Inflation seems to be hitting the skies with all vegetables n stuffs prices skyrocketing.But i wonder how come cell phones and softdrinkes prices seldom go up.?Yesterday i askd fer couple of eggs and i was charged 8/-.We both had to convince each other.I had convince i just want 2 HEN eggs not Ostrich eggs and shopkeeper was equally adamant in pushing just two lilliput size eggs claiming they belong to hens not of some insects or humming birds.Ok leave maths and economics apart..They strain my tiny brain..
"Thinking before Doing" was just never my strong point.Many a times i wonder why i have taken some action or decsion.I just finished reading my second pakistani novel "Reluctant Fundamentalist".Really spooky boring novel which gave me severe headache.Next many minutes i was busy doing absolutely nothing .Suddenly i got up and took an auto for movie Dobhi Ghat as if i didnt know other way to torture yourself .

Hmm...Dobhi ghat by Ammir Khan biwi no 2.Well movie began on pale note.Well i guessed and hoped some masala excitment is just round the corner.But to much of my disappointment , movie was sheer mental torture and beja fry except for the face of pretty lass moncia dogra.Kiran Bhenji (Amir Khans official biwi no 2 cum director of this great Art movie) certainly desreves credit for introducing the F-word graciously and artistically.F word has replaced our traditional slurs like Neech,Kamina , Kuthe etc. Certainly F word has become quite popular these days.Few weeks back one pretty girl used WTF on Gchat.Being ignorant or plainly stupid and cyber illiterate., i was racking what the hell could this be WTF and pride and ego prevented me from asking her.Stupid enough i was that i havcent even searched it on google.I was wondering.,probably this WTF could be some international organisation like WTO or WWF or WWE etc only to realise that its a smart acronym for What The F***K....No wonder Osho sooth sayed long back that F word is the most versatile word in English Dictionary(Google it folks .Its really funny n hilarious)
Hmm..Amir Khan and Yummy Yummy Monica in film use it once or more , i really dont know as i made a grand exit within 30 minutes of waiting for credits to flow on screen.My bad luck is afflicted with worst luck . Movie is of 90 minutes and to my horror there was no interval..I was trapped like rat and at total mercy in hands of Mrs Kiran Amir Khan Bhenji..Waiting for credits was really excruciating .Movie was movng at amazingly slow pace.There was no masala .Sex scenes were absent.Instead you had to imagine that it took place.No ., no even bluring image or atleast hands were shown.Kiran behnji was smart enough to not to let Ammir khan any chance to make Monica dogra future Mrs Amir Khan.Only from reviews i happen to know Knight in Shining Armour Prateik babbr was actually a Rat Killer by night.Super Hero Eh..!!

Instead of waiting for filmi credits i choose to dissolve myself into my own dream world where i choose to write this blog and to write my own credits of my life on my mental screen and at the same time hope that films gets over befpre i become Over or atleast electricty snaps or projector crumbles.But nothing happened.2012 is far away so is Armageddon n End of days for earth,...
From my real film called Life I drew out all persons- some Nameless and Faceless who have crossed my path or my sense of observation.Give credits where it was due.,.Credits to all of those who displayed their wonderful human qualities .Being born as human being is ultmate gift with so many possiblities in infinities which no other life form has or can exhibit.Rather than blooming n expressing our humanness we seem to be ne shrinking n drawing boundaries arpound overslves.Hence these credits to all for whom i hold awe...
Hmmm...where shall i began.Lemme start with Baby of the Battalion: Kritika Lakshmi Triupara Sundari-The whole and sole daughter of a diplomat.She resembles Tintin and calwin n hoobes and astreix comc charatcters put together .The tiniest gal whose tongue talks faster than F-1 racer car.The voice would be full of zest and enthusiasm and full of innocence.(if only u folks have listened to it u wud know what iam talking). But not as innocent as Playboy of Ymca mangalore ., the big belly boy Ramesh.His big belly can be matched only by big heart he possess which is still in pure state and uncontimanated by Johnny walker, hawards 5400 old monkl..etc This Man with Golden Heart (like james bond in man witth golden gun) was the last guy to come and to send me off when i was leaving mangalore and the chap who searched n brought another chap when i didnt know how to book tickets online .Heart touching act before i came to Vizag.
Here in Vizag ., Life could have been veritable Hell if not this Baby faced bihari babu Ashish anand.Office without Ashish is no Anand at all.He is the most productive and industrious chap and really awesome super master chef around who advises me on all things .which thankfully helps me in preventing me to strain my invisible brain. So Active and so systematic and so effeicient. But if anyone can be more efficient than Ashsih ., then it has to be Dobhi (Name unknown) who presses my clothes .So flawless he does his job the clothes would be stiff even after many days of use,He surely can win an medal or two in Olympics of at all Laundry is included in Olympics.And i always had a sour corner for NRI who behave so boorish n arrogant but that ideology was torn to smitherns by our Vroom Vroom Arooooon(arun to be precise but he hardly runs though his brain does all the running @ speed of thought)

Well credits havent yet flowed eevn after enduring the movie fer 30-40 searing hot volcanic minutes.I just do what i do when faced wit a challenge. Take easy route out.Hence i called it quits. And Yeah., Reviews say Dobhi ghat is soulful poetic movie not for masses.Well.., All flop movies are called hit or critic acclaimed or art films which need artistic taste to understand.Well then Kiran should have made movie and watched it alone in her home theatre rather than letting my purse get destroyed.I want my money back...hope she listens
Well Ramesh n Kritika ., i know i have promises to keep .My next blog would be what you have asked fer "Creepy Encounters" Before i could write them i need to gather some energy .I thought of eating some boiled eggs .
chalo till next blog ....adios amigos ..
"Thinking before Doing" was just never my strong point.Many a times i wonder why i have taken some action or decsion.I just finished reading my second pakistani novel "Reluctant Fundamentalist".Really spooky boring novel which gave me severe headache.Next many minutes i was busy doing absolutely nothing .Suddenly i got up and took an auto for movie Dobhi Ghat as if i didnt know other way to torture yourself .

Hmm...Dobhi ghat by Ammir Khan biwi no 2.Well movie began on pale note.Well i guessed and hoped some masala excitment is just round the corner.But to much of my disappointment , movie was sheer mental torture and beja fry except for the face of pretty lass moncia dogra.Kiran Bhenji (Amir Khans official biwi no 2 cum director of this great Art movie) certainly desreves credit for introducing the F-word graciously and artistically.F word has replaced our traditional slurs like Neech,Kamina , Kuthe etc. Certainly F word has become quite popular these days.Few weeks back one pretty girl used WTF on Gchat.Being ignorant or plainly stupid and cyber illiterate., i was racking what the hell could this be WTF and pride and ego prevented me from asking her.Stupid enough i was that i havcent even searched it on google.I was wondering.,probably this WTF could be some international organisation like WTO or WWF or WWE etc only to realise that its a smart acronym for What The F***K....No wonder Osho sooth sayed long back that F word is the most versatile word in English Dictionary(Google it folks .Its really funny n hilarious)
Hmm..Amir Khan and Yummy Yummy Monica in film use it once or more , i really dont know as i made a grand exit within 30 minutes of waiting for credits to flow on screen.My bad luck is afflicted with worst luck . Movie is of 90 minutes and to my horror there was no interval..I was trapped like rat and at total mercy in hands of Mrs Kiran Amir Khan Bhenji..Waiting for credits was really excruciating .Movie was movng at amazingly slow pace.There was no masala .Sex scenes were absent.Instead you had to imagine that it took place.No ., no even bluring image or atleast hands were shown.Kiran behnji was smart enough to not to let Ammir khan any chance to make Monica dogra future Mrs Amir Khan.Only from reviews i happen to know Knight in Shining Armour Prateik babbr was actually a Rat Killer by night.Super Hero Eh..!!

Instead of waiting for filmi credits i choose to dissolve myself into my own dream world where i choose to write this blog and to write my own credits of my life on my mental screen and at the same time hope that films gets over befpre i become Over or atleast electricty snaps or projector crumbles.But nothing happened.2012 is far away so is Armageddon n End of days for earth,...
From my real film called Life I drew out all persons- some Nameless and Faceless who have crossed my path or my sense of observation.Give credits where it was due.,.Credits to all of those who displayed their wonderful human qualities .Being born as human being is ultmate gift with so many possiblities in infinities which no other life form has or can exhibit.Rather than blooming n expressing our humanness we seem to be ne shrinking n drawing boundaries arpound overslves.Hence these credits to all for whom i hold awe...
Hmmm...where shall i began.Lemme start with Baby of the Battalion: Kritika Lakshmi Triupara Sundari-The whole and sole daughter of a diplomat.She resembles Tintin and calwin n hoobes and astreix comc charatcters put together .The tiniest gal whose tongue talks faster than F-1 racer car.The voice would be full of zest and enthusiasm and full of innocence.(if only u folks have listened to it u wud know what iam talking). But not as innocent as Playboy of Ymca mangalore ., the big belly boy Ramesh.His big belly can be matched only by big heart he possess which is still in pure state and uncontimanated by Johnny walker, hawards 5400 old monkl..etc This Man with Golden Heart (like james bond in man witth golden gun) was the last guy to come and to send me off when i was leaving mangalore and the chap who searched n brought another chap when i didnt know how to book tickets online .Heart touching act before i came to Vizag.
Here in Vizag ., Life could have been veritable Hell if not this Baby faced bihari babu Ashish anand.Office without Ashish is no Anand at all.He is the most productive and industrious chap and really awesome super master chef around who advises me on all things .which thankfully helps me in preventing me to strain my invisible brain. So Active and so systematic and so effeicient. But if anyone can be more efficient than Ashsih ., then it has to be Dobhi (Name unknown) who presses my clothes .So flawless he does his job the clothes would be stiff even after many days of use,He surely can win an medal or two in Olympics of at all Laundry is included in Olympics.And i always had a sour corner for NRI who behave so boorish n arrogant but that ideology was torn to smitherns by our Vroom Vroom Arooooon(arun to be precise but he hardly runs though his brain does all the running @ speed of thought)

Well credits havent yet flowed eevn after enduring the movie fer 30-40 searing hot volcanic minutes.I just do what i do when faced wit a challenge. Take easy route out.Hence i called it quits. And Yeah., Reviews say Dobhi ghat is soulful poetic movie not for masses.Well.., All flop movies are called hit or critic acclaimed or art films which need artistic taste to understand.Well then Kiran should have made movie and watched it alone in her home theatre rather than letting my purse get destroyed.I want my money back...hope she listens
Well Ramesh n Kritika ., i know i have promises to keep .My next blog would be what you have asked fer "Creepy Encounters" Before i could write them i need to gather some energy .I thought of eating some boiled eggs .
chalo till next blog ....adios amigos ..