Confessions of Martial Arts 4
Psychology of a Fighter and Its Analogy to Living and Life
" Any Art learnt will reflect in all aspects of Life "
- Samurai Saying
Martial Arts is a mini Cosmos where you confront your fears .Its like a mini life itself where split second desicions take place and wrong decisions results in instant punishments .Martial Arts is like a mirror , reflecting your character-you can see yourself .Do you buckle under pressure or rise above them. Do you take fear head along or show your back and flee.
i take this game very seriously. Every second i spend on Dojo mat (place where we practise) is respected and i make every effort to see my moves and actions more quicker , faster ,stronger and lethal.I throw myself 101% into each and every moment i spend in dojo.
Confront Your Fear and Fear will Disappear:
In combat , there are many instances where we give up or refuse to move forward.You can end up being thrashed up black and blue.Its analogy can be seen with life .Life is no bed of Roses but Roses are neverthless there provided one crosses bed of thorns. We are supposed to endure pain and charge ahead.Most of them take a step backwardor quit at the 1st sign of loss.But this is the moment thats decisive.I remeber wjhen i faced my opponent who was stringer, all i did is i just ignored pain and endured pain and charged ahead.I didnt win but i didnt lose either. That gave me more confidence for my next bout.Its more Battle of Wills and Nerves rather than Style and techniques.
The Clenched teeth, Tightened fists, Sharp and piercing gaze and pain endured As i charged at my opponent and thus perplexing him psychologically ..the biological changes in my head and the feeling generated due to conquering Fear and Pain from your heart is the wonderfull feeling thats beyond my vocabulary to explain .
We Love You :
We dont do Drugs,
We dont Smoke
We dont try Alcohol
We say No to Soft drinks and Beverages like tea and coffee
All we do is Adrenaline
Despite of all Excitement and Testestrone Push we are gentle and discplined and well mannered to the most extent.I believe in Vegetarianism and i believe that vegetarian diet infuses gentleness (Hitler was an Exception).
Unlike in past , I aint too proud to say "I APOLOGISE" or just walk out of arguement . Its not that i cant argue nor i cant fight but i know neither will give amicable results .Just reflect on this
In Time and Space, What are we ?.Life has existed for billions years and will continue to do so .What is our life span , maybe 70-120 years to the maximum and compare it with 20 billions of years old universe .We are not even a blip , not even a speck. Whats is 100 compared with 20,000, 000, 000 years ?
i super strongly believe in non violence . All these combats and street fights begin because of primitive tendences like Ego , Vanity and Iam-Great-You-are-Wrong Syndrome ..etc ...So i usually let someone take credit .I would say "You are right and iam sory that iam wrong " 'Disregarding whose mistake it is .This would pull of all the fight in your opponent and pulls out all the steam out of rascals on the road. The so called abusive behaviour os alrgely due to lack of confidence and insecurity which he covers by feigning courage and rashness.
All we have to do is remain calm and maintain our composure and your confidence will be reflected in your demenaour.Be calm and gentle as one hour from any incident hardly matters as life will go on and will move on. if you are struck in the past , you are losing the present and its beauty. A strong man need not prove that he is strong , infact he wins just by walking away from a fight.
As some Master said ..There are times to fight and here are times to walk away from fight.
Psychology of a Fighter and Its Analogy to Living and Life
" Any Art learnt will reflect in all aspects of Life "
- Samurai Saying
Martial Arts is a mini Cosmos where you confront your fears .Its like a mini life itself where split second desicions take place and wrong decisions results in instant punishments .Martial Arts is like a mirror , reflecting your character-you can see yourself .Do you buckle under pressure or rise above them. Do you take fear head along or show your back and flee.
i take this game very seriously. Every second i spend on Dojo mat (place where we practise) is respected and i make every effort to see my moves and actions more quicker , faster ,stronger and lethal.I throw myself 101% into each and every moment i spend in dojo.
Confront Your Fear and Fear will Disappear:
In combat , there are many instances where we give up or refuse to move forward.You can end up being thrashed up black and blue.Its analogy can be seen with life .Life is no bed of Roses but Roses are neverthless there provided one crosses bed of thorns. We are supposed to endure pain and charge ahead.Most of them take a step backwardor quit at the 1st sign of loss.But this is the moment thats decisive.I remeber wjhen i faced my opponent who was stringer, all i did is i just ignored pain and endured pain and charged ahead.I didnt win but i didnt lose either. That gave me more confidence for my next bout.Its more Battle of Wills and Nerves rather than Style and techniques.
The Clenched teeth, Tightened fists, Sharp and piercing gaze and pain endured As i charged at my opponent and thus perplexing him psychologically ..the biological changes in my head and the feeling generated due to conquering Fear and Pain from your heart is the wonderfull feeling thats beyond my vocabulary to explain .
We Love You :
We dont do Drugs,
We dont Smoke
We dont try Alcohol
We say No to Soft drinks and Beverages like tea and coffee
All we do is Adrenaline
Despite of all Excitement and Testestrone Push we are gentle and discplined and well mannered to the most extent.I believe in Vegetarianism and i believe that vegetarian diet infuses gentleness (Hitler was an Exception).
Unlike in past , I aint too proud to say "I APOLOGISE" or just walk out of arguement . Its not that i cant argue nor i cant fight but i know neither will give amicable results .Just reflect on this
In Time and Space, What are we ?.Life has existed for billions years and will continue to do so .What is our life span , maybe 70-120 years to the maximum and compare it with 20 billions of years old universe .We are not even a blip , not even a speck. Whats is 100 compared with 20,000, 000, 000 years ?
i super strongly believe in non violence . All these combats and street fights begin because of primitive tendences like Ego , Vanity and Iam-Great-You-are-Wrong Syndrome ..etc ...So i usually let someone take credit .I would say "You are right and iam sory that iam wrong " 'Disregarding whose mistake it is .This would pull of all the fight in your opponent and pulls out all the steam out of rascals on the road. The so called abusive behaviour os alrgely due to lack of confidence and insecurity which he covers by feigning courage and rashness.
All we have to do is remain calm and maintain our composure and your confidence will be reflected in your demenaour.Be calm and gentle as one hour from any incident hardly matters as life will go on and will move on. if you are struck in the past , you are losing the present and its beauty. A strong man need not prove that he is strong , infact he wins just by walking away from a fight.
As some Master said ..There are times to fight and here are times to walk away from fight.
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