Saturday, December 28, 2019

2019: The year that was...!!!

Friends! How did your 2019 fare? Good?, Bad? Ugly? Phenomenal? Mixed bag? It’s a chilly day out here and sitting alone in my flat I just happen to look back at 2019. 2019 for me personally seem to be transitional. Transitional I say as I happen to see subtle nevertheless obvious changes in me. Personally, Professionally, Spiritually etc.

Year began with lovely books

   I don’t know why these changes took place. But I believe (which I may be wrong) because of either iam getting older hence more mature such that I can see events from perspective or meditation, which I seem to have done with some regularity has given me greater clarity. Whatsoever is the reason , this year I met more number of people, read more books, meditated more, Met people whom i havent met for 5 years, More thankful & gratitude to Universe, More positive, , Ate healthy, satisfied career, led more healthy life, exercised more, relaxed and content…finally “Yeh Dil Mange More”.

             Other day my barber who lives close by , remarked:

“Sir, I never see you partying, roaming or with any social life. You eat alone, move alone, never seem to talk on films or regular gossip”.

few of many interesting books i happen to read

              Well, its not easy to be in relationship with me and I find it hard to mix with people. Its sheer torture for me to suffer others ignorance and  stupidity. Not that iam smarter or more intelligent, but so far iam more contented and I cant bear anyone’s presence (& their complaints of life) beyond half an hour. I easily get bored of anyone nor I subscribe to others philosophies . I am not introvert but very very few things excite me and most of world is not into those things. Iam more text-person than talk-person. Iam more book-person that hangout-person. Quite a complicated character I guess iam and I aint yet intelligent to figure myself out.

Life turning self help books i read this year

The Mystical Journey of Life :

Professionally I began to enjoy my work than worry over results. The job well done generated more satisfaction than that of rewards & awards that might/may come consequently. I began to jump at any new experience in work more willingly, knowing new experience, be it success of failure would only enrich me professionally. Every work challenge I moved with “I Can”! mindset. Not once did I ever say to my boss negatively. Its always “ Its done or it will be done”. Somehow I was definitely sure that I could pull the solution out or Universe is benevolent in revealing itself.

Personally I could see vast changes within me. In Dec 2018, hardly I could run 100 metres without chest paining and lungs bursting. Come Dec 2019, I could easily run 10Km before the first bead of sweat breaks in. Been living minimal as much as possible. I cut down useless junk in life, be it humans or old clothes or electronic stuff. By end of day I deleted all social media messages/chat conversations. The idea is to delete “idea of memory and allied emotions” attached to it. (well, married men cant do it of course, hahahaha). Dumped old/new things which I felt I am no longer happy with even if I spent bomb on them.

most wise book i read this year

Beginning of year I undergone yoga training which I more or less practiced it regularly. I guess that’s where results crept from. There seems tremendous confidence gushing in me. I began to have greater clarity over life and events (sometimes scared that confidence might have led to arrogance). I happen to have greater control over my emotions. I was ready to let go and leave irrelevant issues to others advantage than fight stubbornly. I began to accept things as they are than worry over “if perhaps, it should ve been like this”.

There were some experiences which made me more sympathetic to world outside me. Hence I decided to do my part to society, be it materially or ideologically. I decided to donate at least 10% of my salary to disadvantaged sections of society. I wish greater confidence could be inculcated among children from rural areas or social welfare hostels. My identity in society and my identity in vast universe seems to become clear. As my social identity gets concretized, My identity in vast creation seems more confused or blending in itself.   Looks like iam evolving..Am i? I wonder.

Thus my 2019 ended. It could be launchpad for future . Lets see how experiences that enriched my soul in 2019 would impact my life by end of 2020.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The End ! or The End??


t start I warn you. Don’t ask me any questions beyond which I already answered in this blog. Because I have no answers. Neither I have questions nor I have answers. Too many questions, inferences, opinions, innuendos, interpretations, feel free to have them but don’t feel free to share with me.

“How shall I define this relationship

That has no beginning or end
That was never there ,yet there
That has no form yet has form

Invisible yet Tangible

Some relations have no beginning or end
Never met, never separated
Never began, never end
Never defined, never understood
Never articulated, never spoken
Never acknowledged , just understood
Silent & Eternal”

This blogpost germinated some time ago as i waited train to arrive as she was leaving for her home town. Was scared that my logical mind kicks in and intellectual domination would erase sweetness of emotion. Which is the usual case with me..i seldom carry memories. Before I forget or rationalize I try to write it down and freeze particular emotion on fine print before it disappears in oceanic sands of time. Maybe I will revisit it though I know I cant feel the same feel once again. This blog may become dry withered write up in my next visit. However lemme regale while I can.

The 1st time i saw: believe me, i was totally frozen

When I first saw you. (i have seen u even before i met you) It was the feel like i have woken from deep rest, some ancient memory woken up in me. I remember calling my brother that day saying “if I don’t meet this girl, this life is of no use, come what may, no matter how many years it would take, iam gonna meet her” Well, finally we indeed met. After all I put my entire heart & soul in searching and finding you at edges of our country. Universe indeed bows to insistent & persistent heart!

all it magic! Imagine Perfect Weather, Perfect Day. Gentle cool breeze, everything is perfect.  Such is ambiance I feel when iam with her. Just magical. Not that she is perfect. She has her own shortcomings but I always spent very less time with her before dragon in her could ever completely manifest. Some pal asked why don’t you get hitched with her. Nothing would be more insulting than that act. How can I trap such gentle flower in clutches of institution ? As long she is wild & free she is beautiful. Fix her in particular circumference, its all over. Like stagnant water gets spoiled. She is the most beautiful dream. Reality can be dangerous and dream breaker. I prefer to be in dream than face crushing reality. Its like MF Hussain muse of Madhuri Dixit. Inspiration for creative pursuits. Nothing beyond.  

U r my sin
U r my soul
I hate you
To the core
U r my folk lore
U r my muse
U r rhythm and blues
when i saw her first- I Met for first-My Last meeting

One of the main reasons I take so many of her photos is mere human effort to trap the time, capture the wonderful moments I have with u. But I know time passes away & its impossible to capture the experience I have with u once again. One second I spend with u is eternity itself. One life, beginning to end ,completely finished in a moment. You are beautiful dream. In world I created, you are the finest creation. Though in reality, I doubt it. I dont think we are compatible at all. My crudeness, Ur softness. Ur anger. My silence. Our divergent food habits. My hyper activity. Ur adorable laziness. Etc 

Yet. U r my inspiration. Ur presence inspires me to dream, smile often. Like myself. Ur presence definitely added beauty to my life, sweetness to my soul, make this moment more joyous. Magic has many names. One name I know is You!!

In ur presence, I dont see my cell
In ur conversation, I dont see time
In ur existence, I dont use tinder
In ur company, I dont think of any other

he magic of Dipy began 2013. Well, that’s amazing for I tend to forget almost anyone without tinge of nostalgia once ways part. Call it destiny or past lives design, our paths crossed again&again, rekindling my awe of this girl. Don’t call it love. What ignorant term it as Love , I can come with multiple interpretations: Love, Lust, Attraction, Fling, Infatuation, ONS,FWB, thrill of chase etc etc. Sometimes i feel ignorance is bliss Coz You can finish your life within parameters of Date-Mate-Die.

“I understand why my number is not saved in your phone  and I also I understand why we are not connected on fb or WhatsApp or social media. I understand why iam "just a friend" in your conversation about me with your  other friends. I assure that iam not competing against anyone nor I want any special place for I prefer wings than roots.  

 Despite 7 years passed I hardly know what I mean for Dipy. I don’t define what I am to her like she never did with me. Just Be..!!  But again , as mysteriously it began, the magic broke down recently. Just vaporized. Don’t know why or how. Maybe Reality hit me harder and like Neo in film Matrix, I have woken up. Now, I think I will call it end.. The End! ………Or is it ??

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Journey& Journal of Desi Singleton

Journey& Journal of Desi Singleton

Where should I start? Is being single joyful or jarring? Well, it’s both. My Bosses always relish in saying “You are free, what work you have in home, let family men go early etc”. I wanna say (though never said for routine obvious reasons hahaha) We singleton have more work and things to worry about than married family men. I ve to be both wife-husband, parents-children , master-maid etc. all roles rolled into one person and to be done by one man. There is no someone to do domestic backoffice job (like paying bills, cleaning house, vehicle  service etc). Worst case scenario is when/if you fall ill. You have to fend yourself.

Saying this, Ive my own advantage. I can be more bolder than rest. I can relish my own hobbies and lots of Me-time. Splurge  money as there is not many to share with.
 Lazy& confused. slipper or shoes?
Again there are times your brain feeds on itself. Being alone can bring in dormant demons to life. Loneliness can be at times dangerously excruciating.(Many go lunatic & even commit suicide) No one to talk or share your inner most feelings. No near or dear. I think many of couples quarrel due to lack of inner peace & outer attention to self. Arguments and quarrels might be way to feed inner ego and kill time/boredom. Human mind abhors vacuum and idleness. It always wants to feed on something or,….someone..No choice or no defensive mechanisms. you have to fight your own devils.
decade old pic from west coast
Saying that there were times your (my) inner child craves applause from near&dear. “I finished my Race, I got promoted, I got raise, I read this awesome book or watched this wonderful film!”. But when I looked around, I had none with whom I could share. I just walk off quietly. There could be 1000s of adventure photos of mine lying untouched or unseen. Even by myself.

But yet no regrets. This is life I have chosen. (hope my confidence doesn’t break down till death). Iam not easy man to be in relationship with. On one end I ve strong sense of opinions and on other end iam very nonchalant & comfortable and enjoy my ignorance. Queer mix of intelligence & ignorance.And at times, outright stupid.
No choice. Fight devils alone!
I can be lazy or lousy or leap at speed of light. No one to control me. I can be lazy bum or ecstatic ballistic missile. I can talk nonstop for hours on my favourite topics or be stone cold silent for days. I can make my own decisions even if they go wrong without absolute fear of society, friends or relatives or apes in amazon. I hate pple trying to impose their views&decisions. I would certainly listen to all, respect their advice&expertise. From there I decide on my own. This upsets many. But this is my life. I give you freedom and now I take mine. Nothing personal.

Being alone for so long that I forgot how to live with other person under same roof intimately or even share your life with others. I jealously guard my privacy. I keep my life very lean & in control. No unnecessary material goods or humans or even opinions.(call it japanese art of minimalism or My art of laziness)
Books keep me Sane

Probing deeper I wonder if iam 100% alone? I don’t think so. If married people hang to their Loan EMI&Investments wife&kids, gossip& relationships etc I hold on to my dreams, hobbies which are endless. Maybe I should say I ve less human contacts but not with life in general.

So is being alone & single good or bad? Well, maybe both. Depends on person to person & time to time. One man can suffer for not being married and another man suffer coz he is married. one man is seeking partner while other is running away from partner. You see what I mean? I believe it’s better you suffer for your own choices than choices imposed by society.

Thursday, September 12, 2019



Two of the awesome documentaries I happen to see offlate were Hunting Hitler & The great hack.

Hunting Hitler was on premise that Hitler never died in Bunker but escaped.Earlier i read "The Grey Wolf" on same topic. But as an Conspiracy theory buff, iam game for everything weird. The History Channel team really uses awesome cutting edge technologies like portable ground radar, air&underwater drones, bots, mapping technologies etc. 
Series had conspiracy written all over. Ratlines  through which thousands of Nazis escaped from Berlin to Argentina (Rememeber Odessa Ratline), involvement of RedCross & Catholic church (as latter hated communists, they helped Nazis flee), interviews with tons of witnesses, Private islands underground passages, secret submarine bases, sunken subs&jets, underground bunkers, German nazi controlled banks, colonies, fortified houses in jungles, power plants, front&Shell companies and massive mind boggling logistics , development of nuclear weapons spread over in jungles and cities of Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina etc  All for establishment of Fourth Reich.

Whether Hitler really escaped or not was not conclusively proved. But scores of top leadership like Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengle, Martin Borman all disappeared after war.( 1st guy was caught by Mossad in famed operation (later it was known that Argentina itself allowed the operation to take place so that it wouldn’t look like it gave up war criminal it helped to  live safely for years), 2nd guy died natural death. 3rd disappeared totally). As World war-2 Nazi Germany enthusiast, this show was sheer thrilling.

The infrastructure, planning that went into escape, subsequent rehabilitation &resurgence is just too immense to comprehend. Germans were truly geniuses. Most of advanced scientific achievements (civil&military) like colour TV, AK47,Submarines, code&cryptography, missiles, stealth technologies etc all had their origins in Nazi germany. No wonder, post war, both USSR and USA hurried to snatch as many scientists as they can. (Op Paper clip if I remember clearly)

The Great Hack on Netflix

The Great Hack on Netflix: It’s a massive PsyOps of different kind. But methods were similar though used for non-military purposes. Cambridge Analytica , a company was hired by Trump Team before elections which engineered his victory (one of the many factors we can say).It has harvested the personal data from social networks like FB etc and induced the user through personalized advertising/campaigning. They hired psychologists and analysts. Online harmless psychometric tests  which we play for fun to know our character or type of person we are, that data is cleverly taken from entire nation and divided on base of age/religion/likes/dislikes/orientation/political views & affiliation/ personal choice/preferences etc. Subsequently a model is built and based on those models, voters were induced.
Check the Trailer on youtube

In that documentary accidently I happen to see pic of Indian Congress, one of the client of Cambridge Analytica. Then howcome they didn’t win in India>? Simple!, India isn’t as digital as Amerika is.

Now the question arises, how sure are we that thoughts we think are actually ours? Are we manipulated to particular action or opinion by some clever copywriter or foreign agency?. The sudden hunger or desire for something yummy could be high resolution banner of food you saw which triggered ur memory for particular kind of food. Similarly 90% of our choices in life must ve framed by some medium. Russia is traditionally masters of deception. Their Psyops extend to decades of patient operation where in they change the opinion of entire nation to suit their designs. “Disinformation  by Lt Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa” is one rare book which gives peek into Russian psyops/propaganda warfare across the world.(Wiki it for stunning revelations &book is on free download).

 Just an example: Carrot is just not the only reason for good eyesight. But during war, british deliberately spread the propaganda  of linking carrots with good eye sight due to which they were able to blast german jets when they actually want to avoid the real reason being new radar tech they developed. This is deception at work and still continuing.

Saturday, August 31, 2019


As the title says Its just not about the run, though entire blog would be standing on thoughts I thought while having a run. To cut long story short, I decided to run for 10km and blog is about Its totality of experience which happened during entire course of run.

Seed of Desire:

Why  10k? Why not 5Km or 21 Km or full marathon? Why not ultraman, iron man triathlon marathon. Well, the backstory goes like this. Once I found myself not even able to run 100m with my boss-man and he finished clean 10 kms. Then I was like, Ok, boss, I would run 5km in coming days (I always aim half the best i see). Later on his instigation and my desire for bragging rights I signed up for 10km.

 Dedication:: To my Boss-man primarily and tons of random events, thoughts, moments and pple from all walks of my life (past&future)  is this my blog dedicated.

Boss, look,look, even i couldnt believe its 24 min

Why aim ur bossman? Well, he is nearest human around me who went running on daily basis. (while rest of apartment residents happily snoozed) Naturally, champions like Usain bolt or  Eliud kipchoge (greatest marathoner) are too far away to capture my imagination. When I started out, even 100m was herculean challenge. 1km would tighten chest& lungs swollen. 5km was dream come true. But it wasn't a goal. Just as I kept running often I touched 5km. I used to feel like king. but running 5km was never intentional nor dedicated . it just happened. No big deal!

Training :

But 10k is total dedicated goal. With full of intention and dead line. Once the target is strongly embedded and decided I found my entire life mysteriously shaped around that target. All happening as if target now got life of it's own and editing my daily life so that finally target gets fructified. My alarm blared at 0430 am  each n every day.And each day i leap out of my bed without fail.(proud of myself conquering daily battle of alarmclock)

Come Rain-Shine or Cyclone, i was there on track

  Suddenly new world opened. Sleep timing, watch model, wind direction, Clothes, shoes, diet, timings, Training videos, shoulder angle, music track list, weather, track gradient, everything was seen from 10k point. Running 5k is no longer challenge. But adding another 5k in 20 days is quantum leap. Track pants& regular  tees tend to become heavier with droves of sweat. Hence I flew to Bangalore Decathalon to get some light weight runner tees&shorts. I videographed entire 10km track. Became conscious of my running technique. Are my shoulders drooping, how are my feet landing, are my keys &cellphones extra load? How do I reduce drag ?; become more aerodynamic?
down there was running track
Well, not that any of above stuff made difference (maybe less than 1%) except cold discipline of hitting track every day. But on hindsight i felt it gave me a psychological edge of making me feel I was dead serious and sincere. I remember reading Abinav Bhindra autobio (awesome book I should say) where he was soooo serious that he even designed underwear for his shooting sport. No wonder he won Indias first gold in Olympics.

Neural Conditioning through Books

Iam chronic bibliophile. Its almost OCD. I read only two genres and Motivation/Self help are not one of them. To keep myself motivated , I did all I can. Bought books on discipline, habits and even amerikan commando training books. Not that I would become commando, just that these books act as nodes to rise above my laziness . Just to keep brain sharp and improve its fortitude. Anyways I dont think they can help you unless you already are motivated and looking for external solutions. However I get these three fantastic books.

Discipline, Atomic Habits, Living with Seal.1st book taught me importance of Discipline, 2nd book spoke on tiny improvements which would keep tempo moving. Finally 3rd book cements the habits. Last one costed me bomb. But results were worthy.I don’t say its great book but somewhere inside you drives the work ethic of No-Excuses & Never give up or Take path of least resistance.

Well, by end of 3 books, I finished 10 km. clean and neat! Reading this "Living with Seal" book made me realize all thru life we give excuses and end up being specialists in excuses to extent that we believe that our excuses are genuine.

In this book which primarily focuses on self discipline, physical fitness and going beyond giving excuses. Author and Seal commando take up 31 day challenge and execute them irrespective of what. They exercise in mid noon, mid night, early morning , between office meetings, 5 minute coffee breaks, while shopping in blizzard conditions etc etc.

Now when we look into our own lives, we always end up with excuses. No gym shoes, sports clothing, bad weather (author runs during 16 inch snowing), tight schedule, kids, school, office targets, bad mood etc etc. Rather than getting comfy with extra flab & blame fate,.In book 10X I read this line "Commit first, figure out later"

Finally On the Track:

After all the preparation I hit the track with all enthusiasm and fervor. I was shocked with multiple hurdles that hit on face. First not being able to wake up in mornings. Later not even able to jog 2 km. Though I jog daily 5km, now with 10km in my head, even 2km became a challenge. Legs wobbled and lactic acid made them jelly. Later I realized that with mind filled with totally with 10 km, iam getting overwhelmed. Taking cue from "Atomic habits " which speaks on tiny victories, I started aiming only few metres. At same time i had to stop comparing with other runners who were better than me on track. (later i discovered they were just running lot less distance than me).

Making urself proud is best feeling in the world

  I once heard how soldiers dont take rifle weight into consideration as they consider it as extension of their body. Taking this idea, I stopped considering my 1st 5km into account during practice. Everything began after 5km. 5km+0.50km, 5km+1km and so on. Daily trying to add few meters to 5km. I was very very alert to even minute changes,be it physical or mental. But breaking my 5km plateau was very big challenge. Mind rebelled like uncontrollable steed and oscillated between 5km and max 5.5 km. Then as I endured, voila suddenly one day I touched 6km (This is my real victory i feel). From there it was piece of cake. Daily adding ½ km to mileage. And surprisingly from 7th km, I was adding 1km to daily mileage. I began to improve in bounds. No longer any target appeared Mount everest. At this rate I can easily finish half marathon and maybe even marathon. But I restrict myself to what I previously visualized. Just 10km. No goal upgrades please.

I took 2 weeks vacation just to finish my running target. Many of friends&colleagues felt its silly to use precious office-leaves to practice running. But people take holidays for pleasure.Dont they? Iam taking for self improvement, working on habits, removing toxic thoughts, building steel mindset, improve physical& mental prowess etc. finally  On August 09,2019 all my 3 books were completed. The day was day Nagasaki was nuked by USA and on same day I nuked my own target. 10 Km completed within 15 days of beginning of my training and 21 days before big race.

Set Goals Like an Elite Warrior “Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain 

Mind Vs Me

Its more mental warfare than physical endurance  I had to undergo. Initially like I said even touching 5km became a challenge.
 I just couldn’t break 5km plateau. Maybe few metres but not more.  Body just didn’t move head. Million times I reconsidered giving up or changing goal post. Run 5km instead of 10km. I discovered how mind silently from behind the curtains whispers. Many times we succumb to it as mind is so persuasive and convincing.

best sports store

The real challenge is Hushing up the little voice in my head that tells me to quit. Relentlessly , very softly but highly persuasive. It keeps telling me, “it's ok, snuggle up, weather is bad, you can do in evening, no 1 is watching”.

 Once early morning battle with alarm is won, again voice rises during run and whispers: "It ok, cut down to 3 km, ur legs r tired. You are tired. Who cares. Atleast walk if not run.Feet gone tight, pelvic muscles ache", Voice in head coupled with boredom was biggest challenge. I dont have partner to run along who could motivate or some beautiful girl at finish point to put some boosters in my shoes. Body was never tired of running but it is boredom that weighed a ton. I needed something to cancel those voices and feeling if I need to push myself. However as I kept enduring (Tx to book Living with Seal stories that played in mind). More I endured I found the voice getting feebler and finally fell silent. That moment was really wonderful. Mind fell totally silent.

Veni Vidi Vici-I came, I saw, I conquered!

finally first hit at 10km
For me this moment to cherish. Every sweat bead,  torrents of sweat that drenched my tees are symbolic of my work I put in. It was conscious goal. Aimed & planned. Finally achieved. Breaking old habits. Adopting new practices. These lessons would now be replicated in another parts of my life. Methods experimented in lab of marathon grounds. I don’t say running mere 10km is a big deal. I myself felt nothing after finishing 10km. but something in me changed. Unconsciously I absorbed the lessons I learnt throughout the process before final product came to fruition. My tussle with my own rebellious mind (&victory over it) and fantastic books I absorbed are highlights. Whatever we do in life apparently to please someone where in getting a compliment /salary/appreciation is byproduct. But this I wanted to myself so that I can respect myself. I feel alive bubbling with confidence and brimming with pride and self respect. I began to respect myself more and love myself more.


Finally D-Day arrived. Though i finished 10k long time back and rehearsed , still doubts prevailed. I hoped sea tides rise, cyclone lashes coast, heavy wind crashes the beach,so that i can blame Natures fury in case i failed. Before leaving my flat, i rechecked my shoes, double tied my laces, picked lightest clothes,added new playlist to my phone. 
Reaching the venue i discovered now i could differentiate serious runners, competitive runners, timepass runners, selfie runners etc.  Serious competitive runners wore shortest shorts and sleeveless tops and carried no headsets or phones. They were lean, athletic with muscular legs. 
You win the prize during practice but collect in competition

Once the run began , i found Gods were on my side.They granted my foolish prayes. It rained heavily, thunders and lightening rented the skies, cold wind blasted the streets and my bad luck began. Cold weather always brings in breathing issues within me.But i felt if i quit now, my self esteem and confidence would take severe beating and that taste of loser is horrible. i spat the rising phlegm and just trudged on. Heavy rain cleared half the non serious crowd leaving roads vacant. I ran most of the track without lifting my head inorder to avoid distraction. 

Beginning of Race-Drenched in Middle-Finally End of Race

Before i really realized,  i was almost back to finish line. but there was no finish banner. Winds lashed it out i learn it later. There were many runners standing at many places which further added my confusion. Just to keep doubts at bay, i ran half more kilometer roughly only to find finish line was long passed.  I clocked 70 minutes (thats 20 minutes better than in practice. Well, roughly it took 81 runs, 425 kms in total to get here...hehe

Its over?..yes its over. but i hardly felt thrill as i felt/dreamed/desired. There was no tiredness or droves of sweat so that i can gloat & brag from hunger pangs, no thirst,no leg ache or even stiff exhaustion. Legs were very fresh. its like, i can go for few more kilometers. i felt nothing...Journey during pratice was inspiring and exciting but final destination was totally insipid..perhaps "Journey "IS" Destination"!!.  but yeah iam always. 

Now, back to my normal life. Day dreaming

Well i began the blogpost dedicating it to Bossman. lemme end it in same way. Hey Boss, Happy Anniversary. Aug 31,2019...

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...