This blog was written around decade ago..but somehow delayed in going online due to myriad reasons that includes hormonal surges to Demonetization to surgical strikes to other censored reasons n excuses. Dedicated to "Guru of my Daru" Senior
This blog is dedicated to a man who is 75 percent pure cranial grey cells+20 percent of alcohol( vodka+beer+tequila in varied proportions each fighting for monopoly)+2.5percent hydi biriyani +2.5 percent paunch(Let us call him TEETLE, not turtle, its teetle, the dot on ‘I’) Now tat acc 100% but we should another c another 99% of him with another equally awesome gal(let us call her SRAVZ) who is as well practicing wife of this guy physically and 1% by hyper voluptuous femme fatale(let us call her PC ) who dominates his imagination 24/7…now I guess this is how maths and myths works in love
Now this Man …The machine… Our relation goes back to Jurassic era where senior barbarians taught their juniors everything about survival from dinosaurs that dot the topography, including hunting mates in jungle and other rigmarole . Here our Jurassic park was cbit engg college where u get find antiquated brains n nerds and people like TEETLE and myself each out doing and showing off our Artificial intelligence in Natural settings. Here is where he was my senior ..senior in all sorts(except in height ;)) Back in college I was famed fer my purity and absolute abstinence from all aerated and hot drinks esp in college where there is more alcohol than water, now maintaining purity in midst drinking hordes is no joke.(I guess I was more into Woman than Wine, once again its same good old voluptuous femme fatale PC, Senior n me his Junior sharing the same fantasy girl) Infact an unofficial bet that ran amongst “ Professional college Pro Drunkards Association” was to get me drink by hook or crook. No one won the bet till date in college. The reason was simple.i was more into woman than wine.
This is where again where our interests converged where good old voluptuous femme fatale was centre of undivided attention to both of our minds s where I scored a point over him. I have her phone number, email id and she has my phone no, and home address given to her bulky All body-Zero brains boyfriend. With her bulky bf coming occupying more space in her body ,mind and heart than our senior-junior jodi. I think that’s where Devdas in me rose involuntarily and my senior like any good senior , Teetle rose up to the circumstances was more accommodating to be my Chunni Lal . Like Krishna ,He used to give his sermons about Life, Wife, Knife and how all are synonymous .
And our famous haunt used to be Blockbuster pub in secunderabad where we both used to console each other for loss of voluptuous femme fettle PC. Now with gal gone, now came glass in my hand. Now my Senior plus Chunnilal plus Krishna all rolled into one was topper in fluid mechanics and dynamics of everything fluid, no wonder he is connoisseur of bars and pubs. First he would get intoxicated only then his mastery over subject and pedagogy begins. We then start with Gandhian philosophy that India is in villages. To show how he practiced what he preached ,We shoot to outskirts liquor dens and get intoxicated with desi daru the country side cheap liqour ,this would really blast ur neurotransmitters which actually helps u to realise Darwin was right that the fact that ur born out of chimps. Next step in ideology was how man evolves .Next class on Darwins evolution will continue in pub where now we Chimps-Evolved-Homosapiens wear clothes and have nations unofficial drink of youth and masses THE BEER followed by lessons on Indo-Russian friendship by toasting vodka along with all the junk chicken(There goes my vow of being vegan ) . and this where my martial arts flexibility comes into picture where I gyrate to all latest item songs dished out by DJ but my senior keeping his age and paunch in context sticks to his seat downing another beer over haunting tunes of Hotel California , Evolution is human birth right n probably that includes us as well. So we evolved in a single night from desi daru adda to Yippy pubs and finally end in Star hotel each trying to behave like gentlemen over a Scotch. By end of his sermons on gandhian village philosphy in desi addas,darwinss evolution in pubs and star hotels…I emerge victorious.
Hemoglobin replaced with strains of scotch. Gal out of mind. Spirits high. Purses low( His purse obviously, juniors never pay..Last time i offered to pay..he was like since when did u become so big that u will overwhelming haha) and Experiment that glass of few litres of alcohol can keep gal out of mind is grand success.Patent awaited. Teetle ready to be in race to Nobel prize That was during college days. How long can I be junior in his fluid dynamics , gandhin philosophy of scotch in pubs?..Recently we have been to 10D pub in begumpet. He lost all his curves on his stomach which appears soon to be liken 6 packs,,,over many litres of beer and few shots of teqila..i had ,my moment under the sun,,err under the disco laser lights…What Buddha got under Bodhi tree, Mahavira under sal tree., Archemidies in bath tub..My eureka moment came in 10D albeit with clothes on. I realized true freedom comes only in pubs like Blockbuster which reeks with nostalgia than suave 10-D . Blockbuster allows our raw natural wilderness to find its ultimate expression than intelligent idiotness and we display in places like 10-D . What do you say Boss..???
This blog is dedicated to a man who is 75 percent pure cranial grey cells+20 percent of alcohol( vodka+beer+tequila in varied proportions each fighting for monopoly)+2.5percent hydi biriyani +2.5 percent paunch(Let us call him TEETLE, not turtle, its teetle, the dot on ‘I’) Now tat acc 100% but we should another c another 99% of him with another equally awesome gal(let us call her SRAVZ) who is as well practicing wife of this guy physically and 1% by hyper voluptuous femme fatale(let us call her PC ) who dominates his imagination 24/7…now I guess this is how maths and myths works in love
Now this Man …The machine… Our relation goes back to Jurassic era where senior barbarians taught their juniors everything about survival from dinosaurs that dot the topography, including hunting mates in jungle and other rigmarole . Here our Jurassic park was cbit engg college where u get find antiquated brains n nerds and people like TEETLE and myself each out doing and showing off our Artificial intelligence in Natural settings. Here is where he was my senior ..senior in all sorts(except in height ;)) Back in college I was famed fer my purity and absolute abstinence from all aerated and hot drinks esp in college where there is more alcohol than water, now maintaining purity in midst drinking hordes is no joke.(I guess I was more into Woman than Wine, once again its same good old voluptuous femme fatale PC, Senior n me his Junior sharing the same fantasy girl) Infact an unofficial bet that ran amongst “ Professional college Pro Drunkards Association” was to get me drink by hook or crook. No one won the bet till date in college. The reason was simple.i was more into woman than wine.
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Myself With Overrated Underestimated Sri Sri Guruji |
This is where again where our interests converged where good old voluptuous femme fatale was centre of undivided attention to both of our minds s where I scored a point over him. I have her phone number, email id and she has my phone no, and home address given to her bulky All body-Zero brains boyfriend. With her bulky bf coming occupying more space in her body ,mind and heart than our senior-junior jodi. I think that’s where Devdas in me rose involuntarily and my senior like any good senior , Teetle rose up to the circumstances was more accommodating to be my Chunni Lal . Like Krishna ,He used to give his sermons about Life, Wife, Knife and how all are synonymous .
And our famous haunt used to be Blockbuster pub in secunderabad where we both used to console each other for loss of voluptuous femme fettle PC. Now with gal gone, now came glass in my hand. Now my Senior plus Chunnilal plus Krishna all rolled into one was topper in fluid mechanics and dynamics of everything fluid, no wonder he is connoisseur of bars and pubs. First he would get intoxicated only then his mastery over subject and pedagogy begins. We then start with Gandhian philosophy that India is in villages. To show how he practiced what he preached ,We shoot to outskirts liquor dens and get intoxicated with desi daru the country side cheap liqour ,this would really blast ur neurotransmitters which actually helps u to realise Darwin was right that the fact that ur born out of chimps. Next step in ideology was how man evolves .Next class on Darwins evolution will continue in pub where now we Chimps-Evolved-Homosapiens wear clothes and have nations unofficial drink of youth and masses THE BEER followed by lessons on Indo-Russian friendship by toasting vodka along with all the junk chicken(There goes my vow of being vegan ) . and this where my martial arts flexibility comes into picture where I gyrate to all latest item songs dished out by DJ but my senior keeping his age and paunch in context sticks to his seat downing another beer over haunting tunes of Hotel California , Evolution is human birth right n probably that includes us as well. So we evolved in a single night from desi daru adda to Yippy pubs and finally end in Star hotel each trying to behave like gentlemen over a Scotch. By end of his sermons on gandhian village philosphy in desi addas,darwinss evolution in pubs and star hotels…I emerge victorious.
Hemoglobin replaced with strains of scotch. Gal out of mind. Spirits high. Purses low( His purse obviously, juniors never pay..Last time i offered to pay..he was like since when did u become so big that u will overwhelming haha) and Experiment that glass of few litres of alcohol can keep gal out of mind is grand success.Patent awaited. Teetle ready to be in race to Nobel prize That was during college days. How long can I be junior in his fluid dynamics , gandhin philosophy of scotch in pubs?..Recently we have been to 10D pub in begumpet. He lost all his curves on his stomach which appears soon to be liken 6 packs,,,over many litres of beer and few shots of teqila..i had ,my moment under the sun,,err under the disco laser lights…What Buddha got under Bodhi tree, Mahavira under sal tree., Archemidies in bath tub..My eureka moment came in 10D albeit with clothes on. I realized true freedom comes only in pubs like Blockbuster which reeks with nostalgia than suave 10-D . Blockbuster allows our raw natural wilderness to find its ultimate expression than intelligent idiotness and we display in places like 10-D . What do you say Boss..???