My fascination with Fables n Fairy tales began on my mother lap as a kid when i used to listen with rapture all tales of valour of ancient kings , mythological tales of scriptures. All night my mind regaled those stories as dreams went wild in fantasies. Those bed time stories at impressionable age had deep impact to this day and perhaps in future lives as well..Once iam old enough to read books , my choice of books were still the same ..Stories of Valour, Kings from Scriptures, humour n adventures..Sprituality was always my favourite after all it was part of family DNA for known 3 generations. Among all those tons of books on this topic i read i bring out 5 or 6 best of all i belive in my limited understnding. All are extremely good hence there is no best among this list.Each has its ow speciality n uniquness.Here i goes
1) Autobiography of Yogi by Yogananda Paramahamsa:

One of the worlds most popular spiritual biographies by yogananda. Can be said Indias best export to west who popularised Kriya yoga. Rajini kanths "Baba" movie is taken partly from this book and "Living with himalayan masters" which is comming next. His other books include "Divine Romance and Eternal Quest" but His Autobiography over shadows all his other works.Surprisingly this book comes at real economical price at 75/-
2) Living with himalyan Masters by Swami Rama:
Another NRI-American Swamiji.This book is all about Swami Ramas fantastic experiences with Himalayans sages which rivals Autobiography of Yogi in style and substance..He has been accusd both as Swami and CIA agent His other noteworthy works include "Art if Joyful Living", "Inspired Thoughts"(Out if publication), Eleventh Hour etc

Both the books speak about expereincs which are too fantatsic to normal rational human thought. Their Absolute control over their bodies is truly astounding.they show how tjhrough their penances they gain control even on every cell of human bodies.Telepathy,Clairvoance,control over life and Death,stopping brain waves and heart beat etc are some of experiences they write about. Believe them or not ., Read them and Relish them as Souls fodder
3) Guaranteed Solutions by Nityananda Paramahamsha
Who doesnt know this young swami(supposed to be youngest spiriyual leader in world), after sting operation by sun tv beamed his advntures with actress Ranjita non stop on prime time. i purchased this book in strange situations.I read his artcile in newspaper. i was so impressed of his wisdom, that i just woke up early in morning with no forethought or plan i travelled without map to a small village where He has his temple in outskirts of hyderebad and bought his books

He can be Fake or not, thats none of my business. His wisdom about basic primitive emotions ie Greed, Love, Jealousy etc documented in Guranteed Solutions is outstanding n very practical.He dissects human mentality very precisely and explains in simple laymans terms.He explains how actually each of emotion plays its infulence in our lives. If only we can apply these principles at least by 1% , our lives would be far peaceful than what we are now .This is one book i reccommned to everybody which is pure wisdom .He doesnt speak about religion, miracles, anecdotes etc in this book.Its just about our daily life .Read it and you would know what iam talking about....Trust me buddies., several psychlogical chinks in ur life will be ironed out by mere reading this book
4) Aghora Triology1 2 3 by Robert Svoboda

"Life is mere memory ., be it beautiful or bitter, its just a memory" muses Aghori Vimalananda. I read that line in Odessey book store in jubklee hills when i was a teen. I never got enough funds to buy that book. I had to wait for another 5 years before i could lay my hands on it
Aghora 1(the Left hand of God); Aghora 2(Kundalini); Aghora 3 (Law of Karma). When i read Aghora-1 for the first time i lost half my sleep in nights due to sheer fear.All books i read till now are books that go easy on reader but Aghora triology is no-holds-barred .He shows no mercy and is often ruthlessly frank.No sugar coating for benefit of ignorant reader.These books are of Left hand of Tantra. Aghoris themslves are fierce saints who are said to eat dead bodies and these books "Left hand of Tantras" are more extreme in frankness. Though not suggested for faint hearts, neverthless its very informative which would open new grooves in your brain.
5) Sudarshan Kriya of Sri Sri Ravi shankar founder of Art of Living:

I wrote enough about books.Enough of theory. Now some action ..Sri Sri Ravishankars practcal gift to humanity.Sudarhsan kriya -Simple breathing exercises would directly sars through stresses in ones head. i have documented my personal experiences in my another webpage. the link is given below
As they say ...
I Pray to Divinity in You
"Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu"
"May All Beings Be Happy and Free"
1) Autobiography of Yogi by Yogananda Paramahamsa:

One of the worlds most popular spiritual biographies by yogananda. Can be said Indias best export to west who popularised Kriya yoga. Rajini kanths "Baba" movie is taken partly from this book and "Living with himalayan masters" which is comming next. His other books include "Divine Romance and Eternal Quest" but His Autobiography over shadows all his other works.Surprisingly this book comes at real economical price at 75/-
2) Living with himalyan Masters by Swami Rama:
Another NRI-American Swamiji.This book is all about Swami Ramas fantastic experiences with Himalayans sages which rivals Autobiography of Yogi in style and substance..He has been accusd both as Swami and CIA agent His other noteworthy works include "Art if Joyful Living", "Inspired Thoughts"(Out if publication), Eleventh Hour etc

Both the books speak about expereincs which are too fantatsic to normal rational human thought. Their Absolute control over their bodies is truly astounding.they show how tjhrough their penances they gain control even on every cell of human bodies.Telepathy,Clairvoance,control over life and Death,stopping brain waves and heart beat etc are some of experiences they write about. Believe them or not ., Read them and Relish them as Souls fodder
3) Guaranteed Solutions by Nityananda Paramahamsha
Who doesnt know this young swami(supposed to be youngest spiriyual leader in world), after sting operation by sun tv beamed his advntures with actress Ranjita non stop on prime time. i purchased this book in strange situations.I read his artcile in newspaper. i was so impressed of his wisdom, that i just woke up early in morning with no forethought or plan i travelled without map to a small village where He has his temple in outskirts of hyderebad and bought his books

He can be Fake or not, thats none of my business. His wisdom about basic primitive emotions ie Greed, Love, Jealousy etc documented in Guranteed Solutions is outstanding n very practical.He dissects human mentality very precisely and explains in simple laymans terms.He explains how actually each of emotion plays its infulence in our lives. If only we can apply these principles at least by 1% , our lives would be far peaceful than what we are now .This is one book i reccommned to everybody which is pure wisdom .He doesnt speak about religion, miracles, anecdotes etc in this book.Its just about our daily life .Read it and you would know what iam talking about....Trust me buddies., several psychlogical chinks in ur life will be ironed out by mere reading this book
4) Aghora Triology1 2 3 by Robert Svoboda

"Life is mere memory ., be it beautiful or bitter, its just a memory" muses Aghori Vimalananda. I read that line in Odessey book store in jubklee hills when i was a teen. I never got enough funds to buy that book. I had to wait for another 5 years before i could lay my hands on it
Aghora 1(the Left hand of God); Aghora 2(Kundalini); Aghora 3 (Law of Karma). When i read Aghora-1 for the first time i lost half my sleep in nights due to sheer fear.All books i read till now are books that go easy on reader but Aghora triology is no-holds-barred .He shows no mercy and is often ruthlessly frank.No sugar coating for benefit of ignorant reader.These books are of Left hand of Tantra. Aghoris themslves are fierce saints who are said to eat dead bodies and these books "Left hand of Tantras" are more extreme in frankness. Though not suggested for faint hearts, neverthless its very informative which would open new grooves in your brain.
5) Sudarshan Kriya of Sri Sri Ravi shankar founder of Art of Living:

I wrote enough about books.Enough of theory. Now some action ..Sri Sri Ravishankars practcal gift to humanity.Sudarhsan kriya -Simple breathing exercises would directly sars through stresses in ones head. i have documented my personal experiences in my another webpage. the link is given below
As they say ...
I Pray to Divinity in You
"Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu"
"May All Beings Be Happy and Free"