Part -2 (Dedicated to some funny unknown gorgeous shopping addict whose Iron Will runs on desire for achievements...whats her name ?..Code name Salt Decoded)
Contd from previous post ..

Hmm...List has run out ., I guess now the responsibility of saving India lies soley in me .Phew
Not the 1st ime nor will be the last time.In crises ,., Hero will always emerge.Hmm..Entering into dream world alone ., i have to arm myself with latest jamesbond gadgets such as mosquitoes repellent., bullet proof jam bottle, bread loaves and so on.You dont expect your dream sequence be disturbed by mosquitoes or feel hungry in dreams ..would you?
Not every one day dreams like me.So i have to wait till night before trying to infiltrate into Salts mind and convince her to divulge her plans.10 hours of real world time gives 1 week in the first level dream, 6 months in the second level and 10 years in third level dream. Their wake up mechanism is called the kick. It is the jolt received when suddenly falling or hitting a surface in their dreams, he made sure this drug left their inner ear function in tact so that they would be able to sense the sensation of falling or hitting a surface to receive their kicks
Mission Inception: Dream 1
Enter the Dream.I enter the dream world .In sleep cycle dreams usually occur in 4th or 5th stage.Dream world is full of every persons dreams.Its just like yahoo chat.You enter with your id and you find so many people dreams in their dream state and you have to convince the other person to connect his/her dream with yours.Using Google Earth and GPS., i finally locate Salts dream pattern .They are dark and festering with pure evil .
I try to establish contact as friendly contact but she refuses to allow me to enter her dream gates.She guards them well with latest anti-virus.No amount of persuasions helps.Tough adversary indeed.For every question of mine she lies with great skill and precision like Sharon Stone in Basic instinct.
No use. I have to enter through another path . I have to enter through another way Dream within Dream

Dream 2: Rambo the 1st blood:
Iam Rambo.Trained to kill and She is Ninja in Black Burkha the Jihadi
Its set up in Afghanistan.I enter into her trainers mind and become Jihadi trainer and she becomes Sorceress Apprentice who is trying to learn tricks of trade
from me. She has ticket to India in her clenched fist.Now my mission is to know why and where in India she would be going. In the sands of Afghanistan .,for the 1st time i get to see her face as wind blew her burkha away for a little.
Oh my ,,She is gorgeous like all jamesbonds heroines from ursella andress to halleyberry.,eternally 18(you ever heard gal crossing this magic number in age?..all women esp pretty ones are always 18).She is fresh and delicate as if she just removed all her scars and freckles n puss filled pimples and eliminated all signs of aging with adobe photos shop.This time she throws a psychic beam straight to my heart with her sheer fluttering flower like Prettiness ...before infatuation and consequent love hormones release in my titanium heart and envelope my 1000Tera byte mental sanity ...i wake up...damn ..Chance Missed

Dream 3HyderabadiBlues:
Set up in Hyderabad.She is dell software engineer.She has ticket to mumbai in her fist.That means her target in India is Mumbai.I no longer depend on my super Bruce lee or Quick Gun Murugun tactics. I have to go by suave Bluff master methodology. I enrich all my Plutonium powered greycells to maximum enrichment to ensure they turn into extreme psychic nuclear weapon. I plan 10 steps ahead like Vishwanath anand and create an grand illusion within Dream within a CGI enabled Dream.
Dream 3 : Rajneethi
Salt is Cat-Reena Cough.The twice widowed Aunty ala Elizabeth Taylor who is struggling with politics ,bhojpuri Hindi and wearing Saree.I ., the Election Commissioner with malicious plan of extracting the information from her brain.I plan to get details by simply by taking her details on poll forms.when she comes for nomination.. finally after bribing my own assistants i lay my hands on form.Her real name apart from code name and screen name is Ankita Julie(not puppy julie., its ankita julie).Age: eternally 18.Before i cud go into papers ., i feel huge flood of 2012 hit me and pushing me off the dream.Guess someone has splashed water on my face in real world fer me to wake up...
Dream 4 :Titanic:
Titanic is a dreamboat cruising round and around Buddha on Hussain sagar.Its powered by Olympic rowers.I am Luck Less Bankrupt Pirate of local dried up backwaters and ponds , the legendary Jack Sparrow MBA (Master in Banditry Admin)PhD(Piracy) and She is Ladyluck Lass Devi-das:who gave multiple Best from Last performances in series of mega flops like Gangster,Woh lamhe etc who is severely addicted to drinking any thing that is in liquid state and is taking a break from her flops to recuperate along with her estranged husband cum bf cum makeup walla.
Indias 1.2billion population lives is at stake.Its now or never.As she walks into panipuri bar., i take this is an opportunity to join her during panipuri dollops
Take 3 Panipuri bar in titanic
I find her getting confused over which spicy liquor to take along with panipuri as i wade my way behind her whisper into her ears
"So what poison u take to end cliche of boring women in CGI generated makeup ?"
Before she cud kill me with her razor sharp glances i add "These poisons are fer Men with Mettle not for Females as tender as Rose petals"
Now the sexist remark hit her pride and my powerful deo had titillated her pheromones as well..before i cud say further she challenged me into panipuri bottoms up
Unknown to her i slip sodium penthol The Truth Serum into Spice liquids..and wait to see when the effect takes place ..she gobbled one plate of panipuris after another ...i was still in 1st plate but she has already gone fer 10- 11 plate ....oh my ..what a glutton is she and what a capacity and dinosaurs appetite for panipuris .....
5 minutes pass..still no effect on her ...her body must have been made of Rhino hide with leather entrails??...another 15 nano seconds pass..I see her beautiful eyes colour change..and curvy smile evolute into bewitching laugh.Now i knew it.Truth serum has entered into her blood and setting her neuro transmitters haywire,.Now its my chance.
i design the interrogation innocuously : Well..Whats the plot in latest movie where your role is of terrorist and your target is in mumbai.Whats or Who is your target?
Still no response from her.I wonder if the Truth serum is of original not Chinese made junk.It even has ISI mark on it .I wonder.As i searched for answers ., it hit me like flash.She is an Actress in this dream.I got the key.i shout now
Immediately i find the desired change in her. She started babbling her dialogues to her invisible audience ...
""Target is to Win Indian Idol and later join Bollywood to be part of Fashion-2 along with other sexy actress Rabri Devi and Mayavathi""
Jeeeeeeeeezz..what a sinister plot hatched by Pakistani ISI .What a great PR Disaster to India if a Pakistani gal wins Indian idol and joins bollywood bandwagon??...
na never ..this Favourite Son of Mother India on eve of 63 Independence day takes oath to never let it happen.....Whats the future ?..Watch out for ultimate Tom n jerry Cat n mouse game .............
Contd from previous post ..

Hmm...List has run out ., I guess now the responsibility of saving India lies soley in me .Phew
Not the 1st ime nor will be the last time.In crises ,., Hero will always emerge.Hmm..Entering into dream world alone ., i have to arm myself with latest jamesbond gadgets such as mosquitoes repellent., bullet proof jam bottle, bread loaves and so on.You dont expect your dream sequence be disturbed by mosquitoes or feel hungry in dreams ..would you?
Not every one day dreams like me.So i have to wait till night before trying to infiltrate into Salts mind and convince her to divulge her plans.10 hours of real world time gives 1 week in the first level dream, 6 months in the second level and 10 years in third level dream. Their wake up mechanism is called the kick. It is the jolt received when suddenly falling or hitting a surface in their dreams, he made sure this drug left their inner ear function in tact so that they would be able to sense the sensation of falling or hitting a surface to receive their kicks
Mission Inception: Dream 1
Enter the Dream.I enter the dream world .In sleep cycle dreams usually occur in 4th or 5th stage.Dream world is full of every persons dreams.Its just like yahoo chat.You enter with your id and you find so many people dreams in their dream state and you have to convince the other person to connect his/her dream with yours.Using Google Earth and GPS., i finally locate Salts dream pattern .They are dark and festering with pure evil .
I try to establish contact as friendly contact but she refuses to allow me to enter her dream gates.She guards them well with latest anti-virus.No amount of persuasions helps.Tough adversary indeed.For every question of mine she lies with great skill and precision like Sharon Stone in Basic instinct.
No use. I have to enter through another path . I have to enter through another way Dream within Dream

Dream 2: Rambo the 1st blood:
Iam Rambo.Trained to kill and She is Ninja in Black Burkha the Jihadi
Its set up in Afghanistan.I enter into her trainers mind and become Jihadi trainer and she becomes Sorceress Apprentice who is trying to learn tricks of trade
from me. She has ticket to India in her clenched fist.Now my mission is to know why and where in India she would be going. In the sands of Afghanistan .,for the 1st time i get to see her face as wind blew her burkha away for a little.
Oh my ,,She is gorgeous like all jamesbonds heroines from ursella andress to halleyberry.,eternally 18(you ever heard gal crossing this magic number in age?..all women esp pretty ones are always 18).She is fresh and delicate as if she just removed all her scars and freckles n puss filled pimples and eliminated all signs of aging with adobe photos shop.This time she throws a psychic beam straight to my heart with her sheer fluttering flower like Prettiness ...before infatuation and consequent love hormones release in my titanium heart and envelope my 1000Tera byte mental sanity ...i wake up...damn ..Chance Missed

Dream 3HyderabadiBlues:
Set up in Hyderabad.She is dell software engineer.She has ticket to mumbai in her fist.That means her target in India is Mumbai.I no longer depend on my super Bruce lee or Quick Gun Murugun tactics. I have to go by suave Bluff master methodology. I enrich all my Plutonium powered greycells to maximum enrichment to ensure they turn into extreme psychic nuclear weapon. I plan 10 steps ahead like Vishwanath anand and create an grand illusion within Dream within a CGI enabled Dream.
Dream 3 : Rajneethi
Salt is Cat-Reena Cough.The twice widowed Aunty ala Elizabeth Taylor who is struggling with politics ,bhojpuri Hindi and wearing Saree.I ., the Election Commissioner with malicious plan of extracting the information from her brain.I plan to get details by simply by taking her details on poll forms.when she comes for nomination.. finally after bribing my own assistants i lay my hands on form.Her real name apart from code name and screen name is Ankita Julie(not puppy julie., its ankita julie).Age: eternally 18.Before i cud go into papers ., i feel huge flood of 2012 hit me and pushing me off the dream.Guess someone has splashed water on my face in real world fer me to wake up...
Dream 4 :Titanic:
Titanic is a dreamboat cruising round and around Buddha on Hussain sagar.Its powered by Olympic rowers.I am Luck Less Bankrupt Pirate of local dried up backwaters and ponds , the legendary Jack Sparrow MBA (Master in Banditry Admin)PhD(Piracy) and She is Ladyluck Lass Devi-das:who gave multiple Best from Last performances in series of mega flops like Gangster,Woh lamhe etc who is severely addicted to drinking any thing that is in liquid state and is taking a break from her flops to recuperate along with her estranged husband cum bf cum makeup walla.
Indias 1.2billion population lives is at stake.Its now or never.As she walks into panipuri bar., i take this is an opportunity to join her during panipuri dollops
Take 3 Panipuri bar in titanic
I find her getting confused over which spicy liquor to take along with panipuri as i wade my way behind her whisper into her ears
"So what poison u take to end cliche of boring women in CGI generated makeup ?"
Before she cud kill me with her razor sharp glances i add "These poisons are fer Men with Mettle not for Females as tender as Rose petals"
Now the sexist remark hit her pride and my powerful deo had titillated her pheromones as well..before i cud say further she challenged me into panipuri bottoms up
Unknown to her i slip sodium penthol The Truth Serum into Spice liquids..and wait to see when the effect takes place ..she gobbled one plate of panipuris after another ...i was still in 1st plate but she has already gone fer 10- 11 plate ....oh my ..what a glutton is she and what a capacity and dinosaurs appetite for panipuris .....
5 minutes pass..still no effect on her ...her body must have been made of Rhino hide with leather entrails??...another 15 nano seconds pass..I see her beautiful eyes colour change..and curvy smile evolute into bewitching laugh.Now i knew it.Truth serum has entered into her blood and setting her neuro transmitters haywire,.Now its my chance.
i design the interrogation innocuously : Well..Whats the plot in latest movie where your role is of terrorist and your target is in mumbai.Whats or Who is your target?
Still no response from her.I wonder if the Truth serum is of original not Chinese made junk.It even has ISI mark on it .I wonder.As i searched for answers ., it hit me like flash.She is an Actress in this dream.I got the key.i shout now
Immediately i find the desired change in her. She started babbling her dialogues to her invisible audience ...
""Target is to Win Indian Idol and later join Bollywood to be part of Fashion-2 along with other sexy actress Rabri Devi and Mayavathi""
Jeeeeeeeeezz..what a sinister plot hatched by Pakistani ISI .What a great PR Disaster to India if a Pakistani gal wins Indian idol and joins bollywood bandwagon??...
na never ..this Favourite Son of Mother India on eve of 63 Independence day takes oath to never let it happen.....Whats the future ?..Watch out for ultimate Tom n jerry Cat n mouse game .............