Thursday, October 22, 2015

League of Extra Ordinary Gentlemen: Season 3

League of Extra Ordinary Gentlemen:  Season 3

Its been eons since I contributed anything to my blog. Not that I was devoid of ideas, its just I was too drenched in my travels and work.  And it’s against my company’s policy that I blog anything referring to it.
Now sitting in my cozy room, listening to filmy music of 90s ,I just wanna continue on amazing people I met during my voyage of life.
Its often said that you are product of Five people you spend most of time with.  I cant write 5..but here are THREE who made difference in my recent past.


KD sirji is highly motivated NCC instructor and honorary Major whom I happen to meet over banking issue. He is man with electrifying personality. Extensively read and travelled. He is walking encyclopedic wisdom on military history and strategies.

Its highly impossible not to being impacted by his persona. Despite myself not having any armed forces background, I happen to imbibe many of his positive disciplined habits and reintroducing the same in my profession.

Being bibliophile myself i regale complete access to his library and reserves of wisdom shared liberally over tons of pegs of chai.
Once with a lazy junior I exclaimed: “You have to justify your salary, you have to give back to country every rupee it has given to you.” Later in some context I had to explain that these are work ethics I imbibed from KD sir apart from Discipline, Responsibility, Leadership, and other work ethics. Sooner or later we might be posted in diametrically opposites of the country but his lessons would last forever.

Arjun M

When I first saw this person he was quite introvert, quiet and vegan.  Dead opposite to me. Wild, loud and omnivorous! Ten years down the line (more or less), He is my confidante, family friend and partners in exploration, adventures and travels. Thanks to him, my lappy is filled with tons of E-books and music.

More about him would be written next blog. Our travels are quite often unplanned .Only start and end days are fixed and in between are wild map less unplanned journeys. They are never regular tourist beaten paths, we (Me, Him and his 3kg photography kit) just travel where our minds and legs decide in last moment. From Mountain tops to untouched Beaches, forgotten Temples and british era Churches. Forests to Spiritual ashrams. Always game for new adventure and journeys to places unknown!

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...