Time : Past Midnight
Location : Lancer Barracks
Officers quarters
It was a moonless cold night.Mercury dipped to all time low to 11 degree celsius.My home in the Lancer Barracks. (Heavily barricaded and walled Colony).It had newly built houses and very few century old houses as well. Mine was of Pre-Independece-British era .The house is very big, roof is very high showing off the colonial architecture and with all those extra wide walls and high roofs really really gives an eerie creepy and gloomy impression just like moors of london. A fully grown banyan tree which is said to be hundreds of years old at the rear and huge mighty oak tree at the front of house further adds up spice to my spooky locality .If only these trees had power of words.,they could narrate a stories of bygone era perhaps is what i thought as i retired to my bed.these houses have an thick spooky aura around them espically during nights.Rumours were always uttered in whispers.One rumour added to another. And everyone in locality knew it and avoided these set of olden days houses.Everyone had an idea of these spooky stories ..expect ME..Living alone

Cool breeze and ruffling of leaves rented my room.I wrapped myself with thick woolen blanket to escape chillness. I was so tired after a hectic day i just dived into deep sleep without bothering those creepy sounds wind is making along with trees . Within no time i was lost in sweet mystique dream world . Some time passed.All in a sudden i opened my eyes with a start as i heard sharp moaning piercing my ears.It was just locality dog but some how its moan was different it disturbed entire tranquility around it some what reminded me Hound from Sherlockholmes novels. Irritatingly i forced my self snuggle beneath the covers . I found it difficult to get back to sleep so as i was struggling i felt some trickling sensation in my ear . Without thinking much i just brushed ear with my hand before closing my eyes .As i turned my body angle in semi concious state i felt the same sensation again , it was like some one taking a feather and trickling it in my ear. Someone teasingly playing with feather in my ears. I tried to dismiss it as dream but some how the feeling was strong . I got up in sleepy state and switched on the lights.There i found the culprit .I found my kitten happily curled itself into a fluffy ball sleeping along with me under blanket . I reasoned that tail of kitten was getting into my ear as i rolled on bed.With out any compassion i just pushed it out of my bed . With a low purring voice it jumped out of bed feeling greatly disturbed and disgusted with my act as it jumped out and slid itself in darkness of empty adjoining room . Time was already past 2 am . Cruel time to get disturbed. Not even half an hour passed before i switched off lights and closed my eyes .Once again i experienced the same creepy sensation like someone trickling feather in my ear . Now all the sleepiness diappeared into night . Now i was damn sure it was no mid night winter dream nor it was cats tail tricks . I was wide awake and shocking part was that trickling feeling was still continuing .Without thinking anything i just jumped out of bed and swiped out deadly oriental weapon "Nan chaku" and swung it in darkness in one fluid like motion with all my strength , I knew it, if any one is around , and if he or it comes in contact with nanchaku s rod , is sure to drop down .To my horror and surprise, my nanchaku returned to another hand smoothly with swishing sound .I switched on the lights and scanned entire room .Under the cots , under the table found nothing. Taking defensive stance i walked into hall cautiously .Everything was still except curtains playing along with winter winds .Room was extremely cold . I looked out of my grilled door ,even owls and bats on great oak tree werent making any noises,no street dogs either ..Everything was still and silent except occasional rustle of leaves due to the wind . Courage and Confidence were always my prime assets but tonight some how fear of unknown seems to penetrate those virtues. All my instincts were on high.I again tried to think over everything about this strange experience . It was no dream , was my mind playing tricks on me or was it some kind of poltergeist visiting my home unable to bear cold out side and started playing with me. .What ever it is , iam sure there was definitely some thing out there in darkness . With all confused thoughts i regretted my decision of not going out to tour with rest of family ..slowly i slid back into covers .It was quite unsound sleep .
In the morning still sleepy and in groggily state as i was brushing my long hair i expereinced the simliar twirl of feathers in my ear...instantly i realised it was my long hair locks which were causing those trickling sensation last night when ever i was rolling on the bed .
Moral: Keep ur hair short
Well Folks that was just an fun filled true story of fake ghost but what iam going to write in comming weeks is no story and its truth which i have experienced in the same home...Hope u enjoy it ..Believe it or not ...Adios fer now
Courage Conquers.........but its Love thats driving force on this Planet
Time : Past Midnight
Location : Lancer Barracks
Officers quarters
It was a moonless cold night.Mercury dipped to all time low to 11 degree celsius.My home in the Lancer Barracks. (Heavily barricaded and walled Colony).It had newly built houses and very few century old houses as well. Mine was of Pre-Independece-British era .The house is very big, roof is very high showing off the colonial architecture and with all those extra wide walls and high roofs really really gives an eerie creepy and gloomy impression just like moors of london. A fully grown banyan tree which is said to be hundreds of years old at the rear and huge mighty oak tree at the front of house further adds up spice to my spooky locality .If only these trees had power of words.,they could narrate a stories of bygone era perhaps is what i thought as i retired to my bed.these houses have an thick spooky aura around them espically during nights.Rumours were always uttered in whispers.One rumour added to another. And everyone in locality knew it and avoided these set of olden days houses.Everyone had an idea of these spooky stories ..expect ME..Living alone

Cool breeze and ruffling of leaves rented my room.I wrapped myself with thick woolen blanket to escape chillness. I was so tired after a hectic day i just dived into deep sleep without bothering those creepy sounds wind is making along with trees . Within no time i was lost in sweet mystique dream world . Some time passed.All in a sudden i opened my eyes with a start as i heard sharp moaning piercing my ears.It was just locality dog but some how its moan was different it disturbed entire tranquility around it some what reminded me Hound from Sherlockholmes novels. Irritatingly i forced my self snuggle beneath the covers . I found it difficult to get back to sleep so as i was struggling i felt some trickling sensation in my ear . Without thinking much i just brushed ear with my hand before closing my eyes .As i turned my body angle in semi concious state i felt the same sensation again , it was like some one taking a feather and trickling it in my ear. Someone teasingly playing with feather in my ears. I tried to dismiss it as dream but some how the feeling was strong . I got up in sleepy state and switched on the lights.There i found the culprit .I found my kitten happily curled itself into a fluffy ball sleeping along with me under blanket . I reasoned that tail of kitten was getting into my ear as i rolled on bed.With out any compassion i just pushed it out of my bed . With a low purring voice it jumped out of bed feeling greatly disturbed and disgusted with my act as it jumped out and slid itself in darkness of empty adjoining room . Time was already past 2 am . Cruel time to get disturbed. Not even half an hour passed before i switched off lights and closed my eyes .Once again i experienced the same creepy sensation like someone trickling feather in my ear . Now all the sleepiness diappeared into night . Now i was damn sure it was no mid night winter dream nor it was cats tail tricks . I was wide awake and shocking part was that trickling feeling was still continuing .Without thinking anything i just jumped out of bed and swiped out deadly oriental weapon "Nan chaku" and swung it in darkness in one fluid like motion with all my strength , I knew it, if any one is around , and if he or it comes in contact with nanchaku s rod , is sure to drop down .To my horror and surprise, my nanchaku returned to another hand smoothly with swishing sound .I switched on the lights and scanned entire room .Under the cots , under the table found nothing. Taking defensive stance i walked into hall cautiously .Everything was still except curtains playing along with winter winds .Room was extremely cold . I looked out of my grilled door ,even owls and bats on great oak tree werent making any noises,no street dogs either ..Everything was still and silent except occasional rustle of leaves due to the wind . Courage and Confidence were always my prime assets but tonight some how fear of unknown seems to penetrate those virtues. All my instincts were on high.I again tried to think over everything about this strange experience . It was no dream , was my mind playing tricks on me or was it some kind of poltergeist visiting my home unable to bear cold out side and started playing with me. .What ever it is , iam sure there was definitely some thing out there in darkness . With all confused thoughts i regretted my decision of not going out to tour with rest of family ..slowly i slid back into covers .It was quite unsound sleep .
In the morning still sleepy and in groggily state as i was brushing my long hair i expereinced the simliar twirl of feathers in my ear...instantly i realised it was my long hair locks which were causing those trickling sensation last night when ever i was rolling on the bed .
Moral: Keep ur hair short
Well Folks that was just an fun filled true story of fake ghost but what iam going to write in comming weeks is no story and its truth which i have experienced in the same home...Hope u enjoy it ..Believe it or not ...Adios fer now
Courage Conquers.........but its Love thats driving force on this Planet
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