will take a shift from being destructive to something constructive and creative”


Isn’t this true that a man would do anything for a women? Anything and anything. everything to all thing. If Tajmahal is built as expression for emperors undying love for his beloved the car company Mercedes was mark of love for a fathers daughter. Unable to see his beloved part from him, the king made paradise in desert in form of hanging gardens of Babylonia. And unable to see his sweetheart wife taking trouble walking around the mountain to go to temple, the man has broken entire mountain to make road for his wife just by hammer ..see love has no barrier and knows no impossibilities. But what did girl to mankind? Forget not Trojans war which killed thousands of greek soldiers was fought just for one women called Helen same thin goes with Ramayana , the cause was a woman.

Its almost morning ..chalo me gotta hit the ground .. Aurvoir

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...