Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rise and Shine

Rain and Shine ..!!

Both the rain in the streets and incessant thoughts in my mind appear to never to cease. So many thoughts ran in past yet I procrastinated penning anyone of them. Even this blog was written in parts and snippets and now glued together. As nature unleashed its cold water projectiles to earth I smile at irony. Here its raining non stop and delhi is scorching at record heat. Whatever, iam kinda awe at majesty of world . Awe at life of human in general and my life and path in particular . My mind races from one end of feel-good moments to spectrum on the other end.

Simple vegetarian home made meal seems to warm heart more then multi course cuisine in fancy restaurants. I still get goose pimples when I face nature in its majestic splendor. Always awestruck at the divine artist who painted all those myriad colours on this planet. Cool wind brushing my hair, thirst quenching  water ,lonely mountains, simple sleep under shade of giant oaks , a good comic book, gentle drizzle , fresh air,  soothing full moon and countless stars (go out of city to witness this spectacle) , etc etc and so many simple moments and events that make our life more divine .

How can we ignore the human element? All those people whom you have walked along with you not long before etching deep into heart? My infinitely sweet baby bunny nephews whose simple adorable acts make my day making this life worth living, my banker pal Ashish without whom my life in vizag would ve been miserable ,horrible and definitely disabled,, big boss satya who taught me strategies both in chess and life, rushmi panda who is all magical and mental tease (meet her once, ur life wud neve be same) , VDs soothing simplicity n gentle smile (yet to see how much vileness is behind dat gentle smile n ravishing pink ) and many many more names that are hidden in crevices of my cranium

I don’t claim that any of these to be any special than you are. I don’t even claim that Iam like them or we are similar in thoughts and deeds n attitude and aptitude . There could be a massive personality chasm yet these are few who made me what iam today. For good or bad, they made my life all magical. Special and blissful. Fresh and Exotic!!!
All bliss? My mind refuses to stop , it goes on full throttle as it veers to darker shades  , I wonder how RAW officers work in enemy nations risking their lives 24/7? I happen to interact with soldiers from security establishment  sometime ago who had served at border. I was aghast at terrible conditions they live , far away from their families ,sometimes with zero connection  and in snowy forested mountainous areas for days and months. Some camps will be in areas where nature and terrain is harsher enemy then cross border enemy . Dealing with hostile population in JK and NE can shoot your cortisols to roof. All at the end of day no one gives them due credit they deserve.

I wondered how do tribal people survive in forests and mountains? how is water and sanitation is managed in mountains and I wonder how common people in JK,NE and naxal belt cope with almost daily violence and tension?

Well, iam not one to get into morals and sentiments. At times mind goes haywire. There are times iam all numb to societal morals and moments of love and affection. Guess this is how world is created. Sun and rain, black and white , stupids like me and genius like you and so on…

I happen to open my yahoo after ages and guess what I found? This stupid poem I might have written for some one whom I don’t even remember but smacks some moments of my extreme optimism

World says Skies and Sand never meet
At horizon, they do
World says Days and Nights are different
At twilight, each blends into other
World says, some are hard to catch

I say,hmm..havent you heard this?..Persistence beats Resistence??

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...