Tuesday, January 30, 2007

God Is Online !!!

You Got a Mail From "The One"

God: Hello. Did you call me?

Me: Called you? No. Who is this?

God: This is GOD. I heard your prayers. So I thought I will chat.

Me: I do pray. Just makes me feel good. I am actually busy now. I am in the midst of something.

God: What are you busy at? Ants are busy too.

Me: Don't know. But I can't find free time. Life has become hectic. It's rush hour all the time.

God: Sure. Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results.Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.

Me: I understand. But I still can't figure out. By the way, I was not expecting YOU to buzz me on instant messaging chat.

God: Well, I wanted to resolve your fight for time, by giving you some clarity. In this net era, I wanted to reach you through the medium you are comfortable with.

Me: Tell me, why has life become complicated now?

God: Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it complicated.

Me: Why are we then constantly unhappy?

God: Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. You are worrying because you are analyzing. Worrying has become your habit. That's why you are not happy.

Me: But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty?God: Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.

Me: But then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty. ..

God: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

Me: If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?

God: Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don't suffer. With that experience their life become better, not bitter.

Me: You mean to say such experience is useful?

God: Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.

Me: But still, why should we go through such tests? Why can't we be free from problems?

God: Problems are:Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons to Enhance Mental Strength. Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance, not when you are free from problems.

Me: Frankly in the midst of so many problems, we don't know where we are heading...

God: If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside.Looking outside, you dream.Looking inside, you awaken.Eyes provide sight.Heart provides insight.

Me: Sometimes not succeeding fast seems to hurt more than moving in the right direction. What should I do?

God: Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you. Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than Knowing you rode ahead. You work with the compass (direction). Let others work with the clock.

Me: In tough times, how do you stay motivated?

God: Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

Me: What surprises you about people?

God: When they suffer they ask, "why me?" When they prosper, they never ask "Why me?" Everyone wishes to have truth on their side, but few want to be on the side of the truth.

Me: Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here. I can't get the answer.

God: Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation.

Me: How can I get the best out of life?

God: Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

Me: One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

God: There are no unanswered prayers. At times the answer is NO.

Me: Thank you for this wonderful chat. I am so happy to start the New Day with a new sense of inspiration.

God: Well. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Source : Fwd chain mail.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sex and the Indian Cities

Believe me before reading ..I am totally not and never be against any religion ..and what all i ve written anytime are backed by hard n concrete physical evidence

Just as i was walking across Sunday flea market ..scanning fer any interesting book in Abids where most of book hawkers lay their wares ..one interesting feature is that all book shops will have one particular book series in common ....those will be 'Penthouses ' ..filled with wildest fantasies of erotica n sometimes funny porn stories ......read first few pages ...its assured u have read entire book ...just same content in different syntax......

I really wonder why 'phoren penthouse' dominate Indian markets when India has more better than the best sex literature in its vibrant history ?...ie.., KAMASUTRA ...Indian contribution to world of sex ...pardoxically our markets are ruled by pent houses as kamasutra takes over the world ...Vatsyanas Kamasutra was written during period of Chendellas rajas(hope iam right!!) that blew worlds imagination and myth that indians were largely sexually ignorant ...

Myth 1 ..we Indians are closed up society and sex is strict NO-NO and biggest taboo ?...an firangs are are more open to it ?....

Hmmmm ....Are any one joking around ..? long before western man walked on planet earth ..Indians were using higher science and complex mathmatics ..and vast culture et al ....in India sex is more holy rather than routine stuff in firang lands.....Worship of phallus (male sex organ ) started 4000 years ago ..is still being continued by billion people around the world ..but in diffrent versions ......check how ....phallus worhip in sanskirt is called "linga ".....now it is shiv linga (surprised ?)...now if u think its only indian custom ..check japanese ..they have penis shrines and festival is called Hounen Matsuri

all fer fertility and sexual bliss...

One of few books i know by rote that i purchased when AIDS paranoia was thick in rounds was ..'sexual secrets ..love n sex n aids ' ....clearly mentions ...path fer happy marriage is ...sexual gratification and healthy communication ..

All black magics have sex as important component to their black magical rituals ...extreme vodoo /witchcraft /..indian tantric ....every style has it .....mystical sex or tantric sex ...appears in indian black arts ...what do u think is shiv shakti mean?...2 triangles taking shape of star ...depicting holy communion of shiv-shakti ....yin-yang ..positive-negative etc ...or wakening of kundalini shakti or mudras or chakras of human body through sex ...or arousing mystical serpentine energy in ur spinal chord ...according top western witchcraft ....or sexual intercourse to awaken ur 6th sense according to tibetian lamas versions ...

Most of religions and sects preach sacredness of sex ...somehow its has fallen into corridors of taboo ness .....frankly only mainland ..central indians ...highly educated ..cultured ..tech savvy ..are victims of syndrome(sex=taboo)...

Untouched by vageries of modern civilisation ..tribals in india still continue with their fore fathers legacy ...free societies exist among tribals ...wife swapping ,, promicsuity ..polyandry ..polygamy ...is very much prevalent among them and doesnt invite any curious stares from anyone ...(example ..Dard tribes in Leh/ladakh where wife swapping is common ..and some tribes where u have to bear child to a woman before u marry her ...no sexual potency ..no marriage ...simple ..)

Mind u guys ..what all i write is simple customs an cultures ,,,nothing to do with religion or pornography (which is nothing but de-humanising woman )...just sex ..healthy sex n bliss ....

now ...iam just looking diffrence between my index and middle finger ..diffrence is huge (no wonder ) according to one research ..its said that ur aggresiveness and sexual vigour is degree of diffrence between index n middle finger of ur hand ...now check urs ....

concieved by
Wandering mind

Annoying Areated Drinks

Coke back in eye of Storm


Circa 2005:
I still stick to stand…No coke No PEPSI/COKE Or, it's affiliated soft drinks…through years I've got little matured and I no longer hate
CIRCA 1998:
I guess I picked up my anti western stand from KGB,Arundathi Roy essays stories and Pro USSR books.Through prolonged arguments upto morning 3 am under the oak tree in my lawn I used to just back up my already taken stance with my pals . No foreign goods, No pepsi, No coke No levis(I cannot afford this either)…but hypocritically I had reservations for Hollywood movies(esp Sangeeth theatre used to be my2nd Americans..but American policy, coke and pepsi must go…Here are a few reasons why every one should dump coke from their daily schedule.Don't go for economic reasons that complicate your brain with Jargon that's highly difficult to understand.Health perspective:What is coke?

Just carbonated water and sugar with no nutrition value whose secretformuls is safe;y stored in bank of Atlanta.May never reveal it so we might not exactly know what the drink contains…But its Ph is 3.4 acidity enough to dissolve your bones and teeth

- Indian scientists already claim pestiside residue in coke.
-Charles bert discoverer of insulin remarked that large quantities ofcoke have Cirrhosis of liver similar to that of chronic alcoholics
- Studies conducted by London based consumer international state thatcolas cause tooth decay, obesity, hypertension, low blood glucose levels.

Stories from Archives

Political: In 1990 coke re-entry into India was turn down.Americanswere so angry that US Secretary of state (equivalent to Indian foreignMinister) James Baker pointed V P Singh in Nambia (nambia is no placeto discuss coke) that US can be very rash where it's self interest isinvolved and gave examples Iraq got doomed, panama dictator ManuelNoriega was put in Jail. All because they dared to stand against theUSA.

Result: Coke entered and swallowed Indian soft drinks viz, Goldspot, Goldspot(nowfanata), limca, Thumsup, Rush,Maaza. Now except Frooti there is noteven a single soft drink company owned by Indians.Summary: USA threatened India and forced it's way into India whyshould we Indians patronize big bully brands???Think of it.Present situationWater Woes: There are 100 odd manufacturing units in the country. Cokeand pepsi are engaged in water war against people of India. Coke alonein Plachimada district(Kerala) consumes 4-6 lakh/day denying localcommunities. Their fundamental right to water in plachimada now tastesmetallic not potable.


USA: USA itself pulled off coke&pepsi from its schools and colleges this August(aug 31/2005) as it is affecting health of US youth andteens leading to obesity and other health problems.

Summary: Is US teenager life and his/her well being more important than Indian counterpart. Are Indian lifves useless. Just ever pondered, Why we need to patronize cola giants that give us nothing except diseases, water scarcity in lieu of our money.Why can't we substitute cola to ,badam/flavoured milk or some fruit juice or plain water for that matter or maximum Frooti
(which is owned by Parle).

Is it necessary to guzzle litres of cola per day just bcoz ourfavourite movie stars persuade us or our cricketers dancing to bubbly tune..(as more and more crciketers seems to have losing they batting sheen , they are turning to modelling and actions)

Ask yourself, don't you think it time to kick out the menance called Coke?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Love story of Chenchu n Chickens

In the defense of Vegetarianism

Long long ago there lived a sweet bubbly bubbly human called Chenchu. Chenchu one fine day , due to bad karma or evil deeds , chenchu has fallen sick and hands stopped responding . Doctors gave verdict of operating chenchu to retrieve chenchus ruptured spinal nerves .

On advice of doctors chenchu life became like rat in lab .Chenchu was tested in every way ..syringes were punctured more often for blood test ..body became experimental equipment for new doctors (house surgeons )..chenchu was subjected for radiations gain & again ...Cat scan to X-ray to MMR..(the only happy news is that chenchu is very fair and white in X-ray report )...

Chenchu is no alien to operations in hospitals .Chenchu witnessed 101 operations in all movies , though chcnchu knows that her spinal operation is quite simple but chcnchu fears the worst as all movies show the same , where a masked doctor comes out only to say "IAM SORRY" ..

Its not excately as Chenchu visualised in true filmy fashion ...that chenchu will be slammed on table where chenchu back will be torn open in choicest designs with cleaver knife just like we tear open a zipped bag . Who knows blood will leak out like in taps.Maybe doctors will forget a knife , or blade or sponge or I-Pod to make things worst. More chnechu visualised possible scenarios more chcncu got scared .Days were living hell in hospital esp 2-idli diet .and nights dreams were bizarre nightmares.Chenchu knows the inevitable cannot be escaped from......Tension built up as D-Day came near ...Tears began to flow relentlessly that can put all water falls to shame .The pain of suffering is worst than suffering itself.Imagination went berserk.Nightmares were more frequent.

Its the same feeling an ordinary animal feels before entering into slaughter house . They are kept in worst conditions , stuffing 10-15 hens into small place and from where gory views of feathers being plucked from recently killed hens be appearing frequently .Necks being slit as bloods flow near to other animals is off repeated story. What goes through the hearts of an animal as it flutters and screams as cleaver knife cuts its tender neck is somethingwe will never know . One visit to Abattoir will freeze your blood at sight of animal sufferings.

Let us shun NonVeg Diet and join Prevention of cruelty against animals . We can come with as many arguements Pro-Non veg as many as we can come out for Anti Non Veggie diet.

You can give Bible and Bagavatgita and Quran quotable quotes in support of treating urself with meat.Those scriptures also says of being good, being kind and being compasionate and think good and do good and love ur neighbour (given chance we will cut his neck at 1st chance) ..Now how many are strict in these principles ..We bend religious rules n principles acording to our will..
For once forget religious code and take up Humanity code. we are not beasts to kill n eat dead animal .Roast it ..and all spices n salts gulp down the dead roasted anuimal down the belly .

We can say Reigious code , or some Cantonese saying where Everything is edible as long as it crawls , flies .walks with its back to heavens (phew ...thankfully we are exempted )...For all these arguements some can come up with that Man is not born to eat meat and come with theories like Dental and aliementary canal and fingers of human body are not suitable to be non veggie or omnivorous .

Arguments apart , We have choice as we are highly evolved Compassionate Species.One decison can make enormous impact on Environment. Choice is yours .

If someone says at this stage , after munching so many hens n other animals its imposible to give up non vegge . Trust me ,We have enormous will power and we always CAN DO IT!!. I was non veggie and one day after ralisation , i just had every non veg item my eyes fell upon ...Chicken, Mutton, beef, dog, cat, half-dead-cockroaches and few mosquiotoes ..and gave i up from next day . i thought of doing it andi ve done it ..simpleand easy. when i can , iam sure even u can.

Now i feelmore healthier and wealthier (u can save tons in surplus) and stronger and morally n spritually strong and best part is MY WILL HAS GROWN TO NEW HEIGHTS .now i know i can do anything ...Amazing feelings .Remeber wherther its Ant or Anoconda or Angelina jolie ..Right to Life is everyones Birth right and taking anyones life is crime and sin....

Never say Good Bye

Tailender: As for Chenchus love story with Hospital staff endd on happy note .Operation was a greand success just like mallika sherawats "Murder" movie .Hospital staff gave chenchu two yellow 20 rupee physiotherapic balls to strengthen hands and ofcourse took cool sum of 63,000/- for medical expenses .Finally everyone are happy .Chenchu is back to normal and happy and.............So am I

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Some jokes i love to fall in love with ,,,,

This is supposed to be Worlds best joke . After months of serious study and much merriment, 100,000 people have voted on the world's funniest joke.
In an experiment named Laughlab, a joke about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson emerged a clear winner Thursday from 10,000 entries.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. "Watson, look up at thesky and tell me what you see"

Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars""
What does that tell you?" enquired Holmes.
Watson pondered for a minute.
"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.
Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful clear day tomorrow.
What does it tell YOU?" Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke.

"Watson, you idiot, some thief has stolen our tent"

God and Scientist

God is sitting in heaven when a scientst approaches him and says ..we dont need u anymore .science has worked out how 2 create life from nothing . we cab do what u did in the begining ..
oh , really?...replies god , surprised
yes, says the scientist , "we an take plain soil and form it nto a likeness of u , then breathe life into it , thus creating man "

very intersting " says god"show it to me "

so the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mould the soil into the shape of a man ..

"hang on , hang on " interrupts God , "get ur own soil , son "

Confessions of Martial Artist 5

Random Thoughts:

Myths and Realities

If there is one powerful myth about Martial Arts , then it is regarding Invincibility of a Martial Artist.This comes from movies stars like Bruce lee and Jackie chan or Jet li who fight against dozens of hordes and escape unscathed.Just like feelings of patriotism is attached with Armed Forces , Agility and Strength is attached with martial artists. But the grand reality is that any martial artist is as vulnerable as anyone esle if not more...

Jackie chan in Rendezvous with Simi clearly says No one can fight with more than 5 people whenb attacked at once. There is nothing like superlatives Strongest or Most Powerful etc . No matter how good you are , there always exist better . Even masters have masters..There is always a scope of improvement. Knowledge of this piece of wisdom keeps everyone humble, calm and controlled..Check how all so called strong people were humbled ..
Mike tyson was defeated by Lennox
Md Ali was defeated by Frazer
Bruce lee died of brain edema
Steve irwin died due to harmless sting ray fish

all were best in their fields yet all their talents didnt help them from the inevitable. .In a combat , too many variables come into play.Luck factor cannot be ignored nor the dangers of negative consequences..There are many instances where average orangebelt holder defeating black belt holder. I all depends how good you are ..not how good your style and technique is .Karate gives you strength and confidence and skill and how you use it all depends on you.

Controversy over martial arts:

There is often controversy about whether or not the practice of martial arts leads to positive or negative psychological changes in the participants. There are many who claim that practicing the martial arts develops beneficial psychological changes and encourages good moral and ethical development. In contrast, some claim that participating in MartialArts facilitates violence and aggression. Most images of the martial arts in popular movies support this second claim.

I strongly say that anything is susceptable to negative actions like a knife can be used be used to cut vegetables as well as cut throats . is it the mistake of knife or the handler . Its not the Thing thats at fault but the Thinking.

However Unlike Western sports, Asian martial arts usually: teach self-defense, involve philosophical and ethical teachings to be applied to life, have a high degree of ceremony and ritual, emphasize the integration of mind and body, and have a meditative component. While exercise and physical fitness has a role in producing psychological benefits .

Confessions of Martial Arts 4

Psychology of a Fighter and Its Analogy to Living and Life

" Any Art learnt will reflect in all aspects of Life "
- Samurai Saying

Martial Arts is a mini Cosmos where you confront your fears .Its like a mini life itself where split second desicions take place and wrong decisions results in instant punishments .Martial Arts is like a mirror , reflecting your character-you can see yourself .Do you buckle under pressure or rise above them. Do you take fear head along or show your back and flee.

i take this game very seriously. Every second i spend on Dojo mat (place where we practise) is respected and i make every effort to see my moves and actions more quicker , faster ,stronger and lethal.I throw myself 101% into each and every moment i spend in dojo.

Confront Your Fear and Fear will Disappear:

In combat , there are many instances where we give up or refuse to move forward.You can end up being thrashed up black and blue.Its analogy can be seen with life .Life is no bed of Roses but Roses are neverthless there provided one crosses bed of thorns. We are supposed to endure pain and charge ahead.Most of them take a step backwardor quit at the 1st sign of loss.But this is the moment thats decisive.I remeber wjhen i faced my opponent who was stringer, all i did is i just ignored pain and endured pain and charged ahead.I didnt win but i didnt lose either. That gave me more confidence for my next bout.Its more Battle of Wills and Nerves rather than Style and techniques.
The Clenched teeth, Tightened fists, Sharp and piercing gaze and pain endured As i charged at my opponent and thus perplexing him psychologically ..the biological changes in my head and the feeling generated due to conquering Fear and Pain from your heart is the wonderfull feeling thats beyond my vocabulary to explain .

We Love You :

We dont do Drugs,
We dont Smoke
We dont try Alcohol
We say No to Soft drinks and Beverages like tea and coffee
All we do is Adrenaline
Despite of all Excitement and Testestrone Push we are gentle and discplined and well mannered to the most extent.I believe in Vegetarianism and i believe that vegetarian diet infuses gentleness (Hitler was an Exception).

Unlike in past , I aint too proud to say "I APOLOGISE" or just walk out of arguement . Its not that i cant argue nor i cant fight but i know neither will give amicable results .Just reflect on this

In Time and Space, What are we ?.Life has existed for billions years and will continue to do so .What is our life span , maybe 70-120 years to the maximum and compare it with 20 billions of years old universe .We are not even a blip , not even a speck. Whats is 100 compared with 20,000, 000, 000 years ?

i super strongly believe in non violence . All these combats and street fights begin because of primitive tendences like Ego , Vanity and Iam-Great-You-are-Wrong Syndrome ..etc ...So i usually let someone take credit .I would say "You are right and iam sory that iam wrong " 'Disregarding whose mistake it is .This would pull of all the fight in your opponent and pulls out all the steam out of rascals on the road. The so called abusive behaviour os alrgely due to lack of confidence and insecurity which he covers by feigning courage and rashness.

All we have to do is remain calm and maintain our composure and your confidence will be reflected in your demenaour.Be calm and gentle as one hour from any incident hardly matters as life will go on and will move on. if you are struck in the past , you are losing the present and its beauty. A strong man need not prove that he is strong , infact he wins just by walking away from a fight.

As some Master said ..There are times to fight and here are times to walk away from fight.

Confessions of Martial Arts 3

" Teachers open the door . You enter by yourself "
-Chinese Proverb

The difference between Teacher and Master is vast. Teacher or Acharya just teaches what he has to teach pr for what he is paid for and leaves the responsibility of learning to the students , where as Master or Guru ji believes in complete transformation of his disciples and moulds them to the greater good of society and world at large .

Sensei Kumai is one such gentleman.He is expert in Judo and Sumo wrestling and deadly full-contact Kyoshunkai Karate under world best masters of his time. Sensei Kumai is Extremely Strong and Extremely Agile.. Weighing 240 pounds can pounce at you in split second with force of heavy duty truck , but neverthless uses his full power and force as he is a strong believer in non violence.

This is a small article by Hindu news paper on my master.http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/mp/2002/12/05/stories/2002120500610400.htm

Its not Karate he teaches , but Life itself. My complete transformation has come under his guidence and all rough edges were smoothned .Mr.Kumai always says Karate is not at all important in life but character is. Despite being super strong , he never propogated violence. He always says "Violence always begets more violence". He always teaches us karate as to provide physical fitness and exercises for better health and discpline, than learn to fight and become strong fighters.One student asked him what his reaction should be when confronted .His reply was quick ..."Just Run , if cornered-Block and Run, But never fight " is his advice which might sound silly to public but real maturity means silence .(Will Explain later in Myths About Martial Arts)

We have no rules .There is no Fee.Teaching is for free. Discipline is cardinal rule and punctuality is the one quality we have to develop .We are supposed to come at 5.40 am .And when he says 5.40 am , it is 5.40 not 5.39 or 5.41 am .And the practice goes on upto sharp 8.00 am.There is no force in this. He sets an example first and you will automatically follow him.We are heavily indoctrined in principles of non violence and finer aspects of life . We are always advised to remain calm ,polite , gentle and inculcate spirit of forgivness.

MartialArts under Sensei Kumai transformed my life extremly .It enriched my life and re-defined Living .It made me more Calmer, Softer, and more gentle.

Martial Arts didnt make me strong - but more Healthier
Martial Arts didnt make great fighter-but embedded Fighting Spirit.

Confessions of Martial Artist 2

The Genesis

The Genesis of martial arts in my life has to do with something more of my character and way of thinking rather than someones influence . i had a quirk of Confrontationist Attitude...Confront everything .....
Confront Parents
Confront Society
Confront Rules n Norms
Confront Fear
Confront Bullies
My mind had more leaning towards warfare rather than studies and silly games of childhood. I was less than 10 years when i designed small robot ala Giant Robot with sticks and scales and which actually fires pellets .Commando Comics helped me in differentiate between AK-47 and Sten guns or a sniper rifle and stories of WorldWar 2 . After all ....

Design of Weapon is Mans first sign of Intelligence

You cannot expect a teenager to get all these weapons or even minor ones so natural graduation is to drop comic hand made gun and make urself one ..ie., turn your body into one weapon.The obvious answer lies in learning karate (thats the only martial art style i knew ). With High Priest of Home (*read as my dad) refusing to give his consent, i had to satisfy myself reading books on martial arts .

My journey into Martial Arts began at very young age though never entered into any professional school but the seed was present in my school days....The idea germinated annd nurtured only in dreams untill my late teens when i finally entered Okinowa Karate School in StAndrews School . I had to join the class secretly coz my parents never wanted their only son to be beaten black and blue , reluctantly , later , they gave me their permission .

Okinowa is painfully slow to suit my temperment..so i turned to Korean art Taekwondo . This suited me for it uses mostly legs and kicks .And to my advantage i am tall and long legs can keep my opponents at bay . Taekwondo gave me 1st opportunity to enter my 1st competition and my 1st taste of fear of getting black eye .The fear was really exasperating but neverthless i won my 1st silver medal but was never given due to some politics . Its not the medal that really counted but finally i went face to face with my fear.

Being an Engg student in CBIT . 30 kms away from home , and coupled with pressures of Asthma and College Curricullum , i had to call martail arts quits for next 4 years . With long hiatus in between , my skill came down drastically but neverthless confidence and courage retained.....
till i met Elderly Japanese Gentleman Sensei Hiroyuki Kumai .......

Confessions of Martial Artist 1

Quietness and Confidence shall be your Strength “
----Isaiah -Holy Bible

Scene One

Typical day ..Typical boy ..in his early childhood ...arrogant of immense strength and oblivious of world yet respects law n justice and ethics and morals ...master of his back yard and so few other turfs . highly egositic and extreme self love...athletic n flexible ...thats what he was when he was in 4th class ...when some seniors try to bully him with sheer confidence of number ...little do they realise that this 4th class kid smashes 4 kids in one go as 5th chap takes to heels .......now in his late teens ...though his strength reduces drastically ..ego neverthless survives..one gaze just one gaze by some scamp in local bus was enough to kick him out of slow moving bus ...CBIT-Engg - was no differnt ....he laughs ..he chatters ...he is funny ...but rub in wrong sense..even if ur senioreven if ur strongereven if ur part of ganganything...anywhere he plays alone
Eyes that never saw Fear
Expect Hell ..Expect Thunder
No One Messes With Him

Scene Two

He speaks in gentle tone with a small guy who was wasting water and tells him not to waste water ....sparks fly all overslander ,volley of scoldings,bunch of abuse ,terrible threatenings follow .Without losing cool and rationale ..he meets every abuse with more gentler voice trying to convince him to see his folly without actually pointing his mistake .(no one likes to accpet mistake ..isnt it ?)...no where slander ends but he keeps his diplomatic talk on ..non stop ..till puny opponent gets tired of talking knowing this person doesnt initiate fight ..

He believes in Peace
He believes in Non Violence
He believes in Diplomacy
He believes in Politness and shuns Warlike stances



The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...