Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona Post-1, Palm Sunday Post

As usual my alarm in my phones started buzzing hours before sun break . As I woke up I realized its Sunday and decided to relax a bit and give my routine life a break. That means eat some junk , no exercise , pamper myself a bit (like taking my weekly bath with half bucket of water (save water dude!). ..

The moment I decided to relax, body has become hyper active and fresh. I was surprised! Coz Daily it groans and comes with million excuses why it cant wear shoes for a jog or lack of time to do all chores. But today its vitality is high&mood fresh. I notice my mind is missing my diet or exercise. Mind is cunning creature. It always wants what you don’t want or have. Its like we like to go school only on holidays.

Well saying that, couple of days back I happen to know about a girl. She was just out of world or so I felt. Globe solo traveler, entrepreneur, with amazing adventurous stories adding to her life resume. Her biography was too sizzling and for a moment it stirred my amnesic  masculinity,  redundant buried brains & comatose body. Then I remembered all women in my life viz from family to half-gfs, childish crushes etc. All were hyper capable than me. And I am always at awe of them. Infact if not for their constant prodding and nagging, I would have been still a primitive caveman in some cave happily content with my stone club & cave. Every person I come across seem to be better than me. While one friend of mine takes loan to travel, I cancel tickets in less than 2 minutes out of fear of solo travel (and with heavy cancellation fees). “What a pathetic life I live”…that’s what others think…haha

@AndhraBhavan,Delhi:  Enjoying small pleasures & gifts of life.

Wait, despite of all negatives in my life when was the last time I felt sad? Not in recent memory !..when was the last time I felt miserable ? Almost never! We seem to focus on others life high points or FB pix so much that we forget great things in our own lives. Grass is not just green other side, Its also green where you focus and water. We always seem to be living on borrowed dreams. We all are heros & villans in some or other persons story. While feeling envious of someones large life-resume, I forget iam quite good in million things which probably evoke awe & envy in many others. No matter how passionate we are with our work, over a period of time it becomes monotonous. And here at this point, we look out of our lives to peep into others. Looking closely enough, we find what we want to find. Focus on things you have, you have plenty to be of gratitude; focus on bad, list would be endless misery. Its your choice. Iam sure there is no end to desires. I am not saying to lead stagnant life. Iam just saying while learning from others, stop comparing with others and be proud of whatever you are. (unless u r me..haha).

Btw to those don’t know, I lead very joyful fulfilled life effortlessly .  

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