Saturday, December 28, 2019

2019: The year that was...!!!

Friends! How did your 2019 fare? Good?, Bad? Ugly? Phenomenal? Mixed bag? It’s a chilly day out here and sitting alone in my flat I just happen to look back at 2019. 2019 for me personally seem to be transitional. Transitional I say as I happen to see subtle nevertheless obvious changes in me. Personally, Professionally, Spiritually etc.

Year began with lovely books

   I don’t know why these changes took place. But I believe (which I may be wrong) because of either iam getting older hence more mature such that I can see events from perspective or meditation, which I seem to have done with some regularity has given me greater clarity. Whatsoever is the reason , this year I met more number of people, read more books, meditated more, Met people whom i havent met for 5 years, More thankful & gratitude to Universe, More positive, , Ate healthy, satisfied career, led more healthy life, exercised more, relaxed and content…finally “Yeh Dil Mange More”.

             Other day my barber who lives close by , remarked:

“Sir, I never see you partying, roaming or with any social life. You eat alone, move alone, never seem to talk on films or regular gossip”.

few of many interesting books i happen to read

              Well, its not easy to be in relationship with me and I find it hard to mix with people. Its sheer torture for me to suffer others ignorance and  stupidity. Not that iam smarter or more intelligent, but so far iam more contented and I cant bear anyone’s presence (& their complaints of life) beyond half an hour. I easily get bored of anyone nor I subscribe to others philosophies . I am not introvert but very very few things excite me and most of world is not into those things. Iam more text-person than talk-person. Iam more book-person that hangout-person. Quite a complicated character I guess iam and I aint yet intelligent to figure myself out.

Life turning self help books i read this year

The Mystical Journey of Life :

Professionally I began to enjoy my work than worry over results. The job well done generated more satisfaction than that of rewards & awards that might/may come consequently. I began to jump at any new experience in work more willingly, knowing new experience, be it success of failure would only enrich me professionally. Every work challenge I moved with “I Can”! mindset. Not once did I ever say to my boss negatively. Its always “ Its done or it will be done”. Somehow I was definitely sure that I could pull the solution out or Universe is benevolent in revealing itself.

Personally I could see vast changes within me. In Dec 2018, hardly I could run 100 metres without chest paining and lungs bursting. Come Dec 2019, I could easily run 10Km before the first bead of sweat breaks in. Been living minimal as much as possible. I cut down useless junk in life, be it humans or old clothes or electronic stuff. By end of day I deleted all social media messages/chat conversations. The idea is to delete “idea of memory and allied emotions” attached to it. (well, married men cant do it of course, hahahaha). Dumped old/new things which I felt I am no longer happy with even if I spent bomb on them.

most wise book i read this year

Beginning of year I undergone yoga training which I more or less practiced it regularly. I guess that’s where results crept from. There seems tremendous confidence gushing in me. I began to have greater clarity over life and events (sometimes scared that confidence might have led to arrogance). I happen to have greater control over my emotions. I was ready to let go and leave irrelevant issues to others advantage than fight stubbornly. I began to accept things as they are than worry over “if perhaps, it should ve been like this”.

There were some experiences which made me more sympathetic to world outside me. Hence I decided to do my part to society, be it materially or ideologically. I decided to donate at least 10% of my salary to disadvantaged sections of society. I wish greater confidence could be inculcated among children from rural areas or social welfare hostels. My identity in society and my identity in vast universe seems to become clear. As my social identity gets concretized, My identity in vast creation seems more confused or blending in itself.   Looks like iam evolving..Am i? I wonder.

Thus my 2019 ended. It could be launchpad for future . Lets see how experiences that enriched my soul in 2019 would impact my life by end of 2020.

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