2010 Extinct and 2011 in Endangered list (within 365 days it follows the path of its ancestors into memories of Time )Here i stand between tons n tons of Yesterdays and God-knows-how-many-Tomorrows..
New year was just like all years ahead and maybe comming years aswell. dull bland and same ...For a change i thought i wud visit my store room and give my rippling muscles some work which were in state of inertia since the Times of Dinosaurs.
Store room was filled bygone junk ..dust filled ,cobwebbed crates .Its my policy to dump old stuff periodically so that things dont pile up and space would be free from clutter and welcome errr...new junk. How often we kep the stuff we never or seldom use?.old clothes, furniture,cutlery.We never use yet we pile the stuff.Same thing with our minds.We still stick to old ideas and opinions even when we know the truth is contrary? Frankly when was the last time we assessed our ideas and opinions??
Here iam trying to assess what to dump and what to preserve.All things once that were price less now appear expendeble or useless.Time surely a great game changer.Iam sure everyone has an attic or boxes or lockers or just some corner where they pile up things that they cannot let go immediately..Arent these places store houses of memorie.So are mine.,so many things lying around..All fragments of memories scattered everywhere.First salary slip..Airplane ticket,Tons of old comics whose pages became yellow due to ravages of time.

Tons of books wrapped in polythene to prevent termites n bookworms..Tons of novels waiting to be read or re-read.There is no change in me in all these years .Always in hurry .Hurried life,Eating without tasting.Into relations without feelings.Just living without experiencng..Weird n Quaint often funny
Most of my stuff are books.As i fiddle around dust laden boxes., some books catch my attention like Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea by Jules Vernue..Its rare original unabridged book i bought from roadside seller in my 11 th class.I had to beg him to sell that book for my price which he had to, rather he was irked by my presence to his shop daily just to see that book isnt been sold..often hiding it under other books so that no one buys it.Oh my ..My love for books is more than my love for any human being and perhaps can be matched by my lust for green forests. The yellow corners of old books and its ancient smell it carries really swirl my mind to ecstacy
Hmm...Dominant genre are comics.My 1st and ever lasting love.Those Justice League comics for which me and chouji had to walk miles on rail tracks to buy.I wonder with that beer belly if chouji can do the same stunt now.? Two Alister Mc lean books gifted by Frank pa the legendry biriyani gobbler.These are the only books which came by surprise in dead of my birthday night.I never lock my room whether iam present or not ..and frank pa like silent black cat commando slipped in n placed it next my pillow ..really heart warming surprise n experinece of YMCA ..
There are so many books that i have to read in these mountains of literature.Which i have promised myself to read later in leisure...maybe tomroow ..ater i finish 10th class ..after 12..maybe after engg exam ..post exams ..once i get job ......Always postponiong to tomrrow and this tomorrow never comes ..maybe grave is only place with plenty of time ..

Not just books there are other stuff as well ..full packet of Provake tablets hidden inside bryan adams cassteee box.Tablets which would alter sleep cycles giving you 24 hours laserbeam concentration.Initialy it wud zap 24 hrs of my sleep but after 2-3 hours of studies i was hell bored and to tired with studies and wonder what to do with remaining time .I cannot even sleep and my boredom would be centre of my concentration.Hellish and Harrowing it was.
and here is old college scrap book , alma matter book full of photographs.i dare not to keep it lest all old flames memories might pop out like genies.Let graves be not dug.who wants to remeber college day crushes .let bygones be bygioes .
Suddenly a waft of pages fluttred by sudden gust of wind .,Couldnt help reading the contents,Poetry and cartoons from my and school and college days. I have totally forgotten that i used to write poetry n done painting during my teens .Advt Posters from advt copy writer days.Silently i smile n tear them away .All gone n dead .i no longer do painting n artist days are Days from another life time .With no regrets i tear them to smitherns
Now with darkness slwoly creeping into room,Shadows being casted gave an errie feelings ..From little light twinkled..reflection of some glass shine caught my
attention.I open the box fully to find fat book with glass being taped to it.....This book...I delibertaley never completed this book so as to have
some reason to take out this book and see it again..."Code of Honor" ...gifted
by then-gf and the taped glass is nothing but glass blended with 18 karat gold rose ...as i feel the curls of glass rose which are same like her curly hair ...sweet scent on nape of neck...eeeks..now i feel electricity pass through the lenghth of
spine..memories from past scream through the every corner of my memory... past
... .....unknowlngly i am about to be sucked into depths of nostalgia...I guess procrastination of cleaning the books clutter is the best form defence to combat the tricks of mind...i dump the book into the box and postpone the idea of cleaning the clutter for another century and rush out ...
Till we meet again ...in another Time and another Mood
keep smiling and shining
New year was just like all years ahead and maybe comming years aswell. dull bland and same ...For a change i thought i wud visit my store room and give my rippling muscles some work which were in state of inertia since the Times of Dinosaurs.
Store room was filled bygone junk ..dust filled ,cobwebbed crates .Its my policy to dump old stuff periodically so that things dont pile up and space would be free from clutter and welcome errr...new junk. How often we kep the stuff we never or seldom use?.old clothes, furniture,cutlery.We never use yet we pile the stuff.Same thing with our minds.We still stick to old ideas and opinions even when we know the truth is contrary? Frankly when was the last time we assessed our ideas and opinions??
Here iam trying to assess what to dump and what to preserve.All things once that were price less now appear expendeble or useless.Time surely a great game changer.Iam sure everyone has an attic or boxes or lockers or just some corner where they pile up things that they cannot let go immediately..Arent these places store houses of memorie.So are mine.,so many things lying around..All fragments of memories scattered everywhere.First salary slip..Airplane ticket,Tons of old comics whose pages became yellow due to ravages of time.

Tons of books wrapped in polythene to prevent termites n bookworms..Tons of novels waiting to be read or re-read.There is no change in me in all these years .Always in hurry .Hurried life,Eating without tasting.Into relations without feelings.Just living without experiencng..Weird n Quaint often funny
Most of my stuff are books.As i fiddle around dust laden boxes., some books catch my attention like Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea by Jules Vernue..Its rare original unabridged book i bought from roadside seller in my 11 th class.I had to beg him to sell that book for my price which he had to, rather he was irked by my presence to his shop daily just to see that book isnt been sold..often hiding it under other books so that no one buys it.Oh my ..My love for books is more than my love for any human being and perhaps can be matched by my lust for green forests. The yellow corners of old books and its ancient smell it carries really swirl my mind to ecstacy
Hmm...Dominant genre are comics.My 1st and ever lasting love.Those Justice League comics for which me and chouji had to walk miles on rail tracks to buy.I wonder with that beer belly if chouji can do the same stunt now.? Two Alister Mc lean books gifted by Frank pa the legendry biriyani gobbler.These are the only books which came by surprise in dead of my birthday night.I never lock my room whether iam present or not ..and frank pa like silent black cat commando slipped in n placed it next my pillow ..really heart warming surprise n experinece of YMCA ..
There are so many books that i have to read in these mountains of literature.Which i have promised myself to read later in leisure...maybe tomroow ..ater i finish 10th class ..after 12..maybe after engg exam ..post exams ..once i get job ......Always postponiong to tomrrow and this tomorrow never comes ..maybe grave is only place with plenty of time ..

Not just books there are other stuff as well ..full packet of Provake tablets hidden inside bryan adams cassteee box.Tablets which would alter sleep cycles giving you 24 hours laserbeam concentration.Initialy it wud zap 24 hrs of my sleep but after 2-3 hours of studies i was hell bored and to tired with studies and wonder what to do with remaining time .I cannot even sleep and my boredom would be centre of my concentration.Hellish and Harrowing it was.
and here is old college scrap book , alma matter book full of photographs.i dare not to keep it lest all old flames memories might pop out like genies.Let graves be not dug.who wants to remeber college day crushes .let bygones be bygioes .
Suddenly a waft of pages fluttred by sudden gust of wind .,Couldnt help reading the contents,Poetry and cartoons from my and school and college days. I have totally forgotten that i used to write poetry n done painting during my teens .Advt Posters from advt copy writer days.Silently i smile n tear them away .All gone n dead .i no longer do painting n artist days are Days from another life time .With no regrets i tear them to smitherns
Now with darkness slwoly creeping into room,Shadows being casted gave an errie feelings ..From little light twinkled..reflection of some glass shine caught my
attention.I open the box fully to find fat book with glass being taped to it.....This book...I delibertaley never completed this book so as to have
some reason to take out this book and see it again..."Code of Honor" ...gifted
by then-gf and the taped glass is nothing but glass blended with 18 karat gold rose ...as i feel the curls of glass rose which are same like her curly hair ...sweet scent on nape of neck...eeeks..now i feel electricity pass through the lenghth of
spine..memories from past scream through the every corner of my memory... past
... .....unknowlngly i am about to be sucked into depths of nostalgia...I guess procrastination of cleaning the books clutter is the best form defence to combat the tricks of mind...i dump the book into the box and postpone the idea of cleaning the clutter for another century and rush out ...
Till we meet again ...in another Time and another Mood
keep smiling and shining
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