READ IT UR OWN RISK ...blogspot IS NEITHER RESPONISBLE IF U FALL IN LOVE WITH the AUTHOR(condition is tat ur pretty buxom beautful babe) NOR IF U GO TOTALLY INSANE BEYOND SHARUKKHAN PERFORMANCE IN RAB NE BANA DI ISASTEROUS JODI .... Phew ..picking up pen after quite a long time ...Its not that ideas refused to flow in my ever gibbering brains but its just i have fallen head over heels over inertia which seems to have possessed me totally ....hmm finally ...Back to Blogathon ... So many things happening around ,,, Obama in lime light and Osama in darklight and Rakhi sawant asusual in Redlight ..The Truth of Satyams False audits ,Attacks on Mumbai ...munnabhai trying his luck in politcs....Mallika Sherawat spotted in clothes...that too skimpy designer burka (now this is a national calamity ....now no wonder Truckers and Oil Companies have gone on strike protesting the obscene kumari sherawat now ..Even this author was part of that protest as an Outsider )...Newspapers filled with page3 self styled experts like shoba dee (spelling perfectly right according to todays stars and constellation advice by well known anonymous astrologer) whos just like me seem to comment on everything ..from Satyam saga to Mumbai Mayhem ...Financial Expert to Terror Expert ..they don the roles with ease ......in their typical Hinglish ....Attack Pakistan...Shoot Satyam boss.....More Mallika with less clothes,,,,etc etc ...How come no one says ,,More schools ...More teachers ...More Sanitation programmes ..More education ..More education... .No castism .....obviously these real issues doesn't sell papers nor is it spicy to read ..quite unpalatable ... Why does Shoba dee/anupam kher/techies/ profesionals/ models/page3 /elite protest jessica lal killing and carry out protest on street during OBC reservation but not a soul is seen inKairlanji dalit rape case where teenagedaugter was raped even after her death in front of her parents by so called high castes...... .Simple ..who can walk in those dusty villages where there is no Press coverage ???.How come Press feel threatened when Indian flag (construed as sign if Hindu rise)rises in Jammu protest but Paksitan flag is ok when Srinagar seperatists openly declare secessction ???.... Ok Ok ..no more intelelctual stuff (lemme save it fer any victim who debates with me )..let us have some junk fer brain ..spicy gossip ..even i love to gossip ... Even iam those silly nameless who relishes in spice then stale stuff ..so let us jump to latest movie on circuit ...No ..not Chinki Chinese flick of Akshaykumar ...(looks like recession is hitting filmwallas ...now they r preferring neighbourhood China to Newyork)..its Slumdog Millionaire ... Ok it won some globe award ..Now all in a sudden world spotlight has fallen on India ...FraNkly i javent seen the movie but i was told that it shows that it shows India in poor light ..all beggary ..all the slums ...corruption ..Voila .Welcome to India ..|True India ..Belly of Bombay ... Let us look at Hollywood connection with india ..We seldom see hollywood showing something nice abt India ...we find Ompuri as labourer in Ghost and Darkness with valkilmer ...Amrishpuri as some exorcist in Indiana Jones ...and in Bournes supremacy they show the cheapest of cheap car chases and beaten down buses of goa(one scene of sanota gold is mere abberation). ...but when they lift Indian ideas (now hollywood began to lift ideas from Culture than movies ..that job belongs to Bollywood ..Its not steal .the word is INSPIRED)..like Matrix triology is totally Indian vendanta and Hindu philosphy but given modern tech touch....Remeber the sanskrit sloka in form of rock in the ending of Matrix2???.. ..or Madonnas mantras in her some album ,,, Oye Hollow Hollywood ...India has more millionaries than any asian country and we have highest black money in swiss bank (even thats an achivement yaar Art of Stealing..Remeber :One mans robber is another mans Spy;)....Looks like Pax Americana seems to be replacd by Pax Indica India is now a big market ...now james bond need not escape from streets of jaipur in rickshaw(OCTPUSSY movie)..he can get latest benteley or benz ...Americans are now slowly realising to the fact ..we are big bucks as well..Remeber Anaconda was dud in Usa but hit in India (we pray serpents after all )..Ambanis is already on buying Speilbergs movies ..its not far off before we start financing major movies of hollywood ..Confluence of Cultures???. ...whatever .. I remeber when my japanese Sir came to India ..he was surprsied that he didnt find any elephants on roads for commuting ...But now he no longer even thinks so ..".Change " as popularised by Obama ..seems to be the order of the day ...!!!!! with loads of patriotic fervour Sagar of RAW |
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