Confessions of Martial Artist 5
Random Thoughts:
Myths and Realities
If there is one powerful myth about Martial Arts , then it is regarding Invincibility of a Martial Artist.This comes from movies stars like Bruce lee and Jackie chan or Jet li who fight against dozens of hordes and escape unscathed.Just like feelings of patriotism is attached with Armed Forces , Agility and Strength is attached with martial artists. But the grand reality is that any martial artist is as vulnerable as anyone esle if not more...
Jackie chan in Rendezvous with Simi clearly says No one can fight with more than 5 people whenb attacked at once. There is nothing like superlatives Strongest or Most Powerful etc . No matter how good you are , there always exist better . Even masters have masters..There is always a scope of improvement. Knowledge of this piece of wisdom keeps everyone humble, calm and controlled..Check how all so called strong people were humbled ..
Mike tyson was defeated by Lennox
Md Ali was defeated by Frazer
Bruce lee died of brain edema
Steve irwin died due to harmless sting ray fish
all were best in their fields yet all their talents didnt help them from the inevitable. .In a combat , too many variables come into play.Luck factor cannot be ignored nor the dangers of negative consequences..There are many instances where average orangebelt holder defeating black belt holder. I all depends how good you are ..not how good your style and technique is .Karate gives you strength and confidence and skill and how you use it all depends on you.
Controversy over martial arts:
There is often controversy about whether or not the practice of martial arts leads to positive or negative psychological changes in the participants. There are many who claim that practicing the martial arts develops beneficial psychological changes and encourages good moral and ethical development. In contrast, some claim that participating in MartialArts facilitates violence and aggression. Most images of the martial arts in popular movies support this second claim.
I strongly say that anything is susceptable to negative actions like a knife can be used be used to cut vegetables as well as cut throats . is it the mistake of knife or the handler . Its not the Thing thats at fault but the Thinking.
However Unlike Western sports, Asian martial arts usually: teach self-defense, involve philosophical and ethical teachings to be applied to life, have a high degree of ceremony and ritual, emphasize the integration of mind and body, and have a meditative component. While exercise and physical fitness has a role in producing psychological benefits .
Random Thoughts:
Myths and Realities
If there is one powerful myth about Martial Arts , then it is regarding Invincibility of a Martial Artist.This comes from movies stars like Bruce lee and Jackie chan or Jet li who fight against dozens of hordes and escape unscathed.Just like feelings of patriotism is attached with Armed Forces , Agility and Strength is attached with martial artists. But the grand reality is that any martial artist is as vulnerable as anyone esle if not more...
Jackie chan in Rendezvous with Simi clearly says No one can fight with more than 5 people whenb attacked at once. There is nothing like superlatives Strongest or Most Powerful etc . No matter how good you are , there always exist better . Even masters have masters..There is always a scope of improvement. Knowledge of this piece of wisdom keeps everyone humble, calm and controlled..Check how all so called strong people were humbled ..
Mike tyson was defeated by Lennox
Md Ali was defeated by Frazer
Bruce lee died of brain edema
Steve irwin died due to harmless sting ray fish
all were best in their fields yet all their talents didnt help them from the inevitable. .In a combat , too many variables come into play.Luck factor cannot be ignored nor the dangers of negative consequences..There are many instances where average orangebelt holder defeating black belt holder. I all depends how good you are ..not how good your style and technique is .Karate gives you strength and confidence and skill and how you use it all depends on you.
Controversy over martial arts:
There is often controversy about whether or not the practice of martial arts leads to positive or negative psychological changes in the participants. There are many who claim that practicing the martial arts develops beneficial psychological changes and encourages good moral and ethical development. In contrast, some claim that participating in MartialArts facilitates violence and aggression. Most images of the martial arts in popular movies support this second claim.
I strongly say that anything is susceptable to negative actions like a knife can be used be used to cut vegetables as well as cut throats . is it the mistake of knife or the handler . Its not the Thing thats at fault but the Thinking.
However Unlike Western sports, Asian martial arts usually: teach self-defense, involve philosophical and ethical teachings to be applied to life, have a high degree of ceremony and ritual, emphasize the integration of mind and body, and have a meditative component. While exercise and physical fitness has a role in producing psychological benefits .
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