Thursday, May 17, 2012

SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR In one of his discourses said "Your consciousness" is very ancient. My nerves were electrified as i tried to grapple the import of His words. That the concept that our consciousness being very ancient fired my imagination as it tried to grasp depth behind His words.I just wondered , How many Births and Deaths could have,our soul endured before taking this shape,form and life as we know what we are now. How gigantic permutation,probabilities and other mind numbing mathematical calculations came into play before our entire environment was created. I wondered what were we before we became what we are? I mean what were we in our past lives. What would be the path of our evolution. What prompted us to take this birth?.What actions reactions could have led us to choose this birth settings like country,parents,friends,circumstances,trials and tribulations etc etc and million more etcs After all , our current lives are just extensions of our past.All our friends and foes, likes and dislikes are mere carry forwards from from our past lives or so i believe.All interplay of Karmic Connections Have you ever wondered How we immediately fall in Love with things,places,foods .people instantly and how we hate some things/people with no reason how come people give us creepy feeling down the spine or great comfort without prior acquaintance?Wondered Why this Affinity or Repulsion/compulsion/affection etc? or any logical rational reason for those unexplainable Deja vu or uncanny feeling of instinct?How are prodigies born? Could these events be result of sudden yet brief outburst of awakened ancient memory? People come-People Go Success comes-Success goes Failure comes-Failure goes Life comes-Life goes But "I" concept remains untouched by Death and space-time continuum.
Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev of Isha foundation claims to have taken birth 3 times to consecrate Dhyana Linga( ). Book "Born again" speaks that Haider ali-Tipu sultan the original inventors of Rocket tech in India were reincarnated as Vikram Sarabhai and Abdul kalam to finish the job left undone 400 years ago and Hindu mythology is inundated with these folk lore.Ashtavakra gita says it takes 81 births for human mind to form. Now that's mind boggling. After 81 cycles if your current mind is formed , i guess we need to be more gratitude towards Creator than cribbing/complaining for what we are lacking. I need to end this here though my Awe at my peek into esoteric sciences will never end. This blog is micro expression of my wonder for macro expression of nature which will never cease to create wonder for one and all...

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...