t start I warn you. Don’t ask me any questions
beyond which I already answered in this blog. Because I have no answers.
Neither I have questions nor I have answers. Too many questions, inferences,
opinions, innuendos, interpretations, feel free to have them but don’t feel
free to share with me.
“How shall I
define this relationship
That has no beginning or end
That was never there ,yet there
That has no form yet has form
yet Tangible
Some relations have no beginning or end
Never met, never separated
Never began, never end
Never defined, never understood
Never articulated, never spoken
Never acknowledged , just understood
Silent & Eternal”
Never acknowledged , just understood
Silent & Eternal”
This blogpost
germinated some time ago as i waited train to arrive as she was leaving for her home town. Was scared that my logical mind kicks in and
intellectual domination would erase sweetness of emotion. Which is the usual
case with me..i seldom carry memories. Before I forget or rationalize I try to write it down and freeze
particular emotion on fine print before it disappears in oceanic sands of time.
Maybe I will revisit it though I know I cant feel the same feel once again.
This blog may become dry withered write up in my next visit. However lemme regale
while I can.
When I first
saw you. (i have seen u even before i met you) It was the feel like i have woken from deep rest, some ancient
memory woken up in me. I remember calling my brother that day saying “if I
don’t meet this girl, this life is of no use, come what may, no matter how many
years it would take, iam gonna meet her” Well, finally we indeed met. After
all I put my entire heart & soul in searching and finding you at edges of
our country. Universe indeed bows to insistent & persistent heart!
all it magic! Imagine Perfect Weather, Perfect Day.
Gentle cool breeze, everything is perfect.
Such is ambiance I feel when iam with her. Just magical. Not that she is perfect. She
has her own shortcomings but I always spent very less time with her before
dragon in her could ever completely manifest. Some pal asked why don’t you get hitched
with her. Nothing would be more insulting than that act. How can I trap such
gentle flower in clutches of institution ? As long she is wild & free she
is beautiful. Fix her in particular circumference, its all over. Like stagnant
water gets spoiled. She is the most beautiful dream. Reality can be dangerous
and dream breaker. I prefer to be in dream than face crushing reality. Its like
MF Hussain muse of Madhuri Dixit. Inspiration for creative pursuits. Nothing
U r my sin
U r my soul
I hate you
To the core
U r my folk lore
U r my muse
U r rhythm and blues
U r my soul
I hate you
To the core
U r my folk lore
U r my muse
U r rhythm and blues
![]() |
when i saw her first- I Met for first-My Last meeting |
One of the main reasons I take so many of her photos is mere human effort to trap the time, capture the wonderful moments I have with u. But I know time passes away & its impossible to capture the experience I have with u once again. One second I spend with u is eternity itself. One life, beginning to end ,completely finished in a moment. You are beautiful dream. In world I created, you are the finest creation. Though in reality, I doubt it. I dont think we are compatible at all. My crudeness, Ur softness. Ur anger. My silence. Our divergent food habits. My hyper activity. Ur adorable laziness. Etc
Yet. U r my inspiration. Ur presence inspires me to dream, smile often. Like myself. Ur presence definitely added beauty to my life, sweetness to my soul, make this moment more joyous. Magic has many names. One name I know is You!!
In ur presence, I dont see my cell
In ur conversation, I dont see time
In ur existence, I dont use tinder
In ur company, I dont think of any other
In ur conversation, I dont see time
In ur existence, I dont use tinder
In ur company, I dont think of any other
he magic of Dipy began 2013. Well, that’s amazing
for I tend to forget almost anyone without tinge of nostalgia once ways part.
Call it destiny or past lives design, our paths crossed again&again,
rekindling my awe of this girl. Don’t call it love. What ignorant term it as Love
, I can come with multiple interpretations: Love, Lust, Attraction, Fling,
Infatuation, ONS,FWB, thrill of chase etc etc. Sometimes i feel ignorance is bliss Coz You can finish your life within parameters of Date-Mate-Die.
“I understand
why my number is not saved in your phone and I also I understand why
we are not connected on fb or WhatsApp or social media. I understand why iam "just a friend" in your conversation about me with your other friends. I assure that iam not
competing against anyone nor I want any special place for I prefer wings than
Despite 7 years passed I hardly know what I
mean for Dipy. I don’t define what I am to her like she never did with me. Just
Be..!! But again , as mysteriously it
began, the magic broke down recently. Just vaporized. Don’t know why or how.
Maybe Reality hit me harder and like Neo in film Matrix, I have woken up. Now, I
think I will call it end.. The End! ………Or is it ??
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