Remember Micheal jackson song ...I dont care if ur black or white ...i guess we should rephrase it as "i just care if ur only white ". Isnt it ."White is in".Black was never in so there is no point in saying "Black is out".Other day i saw a poster of where an internationally acclaimed Indian Spiritual Guru blessing a foreign devotee.Funny is the world where most of Indians love to migrate to West and most of Westerners are attracted to Eastern mysticsm.Hmm..Satisfaction seems to be an utopia.Other side is always green.Isnt it ..Ok comming back to our poster., its ironic to see 9 out of 10 times our Gurus photos with white westerners seldom with Blacks and still rarer is to be with our brethern.,Indians.You can find this in any ashram.Be it Art of Living or Osho or Iskcon. The story is same .White Westerners are given more respect than our own Indians.I dont think its the question of westerners and easterners.Its more White versus Black and White wins always.Obama is case of exception and he is Half white or say half black .We get to see deep racist mind of we Indians in matrimonials advts."Wanted.Female.Fair.Slim.Homely"(Homely means mild mannered shy obedient ..simply put .They want a virgin., not pubbing dancing vixin.Trust me guys ., badder the gal is ..intesrting the life wud stimulating )

I guess Asians especially Indians cant get rid of being ColourConcsiousness.Its been running in our blood fer centuries starting from Aryans.Aryans the foreigners who settled in India were always potrayed as Fair and Handsome and where as Dravidians the local inhabitants as Black and fat lipped.I wonder if we Indians have lost sense of self respect under 400 years of slavery under white imperialistic british.Whatever the reason is or could be ., the White Fact is Black is Out(expect for dresses) and hope iam wrong.If everyone is happy with what they are where would companies of Fair and Lovely and etc creams to make u fair overnight would be.They would go bankrupt overnight and Thanks to our Ignorance we are supporting thosands of jobs and driving the economy by helping such companies.Ignorance is just not Bliss but truly a valuable asset .Isnt it folks??
Remever what Shreya says in film Shivaji to Rajinikanth on why she rejected his proposal
A)She is just eternally 18 and he just touched the age of her youthful great grandfather?
B) She calmly compares their hands.Shreyas fair soft hand to Rajinkaths not-so-fair hand. didnt understand ?..Even Rajinikath didnt undetstand in 1st go the film if like ...
here by i rest my case /....till next idea zooms into my ever busy cranium n ever rusted cardiac.

I guess Asians especially Indians cant get rid of being ColourConcsiousness.Its been running in our blood fer centuries starting from Aryans.Aryans the foreigners who settled in India were always potrayed as Fair and Handsome and where as Dravidians the local inhabitants as Black and fat lipped.I wonder if we Indians have lost sense of self respect under 400 years of slavery under white imperialistic british.Whatever the reason is or could be ., the White Fact is Black is Out(expect for dresses) and hope iam wrong.If everyone is happy with what they are where would companies of Fair and Lovely and etc creams to make u fair overnight would be.They would go bankrupt overnight and Thanks to our Ignorance we are supporting thosands of jobs and driving the economy by helping such companies.Ignorance is just not Bliss but truly a valuable asset .Isnt it folks??
Remever what Shreya says in film Shivaji to Rajinikanth on why she rejected his proposal
A)She is just eternally 18 and he just touched the age of her youthful great grandfather?
B) She calmly compares their hands.Shreyas fair soft hand to Rajinkaths not-so-fair hand. didnt understand ?..Even Rajinikath didnt undetstand in 1st go the film if like ...
here by i rest my case /....till next idea zooms into my ever busy cranium n ever rusted cardiac.
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