Nature was my 1st love .trip to badrachalam temple was more to take a break from routine slug that has set in life rather than any spiritual connotation. Train upto district and from district to town by bus and to from village to badrachalam by car through the forest, rivulets .Badrachalam temple was built by Ramdas on bank of godavari.
The fun in temple was not many were near sanctorum. But most of them were near exhibition that displays jewels of Lord Ram .If there is 1 man ..there are 100 women .Hasn’t Marylyn Monroe said Diamonds are women best friends. How true. All women thronged the jewel exhibition. they weren’t just viewing .but analyising like gemologists .
My birthday is on march 20 ie ., cusp of Aries n Pisces. But dominant element is water in my zodiac and no wonder , water bodies is always my favourite hangouts I was childhood champion in officers club in swimming. I used to dive from highest board and swim underwater fer quite a long time .but after 10 years step[ping to water I recived the shock of century .i was not able to float in Godavari.i was drowning. gasping to keep myself afloat. Entire energy being drained in those currents. hydrostatic pressure crushing my ribs and as if heart is elevated to throat. oh my ..i just stepped into shallow waters but this is quite embarrassing to be
Now what I write is specifically for someone who shares my enthusiasm and love for everything that’s wonderful and natural. Starting back from temple we cruised leisurely back home through forest roads. The farms…village atmosphere…..calmness…serenity really filled every fissure in my heart with great joy . Sensitiveness has its own advantageous. One can see things in its pristine form.
As we returned dusk has set in. and starts started making their appearances. After some moments I witnessed something that 99% not possible in metropolis due to clouds of pollution. Car was cruising at over 100 and I was not complaining as I was totally engrossed at gust of wind that seems to relish dashing at my face as my tresses danced in synchrony. I felt adrenaline rush as we zipped past dark n deep woods. Perhaps my primate connections from our homosapian ancestors woke up in midst woods ,I felt like screaming at top of my voice till it penetrates every critter in forest.
Now we were passing through fields and vast landscape lie in front of us. Entire universe came into view. Wow ..what an awesome cosmic display?? of Lord Nataraja has danced through stars and nebular activity. No amount of description can explain the beauty of view. Zillions of shining stars spread over the vast endless space. How come we fail to observe the wonders of nature but worry more over flat tyre ?
All the languages of the world would not help in explaining this cosmic art(wish I can shake hands with Artist who is responsible for this ) My limited vocabulary does no justice to explain this stunning phenomenon.
Ever since 1st satellite sputnik of Russia penetrated into space hundreds followed the suit. More sophisticated and more penetrating .yet with all the world research we hardly scratched the surface. More humans try to unravel mystery called space..more seems to appear and more galaxy seems to have become mysterious. Imagine this sun takes 8 minutes to bathe the world with its scorching rays and moon within a second …how about these stars over my head now ??...It takes 4 years .Gasping isn’t it ?

Pause and ponder!!!!
Ask yourself , when was the last time we actually consciously wondered about nature around us which we have taken it so granted? when was the last time we marveled of universe ?when was the last time you have relished the beauties of nature with all your heart and soul? Like everyone I was totally lost in daily humdrum of life till I managed this getaway .Now iam able to take a sip at cosmic ecstasy into my soul. I was thoroughly intoxicated by sheer unlimited joy that has over whelmed every cell in my body. I was totally drunk with ecstasy. In one word the experience can be summed as BLISS!!!!
The stars like priceless diamonds sparkling in backdrop of pitch back sky is phenomenon something worth tons of happiness combined. These stars were all over not like in clusters as we see in metros. all types of stars ..big …small ..Dying stars ..pulsars..lunar activity stars …constellations ..all were visible with naked eye .
I became philosophical. I tried to penetrate the unlimited universe with my limited mind. Comprehending the incomprehensible!!!i wonder where it begins and where it ends. Can we touch the ends of universe? is there any end in the 1st place? if there I an end there would be beginning..
Who could have created all this. wow the creator must have been awesome mathematician .otherwise how could he managed to set so many variables like stars and planets and those tons of permutations that life takes up to exist to brilliantly fit into this sudoko like synchrony ? and work in 100% perfect tandem with zero scope to mistake!!!!
What could be be those wonderful forces that are holding all the planets stars and meteors, asteroids , comets and all other cosmic entities to i function in such a perfect synchrony? What could be those hidden forces or energy that has designed such a magnificent piece of art at mind boggling sophistication?
Now fundamental question arose.
Is this
Creation or evolution
Science or spirituality
Physics or Meta physics ?????????
So many question pounding like shooting tars n comets into my mind screen. but no answers seem to emanate. Is this what Chandogya Upanishads say “ Tat Tvam Asi” “That Art Thou”…
Am I trying to unravel impossible ?
Am I touching the realm of forbidden?
Am I decoding Code Called God?
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