Thursday, November 19, 2020

Random Write up

 Are we puppets while its puppeteer is pulling strings from behind the curtain. All while we believe deceptively that we are incharge of our life/society/world..beunknownst to us lies real power. Invisible & powerful. 

Esoteric & mysticism. Secret societies & conspiracies. Aliens & Gods. All these topics are my childhood obsessions. 

Reading in tons on myriad above mentioned topics makes me feel there are/is certainly  invisible powers that pull strings from behind or direct or interfere our civilization quite often at crucial junctions.

What if dinosaurs were destroyed to make way for new creations. How do we explain new dangerous diseases that come into existence which were never there a century ago? What if such diseases play same role either to keep humans on earth from over population or playing same role as meteor that killed dinosaurs. Alien conspiracy theorists howl from rooftops how pyramids of giza or Mayan pyramids or ancient Indian temples, statues of Easter island etc all have alien connections 

I remember reading books where Osho says (not sure though), when atom bomb was being manufactured,  many scientists or leaders recieved letters to abandon the project  citing terrible dangers associated with atomic power. Similarly Aurobindo, founder of Auroville was revolutionary, but in meditation,  some voice told him to abandon that path as God has created another human (Mahatma Gandhi) to usher in India independence ..similarly Swami siddeswaranada said, Supreme sages of Courtalam entered body of freedom fighter & /or influenced entire direction of India independence struggle. He also said many times Gods had to fight evil powers on astral plane. Pope once happens to say entire Nazi leadership were under influence of Evil/Devil. Bagavatgita says that God descends at all times for certain works or duties which shows that someone from above/behind are always watching over earth/creation.

What do you say? Who watches us over?. Aliens. Gods or both are same?

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Coming out as Dalit..!! (Part-1)


Coming out as Dalit..!! (Part-1)

Confession: Iam a Dalit! Saying this, lemme speak further..if possible read further

Coming out as Dalit” is actually wonderful book by Yashica Dutt. (No piracy. Buy the book like I did) Book is memoir of the author and her journey through lens of identity. She was more a closet dalit trying to pass of as high caste lady in north India (Delhi). Thanks to her pretty looks & intellect she does it effortlessly. However post Rohit vemula incident , something in her gets stirred and she comes out boldly and embraces her identity which she has tried to forget if not erase.

I didn’t want to beat around bush and mention in some footnote about my identity hence written at top itself. The book also inspired me to come out in open. Not that I was ever hiding . But like all Dalits in india, they aren’t proud of it either or have moral courage to speak with conviction on their identity.

I read somewhere that In India , Muslim has constantly has to prove his patriotism! Dalit his merit & hardwork! Women her character!.


Frankly word caste was never of any importance to me as I never felt the need of it. Growing up in small time schools and colleges, caste was never of significance nor importance. My earliest memory was when house owners wanted to know our caste to which my family subtly put it as “We are telugu or andhraites” which is more linguistic or regional identity than caste idenitity. But I was too small to comprehend & left it there. Joining Central Govt where most of colleagues were from North Indian background (& me being fluent English speaking South Indian ) gave less exposure to caste politics . Moreover I was highly Urbanized English educated & cosmopolitan thinking to join any caste group friends or affiliate with any regional language or state cadre groups.

The First Jolt :

But the 1st experience of caste politics came when I was sitting with some politician , who asked question innocuously. “What is your name?” . I was surprised  as he already knew my name. Again he asked me for my full name. Then it hit me , he wants to know my name so as to identify my caste based on my surname/title. Some where within me this moment hit me , made me defensive. While driving back, I wondered why my body chemistry involuntarily became defensive? Why I lost my over-confident swag?


 In that moment, its like ancient memory has woken up. I was literally transported back into time where all castist discrimination, humiliating subtle to direct remarks, those smirks was heaped on my ancestors from today to back to beginning of time. In that micro speck of moment, I could feel what it means to be a Dalit on earth. Like person who woke from deep amnesia, I could see or remember how through out my life I had to experience subtle yet strong caste laced discrimination. Funnily (or foolishly) I hardly recognized any of those as I was always chilled up , very happy going cheerful guy who always got whatever I wanted. So never complained in life.

Now I could see what my high caste gujarati gf (brief relationship decades ago) meant when she said “Praveen, my family wont allow your caste people even at my gate” (I was too dazzled by her to think import of her words btw), or when my tutor constant remarks “Praveen, why are you working so hard, you can easily get through exam” (Btw I was always damn good in science). I realized why Ekalavya & Karna had to face heap of insults due to accident of their low caste birth in mahabaratha. Why Ambedkar is reviled in contemporary india.

The second major jolt came when I got my first promotion. Entire department went ballistic with remarks accusing that I got my promotion only coz of my caste. What conveniently people forgot was I was hardest worker in my posting who delivered results beyond expectations within least resources and worked successfully in tough posting and was transferred more number of times than any of my contemporaries (btw many blame my repeated transfer on caste once again though I never believed it. More on that later). My knowledge in my subject of work is second to none and yet people doubted my efficiency. The barrage of accusations were so many & stinging that, frankly I really regretted accepting the promotion. I should have left the promotion and lived peacefully and unknown.


studying history makes you feel like you undertsood something. unless you lived through it, personally felt its consequence , you may not undertsand it " -- Psychology of money




Coming out as Dalit..!! (Part-2)


 Introspection and contemplation

To be honest, I live my life kingsize. Whatever I wanted I achieved and my bucket list is always empty. But when you are in interacting with society , the caste matter definitely arises. My family had courage to give up caste certificate with next generation children admitting themselves in open category. But I know by doing it nothing would change.

Like I said iam never part of any groups or gangs. Call it spiritual inspiration, I chose not be part of any identity. Iam not radical or rebel fighting for rights or screaming loudly from roof tops. I understand caste based discrimination is here to stay. And it has reduced considerably and change will take centuries to happen. But at times when reality and identity based discrimination hits you on face, its hard to ignore.  

I read this “Racism , discrimination , bias do not come from the big moments. Its in small actions that mount up over time “

In Hathras (Uttar Pradesh) , when Dalit lady was raped by criminals & later body burnt (cremated is too polite) by State police, it shows how Dalits are institutionally discriminated by State. Would a non-dalit lady body be cremated by police if she isn’t dalit? Would she even be raped of she were a high caste dalit?. What about gross discrimination in premier colleges like AIIMS where dalit students are grossly sidelined & horrible ragging they have to undergo. While there was nationwide rage over rape cum murder of high caste Disha  in Hyderabad, same rape of street hawker of inferior caste didn’t catch attention of major media. While there was candle lit procession for jesscia lal death at India gate, the horrible rape of dalit family by high caste in Kairlanj in same period was ignored. Routine atrocities like dalit beaten coz they dared to sport moustache, sit on horse, had guts to open small eatery etc now hardly stirs any reaction, not even from Dalits any longer. Untouchbility is Indian reality both in rural and urban milieu.

When basic diginity is seized by high caste hindus, its not surprising that Dalits get converted to other religions. (Btw caste follows them there also..thats another story..).

Ruckus over Reservations

Iam sure every dalit was made to feel guilty for getting reservations in educations and jobs. But isn’t Reservations exist everywhere in world? America has affirmative action for blacks, yet USA is worlds powerful country. If people blame Dalits for Indians backwardness, what does it also say about non-dalit efficiency?. Arent crores in form tax breaks for industrialists is form of reservations ?.While most of Indians blame entire Indian backwardness on Reservations, I wonder what their source of this knowledge is if not for emotional rhetoric. There is no reservations in armed forces, then why did we lose 1962 war & how do you justify so many deaths in insurgency. If reservations pull back India , why isn’t any Indian private company in top 10 global companies while govt companies like ISRO,OIL,LIC etc are world class where reservations exist. In science & sports there is no reservation, then how come there are no windfall winners in Olympics & Nobel prize winners? How many Oscars did Indian film industry win afterall there is no reservations in film industry? I think we Indians as society ,all want to look scapegoats for collective failures and Dalits here are the fall guys. I strongly believe any society cant grow exclusively. Its swim or sink together. Only when all sections of society grow at same time, nation would flourish and grow.

check another small post on this link:

Many Dalit organisations or intellectuals fight for caste elimination or radical measures. While not discounting their efforts, I personally don’t believe in any radical forceful change. Such change will eventually fail. Change should be slow and steady. Natural and organic. Radical change will only results in problems manifesting in another forms. We have to agree we moved far ahead as society but still miles to go. Iam optimistic, maybe in 100 or so years, all this will change. You cant expect 5000 year malaise to go in 70 years. Saying this, I don’t support migration to other religions as well. As caste mentality follows them there as well.  my friend was introduced in a church as high caste Christian ironically.

Final word..!

Like I said, iam no radical or rebel. I just prefer to live my life quietly. Iam no leader or messiah out to change the world or society. I respect every human who is trying to better his life by sweat on brow. Iam not going to justify or debate or argue on pros & cons. My life is very short and I prefer to live for myself. Saying this, I will do my bit for this society and world which has blessed me with such abundance. I want friends to know my identity and make their opinion or judgement whatever. I also want to say, I make no value judgments . I understand others predicaments in their daily dealing with me. I hold no offense. Some people will remain, some go away. Whatever it is Life is beautiful.  Que sera , sera- Whatever will be, will be..!  





Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gurus, Godmen & Seekers




Recently I was listening to some lady diatribe on one of popular guru of south India. She was ranting how he was fake & cheated her and millions like her. Her name was Sarah landry and the guru was Paramahamsa Nityananda who now attained cult status for his apparently comic statements like “ he would make cats talk Sanskrit”” he is an alien” & he started his own nation called Kailasa!!! Youtube is filled with his jokes already but police don’t find it amusing. There are several cases including rape, child harassment etc. All while some time ago Netflix coming with program “Wild Wild Country”, program on controversial guru of 70s, The Osho! Back then he was considered so dangerous that even his plane was not allowed to fly in dozen nations airspaces. His famous disciple “Maa Sheela” has come into spotlight as Osho is no more. Other program which was in talks was Bikram Yoga founder for alleged sexual advances which I have no clue about.


Are they fraud or not, I don’t know. I personally have flirted with many gurus. I read their books, practiced their methods of meditations, enjoyed their videos on youtube etc. At different points of my life I enjoyed the wisdom of Yogananda, Iskon, Nityananda, Sadguru, Sri Sri (I do Sudarshan kriya irregularly regular), Om Swami (not big boss wala), Swami Rama of Himalayan masters, Bruce lee,Naval Ravikanth etc etc. At all these points many people called them frauds and many (esp Beautiful ladies) encouraged me to be part of their group.

Lemme tell you my opinion on if they are Fraud, Not really fraud, Could they be fraud?

Yes, many times they could be fraud. But lets not under estimate our own stupidity of giving our life savings to imaginary utopia promised in few sessions. Some courses in Nityanadna or Sadguru are too expensive for ordinary person. Yogananda in some speech says till a person gains complete enlightenement , there is every chance of him falling back to worse than ordinary human beings,

Possibly all these saints were genuine seekers who fell from grace or had given up in between. Now armed with some shaktis or siddhis, they are out to earn Money/opp sex/fame which they sacrificed in pursuit of truth.  And in another instance maybe we are still too novices to comprehend higher truth spoken by them. For example, Nityananda “Me, Me, Me”(popular trolling video) was made fun of. But on closer observation, what he said was profound. Aham Brhamsami is explained in that manner which somehow didn’t click with many.

Iam not defending anyone nor I promote anyone (But Radhe Maa was 100% funny & Dera Sacha Ram Rahim was very gaudy) . But I definitely find fault with seeker falling foolishly. How can someone be so brainwashed that they cant see his/her masters faults. But again , can this be Masters leela for strengthening seeker growth? Maa Sheela was kicked out of Osho sangha . maybe her attachment is impediment to her spiritual growth. I read somewhere : Ananda was most devoted to Buddha yet while many disciples experienced Ultimate and moved on, Ananda still struck on. Once he asked Buddha why he isn’t yet enlightened? Buddha replied “You are still attached to me”. Ananda countered that if he cant be attached to Buddha, who else can he attached to for him, Buddha is final. He cant dream life without Buddha. Buddha calmly said “This is truth” only when buddha died, in enormous grief, Ananda is said to be enlightened or so story goes

Many a times Masters don’t care social conventions or rules of world as they are above them. Their games for spiritual growth of student are incomprehensible. Saying that we never know if we are being taken for ride or being uplifted. Even Sri Sri Ravi Shankar had to walk out from his Guru , only then he was able to bloom completely.

I always believe every Master has something to offer. Take it. Take the wisdom & internalize it. Whether one wants to become andha-bhakt or grow himself is left to seeker. There is no choice but to go trail & error in searching right Guru. I think most of time, seeker gets screwed coz rather trusting self effort, h/she expects quick results by appeasing master. Often seeker themselves have no clear defined spiritual goal just hang around Master for self interest or greed for power etc.


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Conspiracy theories in times of Corona


Conspiracy theories in times of Corona

Its been long since I posted anything. Blame it on Covid & Cupid. I just wanna pen down random thoughts on some issues that caught my attention.

Curious case of Sushant singh Rajput (SSR): To be honest, I never gave even a second when SSR death pinged on whatsapp. My 1st question, who is he? I hardly watch movies or active on social media and reading page 3 news was never my hobby. Well, I later I remembered watching his film Byomkesh Bakshi, a period film. There I left the matter to rest.

SSR: Suicide..!

But this weekend, somehow my youtube flashed with some debate on his death. Blame it on that days utter boredom or uselessness of myself. I happen to watch it. From there Youtube algorithms took over. One video after another on SSR subject started showing up. I never saw someone death rock entire youtube with multiple theories throwing up.

SSR: Suicide! Nepotism!

First the death backlash highlighted Nepotism in film industry, calling ban on top stars , later entire spotlight fell on his girlfriend. She was hounded by media , shown her as modern Mata Hari cum Gold digger & subsequently accomplice in his apparent suicide. Next in line how he was made depressed artificially by slowly injecting depression medicines. In this drug angle, along with his gf, Mahesh bhatt became prime suspect. And various theories started floating from this perspective.

SSR: Suicide! Nepotism!, Depression!, Nepotism &Nepokids!

Upto this time, the death was still suicide. Or assisted suicide by prolonged drug abuse. Somewhere this time , paranormal angle came into picture with some guy (Steve Hoffman I guess) strated séance where his speech with spirit of SSR was caught on radio box. In that conversation with spirit, it appears, SSR said he was murdered by his trustworthy friends.  From here every paranormal practiconer , Tarot to Automatic Writer to angel Séance , everyone started claiming that they started their conversation with SSR spirit. (Looks like his spirit is most sought after spirit ). Everyone kinda claimed revelation on same lines: He was murdered.

SSR: Suicide! Nepotism!, Depression!, Nepotism &Nepokids! Drugs, Paranormal, Murder

Vox poplei-Vox Dei-Voice of people is voice of god

Government had to succumb to Vox Populi -Voice of people and initiate its own investigation. Police from maharahstra & Bihar , CBI , ED, NCB (Central investigative organizations , after all Bihar elections is in horizon & SSR was from Bihar originally ) . Enforcement Directorate started probing Hawala over SSR wealth in crores, Narcotics Bureau Started probing drugs in Bollywood where several top stars were summoned.  (Well, I guess as elections near, I would not be surprised with govt deploying Army, Raw & IB , NTRO & Raphale jets, rent CIA/FBI to solve the case.. hahah)

SSR: Suicide! Nepotism!, Depression!, Nepotism &Nepokids! Drugs, Paranormal, Murder, Hawala


        Social media warriors already concluded  SSR suicide wasn’t natural death. From here some single guy called Advocate Vibhor Anand started churning bizarre stories. There came SSRians channel on Youtube which apparently trying for justice for SSR.  Here Vibhor came with real stories that could be made into awesome thriller .  SSR was developing some technology on Artificial intelligence whose patents was stolen by Shivsena and SSR was killed in his flat by some hitmen while his death was live streamed on darknet which was watched by many top actors and politcians .(Ewww). Bollywood is run by secret cabal where  blackmoney, drugs, sexual orgies, pedophila , rapes, murders etc are routine among top actors and Pakistani ISI has infiltrated into Bollywood totally (OMG, my head is totally spinning with wild accusations). How actress sridevi was killed in dubai by mafia and for her insurance money (whooping 250 Cr). Another bizarre accusation, he stated were SSR was shielding some teenage girl in his flat who apparently victim of child trafficking. And these child trafficking is primarly to extract chemical called ADRENOCHINE . This checmial being extracted from children is used as youth serum which gives people like Queen of England, Salman khan, Anil Kapoor , Hollywood actors ever youth. On extraction of that chemical from children, either they are sold to prostitution or organ trafficking. Thus concluded children are harvested for chemicals, flesh trade and organ trafficking. Now this literally gave goosebumps.


SSR: Suicide! Nepotism!, Depression!, Nepotism &Nepokids! Drugs, Paranormal, Murder, Hawala, Mafia, politics, politicans , AI-Tech,  pedophilia, adrenochine, child trafficking, organ trade, flesh trade.


Adrennochine also figured in international conspiracy theories which is also called as Hollywood drug, how some secret believers under called QANON started believing that USA is run by cabal of pedophila and only Trump can stop it. Before him JFK faked his death to fight this  gang from behind the curtains. World is run by reptilian aliens.

 …eeeeeeeks,, enough. Well, America is always land of conspiracies. I wonder how one guy , Advocate Vibhor could get so much information on SSR as if he had seen all live& first hand. Even if his accusations are 1% true, I donno what to say. It would totally change how you would see Bollywood again.

Suddenly Bollywood appeared like black evil dark gang leading extreme hedocnitic life of orgies , wealth, drugs, crime, underworld etc. Now here I stopped my youtube marathon. This is all conspiracies I watched on youtube. Now I wonder what if this entire SSR death was blown out of proportions by Govt itself to divert citizens attention away from economic disaster, mismanagement of China, migrant & farmer issue. To keep idle citizens busy, what if Govt threw a bone called SSR to chew upon ? We never know…

So what could be next conspiracy theory? Aliens involvement ? we never know...what do you say buddy???





Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Corona Post-2: Who are Real Heros??

Corona post 2: We all are Heros.

These days there is sufficient gaps of free time for me to waste and crib around. All corona effect. Couple of days back one of my friend in security forces forwarded me a whatsapp message stating how some Para commandos were killed in some action. I was quite surprised , how come when elite commandos got killed , no newspaper screamed for war, or news channels roared at Pakistan from depths of throats , nor any retd General in high decibel debate on right wing channel declared surgical strike?. How come nothing happened?

Virus that brought world to knees

Couple of weeks back 15 security forces were slaughtered in Naxal attack in Sukma district. The news figured in some corner of newspapers. On any other day, entire drama would have ensued on how forces had poor equipment, intel failure or one party blaming other, Akshay kumar would have extended his solidarity and some other film director planning on movie on incident. How come nothing of such sorts happened ?

The people who were killed from elite para. There was time patriotism means jawan in battle fatigues. Later it was officers of rank “Lt or Major” (I think Lt Col is more uncle for movies). Now the trend is nothing short of Maroon berets, the elite Para commandos whose legends are spoken in hush & awe. Same with police force. Earlier it was SI rank guy who could have clobbered big Don. Later it was Encounter specialists , the darling of police lore. Now its IPS officers.

Now the nation latest heros are Doctors & Health Dept who are combating tirelessly against Global contagion virus Corona. I think world for my generation hence forth would be Pre Corona and Post Corona. Well, while not taking any glory & fame from any profession, I think , public are fickle in their adulation. And also every crisis brought new Heros.

When Sept 11,2001 terror attacks happened, Fire fighters were new heros. When Mission Mars by ISRO began, Scientists were splashed in all media and our patriot Akshay kumar made movie Mission Mangalyan. (hope I got the name right. Not much into films). When Veerapan the elusive bandit was killed, Special Task Force (Tamilnadu) were glorified by Chief Minister. Post Pulwama, Indian Airforce were Warriors. (Do I hear Uri-II in pipeline?Haha). In between all don’t forget Salman khan & Sunny Deol and others as RAW agents deep in Pakistan whacking entire regiment singlehandedly. Farmer march in maharahstra brought farmers into forefront.During Demonetization , Bankers were new superheros (and we all wished we had banker friends 😊 isn’t it?.), Rest of time Tech Giants & Global Billion Dollar Corporates steal the show. And RajiniKanth is always hero who can frighten Ghosts &Aliens & Robots alike. 

Once I was talking with some pretty head who has multiple friends in all arms of Security forces who confessed: “Every security wing claims to be primary force and last line defence”. Victory would be claimed by all forces. Batkal the dreaded terror, on whom flop film “Indias most Wanted” was made, it seems every department claimed to have caught him viz Delhi team, Bihar team, Spl Ops, SSB, Police etc. My senior from Revenue Dept from college says, all these Securty forces are bombastic with little to contribute. For State , its Revenue first, Security comes second. Nation can be ruled by anyone. For common man it means nothing as we seen in history. Be it Mughals, Hindus or British, Common man just didn’t care (except few, blame it on diversity & conflicting ideologies). But Revenue dept was most sought after then and now. (District Collector is best example. Collector literally means one who collects taxes). By the way, my senior is no empty braggart. He is responsible for Govt of India securing 400 crore from tax fraud.

Farmers March in Mumbai

I guess speaking to so many people from different sectors , Public-Private-PSU, who is most important or her
o of the State? Well, I think while man with gun (Security forces) always stir up emotions of patriotism and raw courage, every department is contributing their share. State is gigantic structure every small nut & bolt is as important as pivotal structure. Remove one tiny nut, entire structure would collapse. Every organization is as important as other. There are bad apples and heros in every organization.

From other angle,  I think aam admi or common citizen is real hero. He has no super powers such as Red light on his vehicle, weapon to defend. He votes diligently , pays his taxes obediently . He faces worst discrimination on daily basis. yet hopes for brighter tomorrow. Who are these Aam Admi? Its our mothers & fathers. Its You!!     What do you say??

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona Post-1, Palm Sunday Post

As usual my alarm in my phones started buzzing hours before sun break . As I woke up I realized its Sunday and decided to relax a bit and give my routine life a break. That means eat some junk , no exercise , pamper myself a bit (like taking my weekly bath with half bucket of water (save water dude!). ..

The moment I decided to relax, body has become hyper active and fresh. I was surprised! Coz Daily it groans and comes with million excuses why it cant wear shoes for a jog or lack of time to do all chores. But today its vitality is high&mood fresh. I notice my mind is missing my diet or exercise. Mind is cunning creature. It always wants what you don’t want or have. Its like we like to go school only on holidays.

Well saying that, couple of days back I happen to know about a girl. She was just out of world or so I felt. Globe solo traveler, entrepreneur, with amazing adventurous stories adding to her life resume. Her biography was too sizzling and for a moment it stirred my amnesic  masculinity,  redundant buried brains & comatose body. Then I remembered all women in my life viz from family to half-gfs, childish crushes etc. All were hyper capable than me. And I am always at awe of them. Infact if not for their constant prodding and nagging, I would have been still a primitive caveman in some cave happily content with my stone club & cave. Every person I come across seem to be better than me. While one friend of mine takes loan to travel, I cancel tickets in less than 2 minutes out of fear of solo travel (and with heavy cancellation fees). “What a pathetic life I live”…that’s what others think…haha

@AndhraBhavan,Delhi:  Enjoying small pleasures & gifts of life.

Wait, despite of all negatives in my life when was the last time I felt sad? Not in recent memory !..when was the last time I felt miserable ? Almost never! We seem to focus on others life high points or FB pix so much that we forget great things in our own lives. Grass is not just green other side, Its also green where you focus and water. We always seem to be living on borrowed dreams. We all are heros & villans in some or other persons story. While feeling envious of someones large life-resume, I forget iam quite good in million things which probably evoke awe & envy in many others. No matter how passionate we are with our work, over a period of time it becomes monotonous. And here at this point, we look out of our lives to peep into others. Looking closely enough, we find what we want to find. Focus on things you have, you have plenty to be of gratitude; focus on bad, list would be endless misery. Its your choice. Iam sure there is no end to desires. I am not saying to lead stagnant life. Iam just saying while learning from others, stop comparing with others and be proud of whatever you are. (unless u r me..haha).

Btw to those don’t know, I lead very joyful fulfilled life effortlessly .  

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Lives before Life

Lives before this Life

I happen to listen to some story on Youtube which speaks on children who happen to remember their past lives with accuracy. There was a Indian girl child who remembered her past life and went on to identify her husband & family from past life. This story was well documented. One or two incidents could be fake.  But internet is inundated with so many that , its hard any longer to discount it. The Abrahamic religions (Judasim/islam/Christainity) speak of one life where as Asian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism ) are sure of multiple lives dating back to the beginning of life.

I personally met a south African (Vandy) of Indian origin has very interesting tale of his own past life .  Vandy is poet-spiritual gypsy who led hippie life. Dabbling with drugs and substance abuse he travelled across world before resting for few days in Nepal. Here he separated from his group and travelled to India( to die in land of his forefathers as he said). Being broke financially he lived through odd works in ashram where he met an Estonian PLR practitioner . Born as Christian he couldn’t fathom concept of past life till he experienced it. That Estonian took him to past life through hypnosis where he saw he was a bald monk in Uttar Kashi. Even Uttar kashi didn’t ring any bell as he never visited India before. Subsequently in his travels he comes to a valley and old memories beyond current life wakens. He recognizes valley, villages which he discovers it to be Uttar Kashi. Continuing what he left in past life, he joins Art of Living ashram, learns astrology, Ayurveda, yoga. Once his visa expires he goes back to South Africa to lead life of spiritual LSD (laugh, song, Dance). More about him here in this link (

With night still young and sleep nowhere in vicinity I know a person whom South african met in Aol Ashram (we all met there) born in months of cusp of Death & Birth sunsign. He claims all his current life tendencies attributed to his past life. On probing further how he could figure it out, PLR (Past life regression) was his reply. I know PLR works to some , doesn’t work to many, and quite a lot fake through claiming themselves as kings or heros of past. None say they were pig or criminal or ordinary person ever. All kings & Knights.

He speaks how PLR took him from Human to animal to back to plant life. How far is it true is not something neither he or me could vouch for. But its interesting to hear.

As he went back to his past even as he was aware of his surroundings during PLR, he could see himself as Buddhist woman from Tibet wearing all warm clothes in a hut. In another life time , he was army general . Though born during war, he was more administrator or back office guy than a combatant. Going deeper he was a painter in kings court showing off his colourful paintings. Much further he was some roman soldier killed by spear. Moving more further he was fish in water and even before that he was small innocuous plant in a Gurujis ashram.

What went from weird to bizarre was the link he made all above stories to current life. In this current life his inclination to Tibetan Buddhist teachings, Painting & spiritual affiliation to Art of Living was linked back to his life  Tibetan woman and plant in ashram (Ashram in past life was of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar as he claims) , voracious appetite to Nazi Germany and World war 2  history continued to extent that he took military machinations like duck to water to get into paramilitary in this life. Born in cusp, his love for life in all kinds & spiritual life contravenes his job of unspiritual deeds. The twain still not met or came in terms with each other.

Did soul carry old tendencies to new Life? Maybe, as he says he never took classes in art nor worked hard in current job or tried to break head to understand spiritual esoteric studies. All came naturally from birth with little or no effort. How far is it true? I have no clue but sounded interesting when I first heard of it.  Hope you enjoyed it..What do you say??

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Just wondering..

      I always wondered how few lines on paper can change course of history & change the future. Either of one person or country or entire humanity. Books that have ability to become agents of change.

Paulo coelho took only 18 days to finish "Alchemist " and it will influence for next 18 generations. Jules Verne wrote "20,000 leagues under the sea" and other exalted sci-fi books in 18th century when nòne of machines he wrote about were, even existed (that included Submarine & spacecraft's that influenced scientists in future).While "Holy Bible" continues to influence humanity , Das Capital & communist manifesto almost brought world on brink of world war. Not forgetting Books like Walden & Bagavatgita strengthened the will of Mahatma Gandhi to put curtains to British colonialism. Harry Potter books brought back millions of kids to read books and pull them away from online world and books like Autobiography of yogi , inspired world on Indian spirituality. If Mein Kampf by Hitler brought anger, Books by Dalai lama & Neslon Mandela brought awe in people..

I truly wonder how a person can write such inspiring books indeed..

The phenomenon called Chanchal

 Like breeze you came Like breeze you left. In between you created uncontrollable tornado. How & where we met is forgotten but impact ...