Fleeting Thoughts
As i observe my Thought-Traffic in cranial highways of my Mind , i felt like reproducing it on paper for public display .Just penning some random thoughts with some gloss over them. This mail is s asmall tribute to few of finest exotic specimens in my pals list
Arun Vs Ashraf
Audacious....and Arun and Ashraf .Last two are perfect way to end that perfectPanegyric adjectives.
Arun and Asfarf !!! . They are poles apart with negligible similarities. Both are trapped in cyber world of programming and allied subjects and thats where similarities end and from this point contrast contradictions begin.
Both have contarsting persona neverthless a geeky brains of prodigal nature.
One chap is lanky and another is just few kilos less that a hippopotamus (4600kgs)
One man is at shores of hussain sagar another on banks of Niagara waterfalls
One hero is busy bugging computers and privacies and another with his optic fibres
One is Omnivorous and another pure Vegitarian.
If there are anyone privy of my inner circle decisions , its these two .May creator if existing grant some flesh in aruns lanky personality and some grass in ashrafs sense (and grass here is not marijuana ).
NeverSay Good Bye
In the galaxy of star studded Friends , Foes, Acquaints..etc , these two names glow like Heavenly Moon
Friends Forever Near
As we walk along our path of life,
We meet people every day,
Most are simply met by chance,
But some are sent our way.
These become the special friends
Whose bond we can't explain,
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain
Their love contains no boundaries,
So even when apart,
Their presence still embraces us
With a warmth felt in the heart.
This love becomes a passageway
Where even the miles disappear,
And so these friends God sends our way
Remain forever near.
Written by Lisa Pelzer Vetter
As we walk along our path of life,
We meet people every day,
Most are simply met by chance,
But some are sent our way.
These become the special friends
Whose bond we can't explain,
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain
Their love contains no boundaries,
So even when apart,
Their presence still embraces us
With a warmth felt in the heart.
This love becomes a passageway
Where even the miles disappear,
And so these friends God sends our way
Remain forever near.
Written by Lisa Pelzer Vetter
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