Saturday, November 7, 2020



Coming out as Dalit..!! (Part-2)


 Introspection and contemplation

To be honest, I live my life kingsize. Whatever I wanted I achieved and my bucket list is always empty. But when you are in interacting with society , the caste matter definitely arises. My family had courage to give up caste certificate with next generation children admitting themselves in open category. But I know by doing it nothing would change.

Like I said iam never part of any groups or gangs. Call it spiritual inspiration, I chose not be part of any identity. Iam not radical or rebel fighting for rights or screaming loudly from roof tops. I understand caste based discrimination is here to stay. And it has reduced considerably and change will take centuries to happen. But at times when reality and identity based discrimination hits you on face, its hard to ignore.  

I read this “Racism , discrimination , bias do not come from the big moments. Its in small actions that mount up over time “

In Hathras (Uttar Pradesh) , when Dalit lady was raped by criminals & later body burnt (cremated is too polite) by State police, it shows how Dalits are institutionally discriminated by State. Would a non-dalit lady body be cremated by police if she isn’t dalit? Would she even be raped of she were a high caste dalit?. What about gross discrimination in premier colleges like AIIMS where dalit students are grossly sidelined & horrible ragging they have to undergo. While there was nationwide rage over rape cum murder of high caste Disha  in Hyderabad, same rape of street hawker of inferior caste didn’t catch attention of major media. While there was candle lit procession for jesscia lal death at India gate, the horrible rape of dalit family by high caste in Kairlanj in same period was ignored. Routine atrocities like dalit beaten coz they dared to sport moustache, sit on horse, had guts to open small eatery etc now hardly stirs any reaction, not even from Dalits any longer. Untouchbility is Indian reality both in rural and urban milieu.

When basic diginity is seized by high caste hindus, its not surprising that Dalits get converted to other religions. (Btw caste follows them there also..thats another story..).

Ruckus over Reservations

Iam sure every dalit was made to feel guilty for getting reservations in educations and jobs. But isn’t Reservations exist everywhere in world? America has affirmative action for blacks, yet USA is worlds powerful country. If people blame Dalits for Indians backwardness, what does it also say about non-dalit efficiency?. Arent crores in form tax breaks for industrialists is form of reservations ?.While most of Indians blame entire Indian backwardness on Reservations, I wonder what their source of this knowledge is if not for emotional rhetoric. There is no reservations in armed forces, then why did we lose 1962 war & how do you justify so many deaths in insurgency. If reservations pull back India , why isn’t any Indian private company in top 10 global companies while govt companies like ISRO,OIL,LIC etc are world class where reservations exist. In science & sports there is no reservation, then how come there are no windfall winners in Olympics & Nobel prize winners? How many Oscars did Indian film industry win afterall there is no reservations in film industry? I think we Indians as society ,all want to look scapegoats for collective failures and Dalits here are the fall guys. I strongly believe any society cant grow exclusively. Its swim or sink together. Only when all sections of society grow at same time, nation would flourish and grow.

check another small post on this link:

Many Dalit organisations or intellectuals fight for caste elimination or radical measures. While not discounting their efforts, I personally don’t believe in any radical forceful change. Such change will eventually fail. Change should be slow and steady. Natural and organic. Radical change will only results in problems manifesting in another forms. We have to agree we moved far ahead as society but still miles to go. Iam optimistic, maybe in 100 or so years, all this will change. You cant expect 5000 year malaise to go in 70 years. Saying this, I don’t support migration to other religions as well. As caste mentality follows them there as well.  my friend was introduced in a church as high caste Christian ironically.

Final word..!

Like I said, iam no radical or rebel. I just prefer to live my life quietly. Iam no leader or messiah out to change the world or society. I respect every human who is trying to better his life by sweat on brow. Iam not going to justify or debate or argue on pros & cons. My life is very short and I prefer to live for myself. Saying this, I will do my bit for this society and world which has blessed me with such abundance. I want friends to know my identity and make their opinion or judgement whatever. I also want to say, I make no value judgments . I understand others predicaments in their daily dealing with me. I hold no offense. Some people will remain, some go away. Whatever it is Life is beautiful.  Que sera , sera- Whatever will be, will be..!  





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