Floccinaucinihilipilification ...perhaps that word is son of Godzilla and hybrid anaconda.Askme not the meaning for i myself donno but it seems to be synonymic to something like USELESS....hmmm...i dont hate that word as i co-relate to that word.Here iam...Lonely on this planet.Zillion of universes, Trillions of stars, 6 billion earth population, billion n odd Indias citizenry and Lonely Me....One Life .One Me.
This is the story of Me who got caught in the whirl storm of something i cannot define nor can something that my cerebral strenghths choose to understand.I donno what iam writing nor i know why iam writing and to whom iam writing.Perhaps this is my current mental state.Confused, Confounded, incoherent and Comical.I really wonder why God created me when the world deserves more Gandhis,Nehrus and Mother theresas.But students of Histories and Optimists are happy that He created Me-the Nameless and Faceless and Historyless rather than someHitler or Saddam hussain n thuis fattening their academic books and destroying around the world.
I really wondfer whats the purpose of my life. I sleep with no dreams.Either of Past or Person or Future.Future with no Promise and Past is Insignificant.Present utterly bland..Life is monotonous. Nine to Five job.Ten to Seven Sleep.No sense of combing, No sense of Style, No Sense .Just Nonsense.No bf,No gf,No commitments,No wife,No life.Kitchen knoife seems to have more worth than my life.
I wonder if iam gods only Prototype with all innovative components to touch the excellance reflecting extreme misery.Am i one of those guinea pigs or Lab Rats on this planet fer God or Devil?
Darkness..Darkness..and more Darkness.Everywhere i see ..Every direction ..all my eyes capture is pitch black darkness.Only sound is deafening Silence .More i try to penetrate the darkness...the more it envelopes me .Not just the surroundings but it seems to penetrate even my body ..blood ..veins..bowels ..Entire body saturated to brim by darkness.Darkness which has many synonyms .Frustration.Loneliness.Desperation etc etc many more etcs
This blog began with no theme nor will conclude with tangible conclusion.Is there any rule that everything that has a begining should have end ?.Cant some Ends be
Never Ending?.Frankly i donno what to write more or how to end .My brain has gone blank as it was in the beginning...all blank and conquered by Darkness ,..Wake up buddy
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