Other day a weird thought hit my empty brain. It was sunny day .Bright with no heat . It reminded me my school days summer holidays when all i used to do was laze under trees .Then i wondered how would it be if i had power to go back into time . What if we can go back the time. Time is impenetrable but still a lazy fantasy to look back all the events in live back in time .
Time machine is ultimate dream come true for all those scinetists and writers and day dreamers like me .The earliest memory of Time machine was reading HG Wells classsical book "Time machine" and and now a days many movies must have come based on the concept...easrliest movie i remeber was "Blast from the Past"
where science ends , spirituality begins.If anyone of you read any of the works of Tibetian Lama Lobsang Rampa (arun, iam half way up ), He speaks of Akakshic Records where everything about past and present and future are/were/will be stored up and one can tune into it ..Iam not talented as Lobsang Rampa nor iam equiped with HG Wells imagination . iam just a mere dreamer ..Day dreamer. one who dream,s with his eyes wide open (n who lives life with his eyes closed especially at work)
i wondered what if i get a chance or in far distant future we invent such machines what would i see...Iam always frightened of functioning of my brain.It comes with awesome diablocial ideas . iam afraid when ., unknowignly i might listen to it and implement its dangerous senseless ideas(Didnt someone say..Be Master of Will but slave of Consceince"). But for entertainment and slapstick humour , i can totally rely on it..So i wonererd if i would go back to Past or peek into Future
I guess i would turn my focus into Past..zap back beyond centuries of Time and Space and watch the grand evolution of Earth.,watch the historical freedom struggle of our country. I still cannot imagine the force of Gandhjis words on advocacy of Non violence..At his call., not a single satyagrahi lifted his hands in self defence when bashed up by british soldiers with metal lathis.Rows and rows , obediently stood to get beaten.the fallen ones are taken away for treatment and new rows of freedom fighters took the place.Just imagine, i , at slight even perceived sense of danger would go into defensive stance.My training in karate with my teacher was drilled into bone and blood such that even in dead sleep., my hands go into defensive formation. and here pre 1947., people volunetarily give themselves to blows. Unimaginable
Probably next time station would be 1945-1960-1980: Wolrd war between Germany ad Western nations and Intense Cold war between USSR and USA. Even before i could read Indian History ., i was well versed in World war history .thanks to tons of comics i used ot read.some how i regale old european history and aura that period holds.The spy war after WW-2 was one topic i dreamed endlessly.the technology., heated rivalry and almost nuclear war bnetween USSR and USA was mind spinning.Not forgetting technological race and espionage .Damn thrilling.

My entire childhood and to this age aaswell., it spent most of time reading comics esp Amar chitra kathas.I always wondered if Mahabaratha war really took place or not.The missiles they use were too awesome to be imaginative..Can Arjunas Brahmastras be a nuclear weapon invoked by Mantras power??Did Aliens acutally used to visit Earth.Otherwise how can we explain those big Pyramid and weird sculptures of green wich. Are puspaka Vimanas(Flying Vehicles) of past are in reality space ship (atharvanaveda speaks of vimankiasastra dealing with flying vehicles of most modern weapons imginabe 3000 ears ago)
As a kid i was regaled everynight with stories from fables n valour of kings by my mom., and Asoka was always my favourite.Ashoka was one King in Ancient India who deseves nobel prize .Just imagine a King with iron will and never give up spirit and extreme love for power ad war giving up his power after kalinga war after seeing sea of blood shed. We cannot give up our little power on our friends and all poloiticans in wolrd cling to power till death do them a part . And heres the hero who gave up at prime of his power and that too voluntarily
One should watch earth when dinosaurs walked the earth (i never sw movie jurassic park..alas) but iam too scared of any animal. But more importantly, last but not the least., i would enjoy to peak watching my friend grow up. A stupid friend who got mike inplace of throat and shreiks at hyper decibel level that kills eardrums.Watch the person grow from infancy to adulthood till we met.Watch when the person almost died by electrick shock when live wire came in contact in garden. watch the naughty thngs and studiousness as one topped exams in school n college . silently witnessing

if i keep goin on i guess there wont be any commercial break to my sense of umagination and my brain never gets tired at all.well buddies before i get struck up in some unknown historical era ., i would come back to present . Who knows many of my current day friends could have been Napoleon or Ceaser or Hitler or Ashoka or Samudra gupta or cholas or chimpanzees in their past lives....
Enjoy your present ..thats why its called Present
Time machine is ultimate dream come true for all those scinetists and writers and day dreamers like me .The earliest memory of Time machine was reading HG Wells classsical book "Time machine" and and now a days many movies must have come based on the concept...easrliest movie i remeber was "Blast from the Past"
where science ends , spirituality begins.If anyone of you read any of the works of Tibetian Lama Lobsang Rampa (arun, iam half way up ), He speaks of Akakshic Records where everything about past and present and future are/were/will be stored up and one can tune into it ..Iam not talented as Lobsang Rampa nor iam equiped with HG Wells imagination . iam just a mere dreamer ..Day dreamer. one who dream,s with his eyes wide open (n who lives life with his eyes closed especially at work)
i wondered what if i get a chance or in far distant future we invent such machines what would i see...Iam always frightened of functioning of my brain.It comes with awesome diablocial ideas . iam afraid when ., unknowignly i might listen to it and implement its dangerous senseless ideas(Didnt someone say..Be Master of Will but slave of Consceince"). But for entertainment and slapstick humour , i can totally rely on it..So i wonererd if i would go back to Past or peek into Future
I guess i would turn my focus into Past..zap back beyond centuries of Time and Space and watch the grand evolution of Earth.,watch the historical freedom struggle of our country. I still cannot imagine the force of Gandhjis words on advocacy of Non violence..At his call., not a single satyagrahi lifted his hands in self defence when bashed up by british soldiers with metal lathis.Rows and rows , obediently stood to get beaten.the fallen ones are taken away for treatment and new rows of freedom fighters took the place.Just imagine, i , at slight even perceived sense of danger would go into defensive stance.My training in karate with my teacher was drilled into bone and blood such that even in dead sleep., my hands go into defensive formation. and here pre 1947., people volunetarily give themselves to blows. Unimaginable
Probably next time station would be 1945-1960-1980: Wolrd war between Germany ad Western nations and Intense Cold war between USSR and USA. Even before i could read Indian History ., i was well versed in World war history .thanks to tons of comics i used ot read.some how i regale old european history and aura that period holds.The spy war after WW-2 was one topic i dreamed endlessly.the technology., heated rivalry and almost nuclear war bnetween USSR and USA was mind spinning.Not forgetting technological race and espionage .Damn thrilling.

My entire childhood and to this age aaswell., it spent most of time reading comics esp Amar chitra kathas.I always wondered if Mahabaratha war really took place or not.The missiles they use were too awesome to be imaginative..Can Arjunas Brahmastras be a nuclear weapon invoked by Mantras power??Did Aliens acutally used to visit Earth.Otherwise how can we explain those big Pyramid and weird sculptures of green wich. Are puspaka Vimanas(Flying Vehicles) of past are in reality space ship (atharvanaveda speaks of vimankiasastra dealing with flying vehicles of most modern weapons imginabe 3000 ears ago)
As a kid i was regaled everynight with stories from fables n valour of kings by my mom., and Asoka was always my favourite.Ashoka was one King in Ancient India who deseves nobel prize .Just imagine a King with iron will and never give up spirit and extreme love for power ad war giving up his power after kalinga war after seeing sea of blood shed. We cannot give up our little power on our friends and all poloiticans in wolrd cling to power till death do them a part . And heres the hero who gave up at prime of his power and that too voluntarily
One should watch earth when dinosaurs walked the earth (i never sw movie jurassic park..alas) but iam too scared of any animal. But more importantly, last but not the least., i would enjoy to peak watching my friend grow up. A stupid friend who got mike inplace of throat and shreiks at hyper decibel level that kills eardrums.Watch the person grow from infancy to adulthood till we met.Watch when the person almost died by electrick shock when live wire came in contact in garden. watch the naughty thngs and studiousness as one topped exams in school n college . silently witnessing

if i keep goin on i guess there wont be any commercial break to my sense of umagination and my brain never gets tired at all.well buddies before i get struck up in some unknown historical era ., i would come back to present . Who knows many of my current day friends could have been Napoleon or Ceaser or Hitler or Ashoka or Samudra gupta or cholas or chimpanzees in their past lives....
Enjoy your present ..thats why its called Present
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