Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Pursuit of Happiness


Its 1030 pm. I just returned from jog. Sweating profusely definitely kicks in dopamine high. Certainly some people looked at me weirdly as I was jogging in night time. But who cares! I just live for myself. As I was jogging , this blogpost got created in my mind hence I wrote it down before I forget.

Make yourself happy. What makes you happy? Not the world definition (Cash,Car&Castle!). Surrendering to world definition is worst form of slavery I believe. Trying to go by world standards of happiness would eventually make one slave and dissatisfied, disgruntled at death bed for not living life on his terms. 

I asked myself million times why I do something I do. Be it my job, hobbies I pursue, food I eat, games I play, people I spend with, things I do. Again and again! Just to get clarity. Just to see if I am doing to impress someone, prove a point to someone, to be part of society niche or for the world. Being brutal with self cuts down many layers of confusion, deception of mind, illusion of society programming.

Society programs human to do its bidding. Society hypnotizes us driving in the fear of missing the bus of life or missing the life itself.   I believe none of your thoughts which propel to some action are yours. But, they are borrowed from mass media, gossip or society.  “Date someone (Peer pressure), Get married  (even if u don’t like), buy a good car (more to impress and don’t forget those EMI’s), high paying job (Even if  its not of your inclination), Grow 6-pack abs (though I love yoga or sports), Travel world (Its new In-thing), Smoke-drink-eat like king (even when stomach groans under overload)” etc etc…I can continue forever. Society does tinker with our beliefs endlessly.

photo courtesy@ Mallik

The last thing I want on my death bed is “Regret”. I want to be brutally honest with myself. I quit 3 jobs to get job I truly enjoy. (You spend most part of life working in office , so better chose  job that gives you happiness than stress). I pursued many things before I realized simple book gives me more happiness than seeing the world or going to malls or movies. I realized jogging or yoga or simple veg meals give me satisfied guilt free sleep than gobbling heavy junk and not exercising . Having less possessions, manageable things and clutter free house for me brings more positivity , light than too many riches.

I realized less you live your life of your dreams, more you start to live in dreams than reality. To compensate the incompletion, You would end up creating multiple personalities within yourself. Always trying to prove yourself to the world. (Trust me, World is least interested in you. It has 7 billion like you).  Slowly if you love yourself and pursue your calling/happiness, less those personalities within each. Finally there would be only one. Inside and Outside! Life is complete. Comfortable in your skin.  No regrets whatsoever!
Once you are fulfilled, then world around you becomes joyful. Your work or relationship is more out of your joy than you trying to suck joy from others.  Your relationship with world is expression of your joy than cunning transaction.

Saying that, I rest my case. Iam no fanatic nor prisoner of my opinion. If iam wrong, iam open to correction. I am waiting. Adios Amigos.


Sam said...

Amazing read :) It's been quite some time that I have read your posts. Happy to be back as your follower!

Praveen said...

what a coincidence. iam back to vizag after decade & attend follow up session last sunday only to remember u on seeing someone who apparently resembled u in Teacher training@ Niranjan hall.

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