Gentlemen ..as we celebrate our 60 year of Indian republic .ponder over few things ...
1) why does world still view India as poor ...poverty ridden ...ugly ...villagefilled ...uneducated ...elephants ...maharajahs..land of sadhus and snake charmers .. and .white mans burden ...????
2) How come they dont want to believe that India is now TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY ..that too we have reached that stage in record of 17 years (no country ..not even out imperial gora phoren usa/uk has done that feat)....maximum they think we are colonies of call centres eating chicken tikka ,praying snakes and driving elephants to work....
3) How come slum dog millionaire which made it to oscars ...but movies like Rang de basanti ...or guru ...or chak de ..etc cubdt make it ..?...It looks like judges of oscars are still addicted to old India where poverty and philosphy is vogue ...slumdog shows them what they wud like to belive ...India is land of slums .....oh my ..looks like they are making mockery of Indian progress..
4)...Why did david milibind ...the britains(not capital B..they dont deserve respect) foreign secretary visted village hut in amethi to get feel of India?...why not see world class infrastructural wonders if infosys or .Technological temples like ISRO ..or witness some of awesome missiles we build at balasore ....delhi-gurgaon corridor.??
Yeah ..In India we still have many maladies ..i agree ..corruption ..casteism ..traffic chaos .....paritsanism...terrorism ..nepotism ...etc etc many more etcs ....but friends ..these are something that are every where ...in every country.Every country has its share of problems based on its history, culture , and circumstances .But like any suucesfful country ,, they over come them....Every country on this planet has gone through it .Overcome it.Became successfull and developed..
Let us compare with most powerful and richest country on the planet United States of America......
If you say Castism is biggest headache.Remeber America had Class problem.Black and White racist wars and Alabama chain gangs prisons
If you say Corruption such as bribery and poliltics based on money and seat purchase...let us not ferget the sale of obama seat after his exit to presidency.You can say laws should be tough like in arabia.Remeber Saudi Arabia took bribe of 1 billion dollars from birtish military industry.Saudi arabia pays millions of dollars to religious terrorists to keep them at bay.Laws are tough on commoners but not on elite who can flout rules at will.If worls speaks of satyam scandal, we ca point to enron of usa and not forgetting all those tranatlantic corporations like lehmenn brothers,freddie mac ..fannie mae etc ....
If you say Reservation.Trust me ., even harvard university has reservation system so does developed countries like paris Ecole universities.If depressed classes are not helped , on longer run entire country gets affected.Forget not american affirmative action was reservation system created fer for blacks.Maybe not the name is same but essence is the same .
If africa is not rescued from its poverty , entire world gets affected sooner or later.It already started ...see how somalian pirates are keeping entire world on tender hooks by attacking every ship passing through gulf of aden..Entire world is connected and all our destines are interlinked .We all have to move at equal pace .
People say Govt reservation should not be there.People who say, are the people who belive that its affects their lives.Ok.Fine.Then why should Govt give billions of ruppees as loans to private industry.why should govt bailout banks that fail by injecting hard earned tax payer money ?.You can use word "Economic Stimulus" for this act ...once again ..all word are symbolic ..but substance of Reservation and Stimulus are same .That is provide crutch to enable to things keep going...
Terrorism/secularism/corruption : Which country hasnt faced it ...?USA, to Russia ...to Afrcian to even Pakistan .Tell me which country has given so much freedom to minorities?Only in India can we find minorities have equal footing with majority.Tell me in chich country does a State has guts to arrest dominants religons leader like we had done to Swami of Shankaracharya few years back???Every country is characterieed by its dominant religion .In usa caption is In "God we trust"..We all know what that God means.Christainity.Japanese is shinto buddhism...saudi is hard core islamic country .. .But whats Indias caption ?Satyama jayaete!!!!Truth Triumphs!!!.100% secularism..yeah there might be few cases ..But they are mere aberration ..
every country has its own share of problems.Remeber we are just 60 years old .Maybe from human age point of view 60 is very big number but from nations point of view , we are not even adolscents.Remember americas freedom came in year of 1766. and britain is far more old .From 1766 .it slolwy evolved at its own sweet time before becoming wolrds stringest country.
India has developed on super fast scale that is totally unknown on this planet.Its just in 1990 we had opened up to the world and finally within 18 years we have have come this far.Thats amazing. Imagine this ..we are not japan which has never been colonised ..nor is britain where everyone speaks one language ..nor we are china where there is dictatorship nor we are saudi arabia there is single religion ...
We are Indians ..where everything and every aspect changes with every 50 kilometres.Everything ..language...culture ...history ...etc.So governing such a vast country with mind boggling diversities is just very difficult ...and thats the main reason for our slow pace ..
Believe like i believe in India .Have faith in India and its future.We are bound to be World Leaders long before you shut your eyes eternally..........JaiHind!!!
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