Hmm..this blog is little hatke from regular mocking joking comical banter. this blog is just my observation at various periods of time from diferent sources and which hitheryo not connected yet has some common strand running beneath them.
Scenario One; A Friend was saying how she wants to serve n take care of old n elderly. this was about 5 years ago and probably she was 19 or 21 at that tme .Hmm..what a noble idea at such an young age.
Scenarios Two: every day. from my window i happen to see scene in my neighbourhood home.Grandmother who is touching her 100th year possibly struggle with her daily chores.Its so hard for me to see her.She has all her wrinkled skin hanging to her bones.She cant even get up from her chair .Luckily her children take care of her reasonably well.Frankly many a tims when i ever i see her struggling trough i let out a silent wicked prayer that she is better off dead than alive.Death would have brought peace and solace for troubled soul
Scenario three: Couple of days ago i was reading some artcile in Tehelka newspaper where an investigative journalist has uncovered a story from villages of TN where Children kill their parents unable to take their burden. They give them full oil bath and make them drink XYZ water which raises body heat followed by high fever.(I said XYZ coz i dont want goive others any funny ideas though i know information is frely avilable on internet) These elderly with low levels of immunity die of high fever. Skill full Assasination i would say though the technical name is ...again XYZ
Scenario Four: I guess who is at fault.Childern with no concern for elderly and ready to dump them at Kumb melas and Busstops and temple steps or Parents who missed instilling right attitude in minds of young, I often find parents too busy in their hey days leaving little quality time for children.Often escaping the job of raising children properly behind the job in office or saying ..Just busy .Busy doing office work ..Busy playing gold or lazing with friends or TV or some other work...Lazy by being Busy?? Somewhere Parents miss the trans formation from being Authoritative and being and becoming Friends to their Children.I guess they fel they need to control a kid ...even when they are old enough to take flight on their own..You try to control thgem when ur strong..only leads to two situation. 1) They become timids in the real world 2) they become adverseries when Parents become old and feeble
Scenario Five:
My own case .Do i take care of my own folks ?....complex question but answer is clear.For 15 years i led a gypsy life doing little or nothing with family.I have little sentiments and family experience.I harldy talk to my parents except hi-bye , This-that etc Just Monosyllables conversation with no aim and enthusiasm..I seldom listen to them .I never take any orders from them.Frankly iam not at all obedient son and perhaps even a good one
Yet i confdently and with no regrets rejected a job in Dubai and Higher education in Usa for my parents..My interview question for my job was why i didint go to USA like all my classmates and return after earning enough.I know well., once i go ., returning is next to impossible or atleast heartwrenching scenario leaving all the luxuries and developed world life style..
.Atleast and least of things i can do to my parents is to be around India and just a call away in their ending days when they are old and feeble giving them personal touch rather than seding Rials or Dollars luxuries...Guess its the least i can do .....I may be right ..or i may be wrong ..but who cares ..My life ..My wish ..didnt i tell u iam damn
Independent Thinker
1 comment:
one of your Blogs i liked and probably really read to the last line:D
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