This morning I was kinda disturbed. I have just downloaded 4 books online in matter of minutes. I was amazed how such a fat books can fit in small space of computer folders.Internet , and other gizmos like Ipad or Kindle have definitely changed the way we see the world .they have changed the reading habits which remained more or less same fer centuries.No longer I need to carry heavy books . All I need to carry is one Ipad or E-Kindle which will have 100s of books;all atthe click of button.No longer I can feel the touch of paper or smell it.Now its all electronic digitized bits and bytes.No longer I have to go to local flea market to buy some old books and which require my negotiating skills. Its simple down load button ., and there we have tons of books with little or no cost. No longer I have to fear of termites n bookworms damaging my comics. Now its all viruses and computer bugs.
I guess this is what the world should always be ready to brace; ”The Change” only constant in the world of fluid change is is change itself.We comfortably evolved from days of big black telephone (hard or land line as its called now) to 3G cell phones..from fat wallets to ATMs.Cassettes to DVd .Same with books.From hardbound books to e books But iam still old fashioned when it comes to reading or buying books. I still prefer to hold the book and flip the pages as it gives me personal touch .

Well coming back to present., after quick downloads I went to local library where I spend all my free time (as well as stolen office timings).As I was returning I saw bundle of yet-to-be-bar coded books at feet of librarian.Out of curiosity I flipped through the books wondering what titles are they. Believe me ., I felt like hitting billion bucks lottery .It was absolute treasure trove. These are comics which I have spent my entire childhood on. All comics of 1940 to 80s . the flash, superman, justice league, commando and our own indrajal comics ,DC comics, Marvel comics and so many . for a moment my my pulse went erratic as my mind raced to assimilate all information my eyes feeding at rapid speed.I know the value of eacjh and every book of these kind.Guess what , the 1st spiderman comic of 1960 went for 20 lakh INR in auction . but a true bibliophile would never sell his books .Well that’s another matter. As for these books though they are yellowed by ravages of time. They are mostly in perfect condition. I wondered who could have donated them to library (I wish and I really really wish he has given it to me rather than library)
These books or comics are of old world which only a fellow book lover or connoisseur can identify it with. The old world when only DD-1 ruled the airwaves rather than 200 channel HD LCD TVs as of now or when people slept by 9 pm and roads were deserted by 10 pm .Days when postal services were what people waited for rather than instant video sms from your android smart phone. Comics whose pages were yellowed , giving the smell of olden days which is just like smell of mud before rain.Very natural and very earthy.
As I flipped the pages of comics I wondered who the collector was. He definitely is a book lover iof he had preserved so many comics for so many years. I wondered under what circumstances did he donate these Gems of Literature. Even I have tons of comics ., and would a day come that I donate or give to anyone ??, Never. Iam too greedy and selfish when it comes to my books. They are like babies and would never part with them even I need to die. For a moment I just thought of all those books of mine that are lying in those boxes . Books which I know I would never read them again .Some books which are preserved out of the sentimental value such as those books presented by someone really special or some books which have some memories embedded to them and some books which I had walked miles to buy them as a kid ..books I know I would never open them again ..
My entire attitude changed when I read paulo Coelho book few days back in train to Bangalore which put things in perspective which I would reproduce (without permission of course)
“I simply believe that a book has its own journey to make and should not be condemned to being stuck on a shelf. Lets leave our books free to travel them, to be touched by other hands and enjoyed by others eyes”
Well…guess that’s what might the owner of all those books who donated might have felt ..maybe one of days in far future I might think in same way .,…let those lovely gems of literature be held as many as humanity can hold
I guess this is what the world should always be ready to brace; ”The Change” only constant in the world of fluid change is is change itself.We comfortably evolved from days of big black telephone (hard or land line as its called now) to 3G cell phones..from fat wallets to ATMs.Cassettes to DVd .Same with books.From hardbound books to e books But iam still old fashioned when it comes to reading or buying books. I still prefer to hold the book and flip the pages as it gives me personal touch .

Well coming back to present., after quick downloads I went to local library where I spend all my free time (as well as stolen office timings).As I was returning I saw bundle of yet-to-be-bar coded books at feet of librarian.Out of curiosity I flipped through the books wondering what titles are they. Believe me ., I felt like hitting billion bucks lottery .It was absolute treasure trove. These are comics which I have spent my entire childhood on. All comics of 1940 to 80s . the flash, superman, justice league, commando and our own indrajal comics ,DC comics, Marvel comics and so many . for a moment my my pulse went erratic as my mind raced to assimilate all information my eyes feeding at rapid speed.I know the value of eacjh and every book of these kind.Guess what , the 1st spiderman comic of 1960 went for 20 lakh INR in auction . but a true bibliophile would never sell his books .Well that’s another matter. As for these books though they are yellowed by ravages of time. They are mostly in perfect condition. I wondered who could have donated them to library (I wish and I really really wish he has given it to me rather than library)
These books or comics are of old world which only a fellow book lover or connoisseur can identify it with. The old world when only DD-1 ruled the airwaves rather than 200 channel HD LCD TVs as of now or when people slept by 9 pm and roads were deserted by 10 pm .Days when postal services were what people waited for rather than instant video sms from your android smart phone. Comics whose pages were yellowed , giving the smell of olden days which is just like smell of mud before rain.Very natural and very earthy.
As I flipped the pages of comics I wondered who the collector was. He definitely is a book lover iof he had preserved so many comics for so many years. I wondered under what circumstances did he donate these Gems of Literature. Even I have tons of comics ., and would a day come that I donate or give to anyone ??, Never. Iam too greedy and selfish when it comes to my books. They are like babies and would never part with them even I need to die. For a moment I just thought of all those books of mine that are lying in those boxes . Books which I know I would never read them again .Some books which are preserved out of the sentimental value such as those books presented by someone really special or some books which have some memories embedded to them and some books which I had walked miles to buy them as a kid ..books I know I would never open them again ..
My entire attitude changed when I read paulo Coelho book few days back in train to Bangalore which put things in perspective which I would reproduce (without permission of course)
“I simply believe that a book has its own journey to make and should not be condemned to being stuck on a shelf. Lets leave our books free to travel them, to be touched by other hands and enjoyed by others eyes”
Well…guess that’s what might the owner of all those books who donated might have felt ..maybe one of days in far future I might think in same way .,…let those lovely gems of literature be held as many as humanity can hold
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