Hail Comrades of Cyber world who read my blog ..Hats of and trust me U deserve a Nobel and Param Vir Chakra fer attempting so hazardous ....
whatever ...million apologies fer putting some life into this story now which i have written eons ago ....reason is genuine ...i cudnt come with proper ending ....somethings ever change ,,,even now iam not able to come with convincing end,,,,,but guess some things are impossible ....(Adidas plz note)....
Crowds and Queues are always anathema to my psychology ..hence i seldom go to crowded places like movie halls and shopping malls .Other day to kill some time i ordered a film DVD online ...no not my regular action crime or comic thriller but a real hot adult film.when practicals are zero , theory comes alive ..Its Arabia's 1st Blue movie ever made in its history...what more ., It has 7 "X"s trade mark on the DVD cover symbolizing the extent of its erotica levels ..A book-let is given with warning of adult film in 20 languages in its 21 pages and the last page had pictorial warning on case viewer is illiterate.
The movie name is ""ARABIAN RED HOT NIGHTS -A DESERT EROTICA"" THE very name is quite titillating i wonder how ummu yumu would be the film ...Going by reviews and few teaser pictures on DVD covers..iam sure "Their Blue film" would be better than '"Our Blue film"..yeah akshay kumar film Blue ...after all if their blue movie is the 1st erotic movie shot in vast desert..Our movie is 1st Hindi movie shot in underwater...and our blue film is shot with hot actors in hot undergarments only (thank God i didnt see our blue movie ..who the hell wanna watch sanjay dutt with paunch in semi nude pose)....however any movie wud be better than our blue movie ..But Blue is Blue ..whether its their blue or our blue .Any blue is better than No blue or Some blue is better than Swine flu or Swine flu is better than our Blue or their Blue is better than our swine flu ....oh my confusing buddies ..no more Blues i know u r saying boo hoo hoo and ready to flush this into nearest loo .....okoko...back to review
this book-let says it is banned in entire middle east and other puritan countries.All High Priests and Guardians of Religion after watching this movie million times back-to-back non-stop till DVD got spoilt after over used they issued a ban on this movie .Fatwa has been slammed on it but some conditions are tagged to this maniacal fatwa..Its banned only fer women ..not for men...why ?...i think its like driving being banned for women ...If women know how to drive ...they wud dump their octogenarian husbands who have 60 sixteen year old wives and elope with their drivers etc ...tat cud be the reason or so i guess ...

okoko the story before i drift aside....a Man-our hero ...completely covered except his fierce eyes gaze out of his Bedouin mask a desert warrior ...falls in love with a desert flower ..a Women or a girl or a teenager ..age indeterminate as she is covered totally top to toe with burka ...even eyes r behind the veil ....now enter the villan another masked warrior who has license to thrill on his 2 stroke ...errr double humped camel ......in this love triangle goes on the story ....
whats next?....errr ..heres the real anti climax ...i tried to think out of it but my mind met with story-bankruptcy ...maybe like movie avatar which james cameron made out after 14 years ....i wud come with continuation after .errr 14 days or so ....sorry ...thanks fer reading it till here ....as they say in Japanese fer long good bye SAYONARA